

Preparation, Characterization and Performance of Sulfur-Tolerant Pt-based Catalysts for Reforming of Gasoline/Diesel-Fuel to Produce Hydrogen

【作者】 薛青松

【导师】 何鸣元; 路勇;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 物理化学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 H2—O2质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)是一项高效环保技术,在燃料电池汽车和散布式电源等方面有巨大的市场前景。由于储氢技术和加氢站距离规模化应用还遥遥无期,基于烃类重整的可移动或站制氢系统的研究开发已成为当前燃料电池领域最具挑战性的课题,其中开发具有优异抗硫性能的催化剂是难点之一。本文研制了一种抗硫中毒汽油/柴油重整制氢Gd2O3助剂改性的Pt/CeO2-Al2O3催化剂,在水蒸气重整/自热重整含硫158~1050μg/g汽油/柴油的反应中,表现出优异的重整活性和抗硫中毒稳定性。利用H2-TPR、XRD、BET、In-situ DRIFTS和脉冲反应等表征手段对Pt/(Gd2O3)-CeO2-Al2O3催化剂抗硫中毒的本质进行了较详细的研究,并提出了有机硫可能的转化途径。第一部分,用分步初湿浸渍法制备Pt/CeO2-Al2O3催化剂,以含硫300μg/g的异辛烷为模型汽油,在固定床反应器上考察了Pt/CeO2-Al2O3催化剂水蒸气重整的反应性能,在优化的反应条件(反应温度800℃、水与原料中碳的摩尔比5.3、重时空速1.0 h-1)下,优化配方的催化剂(γ-Al2O3上先负载CeO2并于450℃焙烧后再负载Pt,然后于600℃焙烧制得,其中CeO2和Pt的负载量分别为15 wt%和0.8 wt%)上进行了100 h的稳定性考察,发现异辛烷转化率在反应前40 h接近100%,之后略有下降并稳定在95%以上,产物中H2的摩尔分数在~75%,CH4的摩尔分数低于1.0%。并用H2-TPR表征手段证实,在水蒸气重整条件下,Pt/CeO2-Al2O3催化剂中Pt—Ce—Al三者间好的协同作用促进有机硫快速转化生成H2S,抑制硫物种在催化剂表面的沉积。第二部分,Pt/CeO2-Al2O3催化剂上水蒸气重整甲苯、正庚烷、1-辛烯和环己烷的反应结果表明,300μg/g硫存在时芳香烃和环烷烃较难转化,烯烃易产生积碳,导致催化剂在水蒸气重整零售汽油时活性及稳定性较差。基于Pt/CeO2-Al2O3催化剂中CeO2的表面晶格氧在O2中比在水蒸气中容易恢复的事实,在优化了反应条件下,考察了Pt/CeO2-Al2O3催化剂自热重整含硫158~500μg/g模型汽油/零售汽油的反应,达到了明显改善催化剂反应稳定性的预期结果。第三部分,通过引入少量Gd2O3,对Pt/CeO2-Al2O3催化剂进行改性,采用分步初湿浸渍法先负载CeO2后负载Gd2O3制得改性的Al2O3载体,再在上述改性载体上浸渍Pt,制得Gd2O3、CeO2和Pt含量分别为1.6 wt%,15 wt%和1.2 wt%的催化剂,明显加强了Pt-CeO2间的相互作用,抑制了Pt及CeO2的烧结,增强了Pt的缺电子性,在自热重整含158μg/g硫的零售汽油1000 h中,汽油达100%转化,反应300 h后缓慢下降至95%并稳定至反应结束,干气中H2的摩尔分数一直维持在~67%,甲烷的浓度最终控制在0.6%以下。此外,在水蒸气重整含硫300μg/g的异辛烷250 h和自热重整含硫1050μg/g的零售柴油130 h的反应中,也表现出很好的活性/稳定性。第四部分,采用XRD、H2-TPR、in situ DRIFTS表征手段研究了催化剂结构-性能间的规律关系。结果表明,在水蒸气/自热重整反应条件下,发现Pt/(Gd2O3)-CeO2-Al2O3催化剂在反应条件下存在2CeO2+Al2O3(?)2CeAlO3+[O]的可逆相转移作用,并发现这种作用对抑制Pt的团聚和CeO2的不可逆烧结、促进水(O2)的活化和晶格氧的传输具有独特效果,进而导致催化剂具有出色的反应稳定性。此外,Gd2O3助剂可明显强化这一过程,从而促进了催化剂表面积碳和沉积硫的快速转化。第五部分,采用四极杆质谱在线检测,以SO2、噻吩为模型硫化物,通过脉冲反应技术,考察了Pt/Gd2O3-CeO2-Al2O3催化剂上有机硫的转化途径。研究发现,在水蒸气重整/自热重整条件下,有机硫在Pt/Gd2O3-CeO2-Al2O3催化剂上的转化遵循氧化还原机理:(1)有机硫先沉积在催化剂的表面;(2)在H2O或/和O2的作用下深度氧化成吸附态SOx;(3)再在还原气氛中还原生成H2S。

【Abstract】 H2-O2 fuel cells are most promising alternatives for both stationary power plantsand mobile power systems due to the increasing concern about environmental andpollution problems.Until widespread hydrogen refueling infrastructure exists,however,hydrogen production technology appears to be a practical option in amedium-short perspective starting from a commercial-grade high energy densityliquid hydrocarbon fuels such as gasoline/diesel oil.Gasoline/diesel oil fuelprocessing technologies have been intensively developed for both on board and offboard applications because of the convenient system of service station.Nevertheless,the sulfur tolerance of reforming catalysts remains a particularly challenging area.Sulfur-tolerant catalyst Pt/CeO2-Al2O3 was developed by stepwise incipientwetness impregnation (IWI) method and modified with Gd2O3 additive,and exhibitedexcellent high catalytic activity and good sulfur tolerance stability for high efficiencyH2 production from steam reforming (SR)/autothermal reforming (ATR) of gasoline/ diesel oil containing 158~1 050μg/g sulfur.Characterization technologies such asH2-TPR,XRD,N2-BET,in situ DRIFTS and pulse reaction were employed to studythe structure-performance relationship sulfur-tolerant Pt/Gd2O3-CeO2-Al2O3 catalyst.In addition,the organo-sulfur transformation chemistry was also discussed.In the first part,the effects of catalyst preparation parameters (e.g.,CeO2 content,Pt content and calcination temperature of catalyst) and reaction conditions wereinvestigated on the performance of Pt/CeO2-Al2O3 for SR of iso-octane with 300μg/gsulfur of thiophene.Under optimal reaction conditions (reaction temperature of 800℃,molar steam-to-carbon ratio of 5.3,and a iso-octane-equivalent WHSV of 1.0 h-1),the 0.8wt%Pt/15wt%CeO2-Al2O3 catalyst prepared by stepwise incipient wetnessimpregnation method (CeO2 first (calcined at 450℃) and Pt then (calcined at 600℃)was the best one and demonstrated excellent catalytic activity and stability during a100 h run.The conversion of iso-octane was almost sustained at 100% within the first 40 h and then decreased slowly to 95% throughout the test while H2 concentrationremained at 75% with a CH4 concentration less than 1%.H2-TPR experiments forPt/CeO2-Al2O3 catalysts were carried out in detail to reveal the strong interactionbetween Pt and CeO2-Al2O3 support.By correlating the reaction results with theinformation provided by the H2-TPR experiments,it is suggested that good synergisticeffect of Pt-Ce-Al existed in that optimalized catalyst,which might ficilitate theconversion of organo-sulfur into H2S and therefore the deposition of sulfur poisonspecies on the catalyst surface would be suppressed.In the second part,it was found that the stability and sulfur tolerance of thePt/CeO2-Al2O3 catalyst in the SR of iso-octane with 300μg/g sulfur was better thanthat in the SR of retail gasoline.SR of various typical model fractions of gasoline (e.g.,toluene,n-heptane,1-octene and cyclohexane),with or without sulfur,was carried outto reveal why the Pt/CeO2-Al2O3 catalyst could work well in the steam reforming ofthe iso-octane fuel but not in the reforming of retail gasoline in the presence of 300ppm sulfur.The real reason seems lied in that the aromatics and cyclohydrocarbonswere converted difficultly and carbon deposition was produced easily from alkenes inthe presence of sulfur in the steam reforming of the retail gasoline.Especially,theH2-TPR results indicated that the Ce3+ in the reduced Pt/CeO2-Al2O3 catalyst could beretrieved to highly active state of CeO2 by reacting with O2 rather than H2O.Accordingly,catalyst stability for the ATR of gasoline was tested in the presence ofsulfur under the optimal reaction conditions.As expected,the optimizedPt/CeO2-Al2O3 catalyst showed dramatic improvement of the reaction stability in theATR process.In the third part,Pt/CeO2-Al2O3 catalysts modified with Gd2O3 additive wereprepared.The Al2O3 supports was pre-impregnated with Ce and Gd nitrates to 15 wt%CeO2 and 1.6 wt% Gd2O3 and calcined at 450℃.Pt was then placed onto the aboveresulting composite supports by incipient wetness impregnation method and calcinedat 600℃.It was found that Gd2O3 additive promoted the interaction between Pt andCeO2 at their interface in the Pt/Gd2O3-CeO2-Al2O3 (for support preparation:CeO2first and Gd2O3 then),suppressed the sintering of both Pt and CeO2,and enhanced electron-deficiency of Pt sites.The resulting catalyst showed high reactivity andexcellent stability in ATR of retail gasoline containing 158~500μg/g sulfur.A 1000-htest showed that gasoline conversion was slowly decreased to 95% after 300-h runand then remained at~95% throughout the test,while H2 fraction in reformateremained at~67% with a CH4 fraction less than 0.6%.Furthermore,this optimalizedcatalyst also exhibited excellent activity and sulfur-tolerance stability for both SR ofiso-octane with 300μg/g sulfur during 250 h test and ATR of retail diesel with 1 050μg/g sulfur during 130 h test.In the fourth part,XRD,H2-TPR,in situ DRFITS characterization techniqueswere employed to study the structure-performance relationship for thePt/(Gd2O3)-CeO2-Al2O3 catalyst.During the reaction,in the Pt/(Gd2O3)-CeO2-Al2O3catalysts a reversible phase transfer process was presented:2CeO2+Al2O3←→2CeAlO3+[O].This resulted in unique benefitial effects including significantlysuppressing the Pt sintering and CeO2 aggregation,promoting the activation ofH2O/O2 as well as the transformation of active O species.It should be noted that theGd2O3 additives could significantly promote this reversible phase transfer processs inthe catalyst thereby significantly facilitating the conversion of carbon and sulfurdeposits on the catalyst surface.In the last part,the organo-sulfur transformation chemistry on the sulfur-tolerantPt catalysts in the reforming reaction was tentatively studied by the pulse reactiontechnique using thiophene and SO2 as probe molecules.During the reaction,it wasfound that organo-sulfur compounds were completely converted into H2S whilecomplying with a redox mechanism,including three steps:(1)deposition on thecatalyst surface as coke format,(2)oxidation of coke to form COx and SOx(ad),and(3)hydrogenation of SOx(ad) to form H2S.


