

Study on the Sustainable Development of Urban Agriculture in Shanghai

【作者】 邓楚雄

【导师】 吴永兴;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 无论是从保障城市食品供给安全、维持经济社会稳定、实现城乡统筹协调发展,还是从满足城市居民多元精神文化需求、改善城市生态环境、增强城市宜居性、提升城市形象的角度考虑,都市农业都是上海作为国际化大都市不可或缺的基础性产业。自20世纪90年代中期开展都市农业实践以来,在政府合理导向、支持与城市对农业多方面需求的拉动下,上海农业加速由城郊农业向都市农业转变,都市农业发展成绩喜人,对区域经济社会持续发展支撑作用明显。然而,随着区域经济的高速发展,社会各项事业建设的全面开展,上海都市农业发展面临着农地资源急剧减少、农业生态环境压力大、农业经济地位显著下降、农户农业生产经营积极性不高等一系列问题,现代都市农业持续发展任重道远。在此背景下,以可持续发展理念为指导,对上海都市农业发展进行实证研究,不仅有利于上海都市农业的持续、健康、有序、全面发展,而且也为国内蓬勃发展的都市农业实践提供可资借鉴的经验。论文以大量的统计数据、调查数据、文献资料等相关资料为基础,理论探讨与实证研究相结合、定性分析与定量评价相结合、典型分析(调查)与面上分析相结合、比较分析与逻辑归纳相结合等方法,按照历史、现状、未来与压力、状态、响应的逻辑主线,对上海都市农业可持续发展进行研究。任何产业的发展不是一蹴而就,均存在历史惯性和继承性,孤立或静止地从现状的角度谋划未来产业的发展,必然存在一定程度上的缺陷与不足。都市农业是在乡村农业、城郊农业的基础上,经历了长时间的孕育、准备阶段而逐步成长、发展起来的一种现代农业地域类型。从纵向历史的视角考察农业经济地位、产业结构、生产布局、功能作用的演变和都市农业发展的现状特征,结果表明:建国以来上海农业总产值呈连年上升的态势,但对国民经济和农户家庭收入的贡献率持续下降;产业结构由乡村农业发展阶段以种植业为主,城郊农业发展阶段以种植业与畜牧业为主,逐步演进到都市农业发展阶段以种植业为主,畜牧业和渔业并重发展的特征;生产布局由宏观简单逐步变得间杂多样,主要农副产品种养基地逐渐向中远郊转移;功能作用由乡村农业发展阶段以粮、棉、猪等大宗农产品生产为主,城郊农业发展阶段以为城市生产主要副食产品为主,逐步演变到都市农业发展阶段既要保障城镇居民基本农副产品供给安全和丰富多样性的消费需求,又要满足城乡居民多元化的社会精神文化需求,还要为城市提供生态保障,农业多功能性逐步得到良好的展现与发挥;都市农业结构、布局趋于合理,功能不断拓展,现代农业发展取得阶段性成果。任何新生事物产生、发展都是有动因的。在上海农业由城郊农业加速向现代都市农业转型和都市农业建设实践过程中,经济体制的日趋宽松与农业产业政策的合理导向;城镇化进程的快速推进与城乡关系的日趋融洽;农业衍生功能的不断开发与农业科技含量的逐步提高;农业产业化经营的稳步推进与各级、各类现代农业园区的积极建设等一系列内外生力量的综合作用推动着现代都市农业快速、持续发展。通过定量综合评价及其结果分析发现,经过十多年的建设与发展,上海都市农业可持续发展能力增强态势明显,可持续发展能力综合评价指数经过前期波动式增减后,由1998年的0.4015稳步上升到2006年的0.5619;人口子系统可持续发展评价值波浪式下降,综合考虑本地劳动力老龄化、兼业现象、农业生产技能短缺、外来劳动力进驻本地农业生产领域、农业劳动力文化素质提高缓慢等因素,人口子系统逐步成为都市农业可持续发展能力提高的主要障碍因素之一;经济、社会子系统评价值经过前期交替式升降,2000年以来持续稳定增加,经济和社会子系统已成为都市农业可持续发展能力提高的主要贡献因子;资源子系统评价值下降趋势明显,农地资源短缺且持续减少已成为都市农业可持续发展的主要制约因素;环境子系统评价值增加幅度不大,化肥、农药的超量施用仍不利于都市农业可持续发展能力的提高;都市农业可持续发展的R-D综合指数值较小,均值为1.9090,且下降态势明显,都市农业可持续发展的资源压力较大,而且还将进一步加剧;都市农业可持续发展的E-D综合指数值小,基本维持在1左右,都市农业可持续发展的环境压力大,但趋于稳定。目前,上海都市农业可持续发展的优势突出、劣势明显,机遇与挑战并存。运用SWOT分析方法,结合定量综合评价结果的剖析,挖掘出了近期上海都市农业可持续发展应着重解决的几个较为突出的问题:现代农业生产经营主体弱化,农业发展后继乏人;粮食生产比较效益低下,农户种粮积极性不高;农地承包经营权流转缓慢,农业规模化经营与产业化发展受阻;耕地资源持续减少,农业发展空间不断缩减;农业生产自身污染较为严重,农业生态环境不容乐观。在以上研究的基础上,根据区域经济社会发展对农业的需求和现代农业发展的时代要求,从总体目标与功能定位;产业结构调整、组织与发展导向;主要产业发展与重点领域;发展空间整合;几个较为突出问题解决设想等几个方面提出了上海都市农业可持续发展的近期构想。

【Abstract】 Seen from the guarantee of the safety of food provision, the maintenance of social stability, the realization of the concerted and balanced development of urban and rural area, or from the fulfillment of the diversified cultural needs of the city dwellers, the improvement of the eco-environment of the city, the strengthening of the amenity of living of the city, the enhancement of city image, urban agriculture is an indispensable and basic industry for Shanghai, a metropolis. Since the urban agricultural practice in the mid-1990s, Shanghai’s agriculture, under the reasonable direction, support of the government and pushed by the various urban demands, has gained on speed in its shift from suburb agriculture to urban agriculture. Urban agriculture has witnessed an exciting development, giving obvious support to the sustainable development of the regional economy. Nevertheless, with the rapid development of the regional economy and the full execution of the various social project, the urban agriculture in Shanghai has encountered a series of problems such as rapid shrink of the agriculture resources, high pressure on eco-environment of agriculture, lowering of the status of agricultural economy, lack of initiative in the management of agricultural production. Hence, the development of the urban agriculture in Shanghai has a long way to go. In this background, guided by the idea of sustainable development, an empirical study of the development of Shanghai’s urban agriculture not only contributes to its sustainable, healthy, orderly, all-around development but also provides for the vigorous development of urban agriculture in China the experiences for reference.Based on a large amount of relevant materials such as statistic data, survey data, literature, and with the adoption of methods combining theoretical investigation and empirical study, qualitative analysis and quantitative evaluation, canonical analysis and surface analysis, comparative analysis and logic induction, and taking history, current situation, future and pressure, state, response as a logic thread, this dissertation studies on the sustainable development of Shanghai’s urban agriculture.The development of any industry can not be completed instantly and has its inertia and historical continuity. Any isolated or static thinking about current situation will definitely have its shortcomings. Urban agriculture is a modern agriculture territorial type, one developed gradually from the embryonic and preparational stage and on the basis of rural and suburb agriculture. A review of the evolution of the economic status, industrial structure, production distribution, function of the agricultural and current character of urban agriculture in Shanghai from a historical angle of view shows the following results: since 1949 the total value of agriculture production has increased year on year, but its contribution rate to the economy and the income of the family has undergone a steady decline; the structure of agriculture industry has evolved from mainly planting in the rural stage to mainly planting and livestock husbandry in the suburb stage to mainly planting with equal emphasis on livestock husbandry and fishing in urban agriculture stage; the production distribution has evolved from simplicity to multiplicity; the function of agriculture industry has evolved from the produce of staple food such as grain, cotton and live pig in the rural stage to the provision of non-staple food in the suburb stage and to the gradual and sound realization of the multifunction of agriculture in the urban stage, thus ensuring the safety of agricultural by products and varied consumption of the city dwellers, satisfying the diversified social and cultural demands of urban and rural inhabitants, offering eco-protection for the city.The emergence of any new things has their motivations. In the rapid process from suburb agriculture to modern urban agriculture and in the sustainable development of urban agriculture, Shanghai’s agriculture has been pushed ahead by the following factors: the increasingly relaxed control of the economic system and the reasonable guide of the policy of agriculture industry; the fast pace of urbanization and the harmonious relationship between the urban and rural area; the increase in the derivative functions of agriculture and in the agricultural level of science and technology; the steady development of agricultural industrialization and the vigorous construction of modern agricultural zone at various level and of various sort;Through quantitative comprehensive evaluation and analyse its result in this dissertation shows us the following conclusions: after ten years development, the sustainability of Shanghai’s urban agriculture has been increased dramatically, with the previously fluctuating sustainability index increased from 0.4015 in 1998 to 0.5619 in 2006; the evaluation value of the sustainable development of subsystem of the population has a wave-like decrease, given the aging of Shanghai’s labor, moonlighting, lack of agricultural skills, the influx of migrant workers into the Shanghai’s agricultural sector, the slowness in the improvement of the culture quality of the agricultural labor, the subsystem of the population has become a major hindrance to improve the sustainability of urban agriculture; after the previous ups and downs and the continued and steady increase since 2000, the economic and social subsystem has become the major contributor to improve the sustainability of urban agriculture; the subsystem of resources has witnessed a marked decline, the shortage and steady decline in the resources of agricultural land has become a major restrictive factor to the development of urban agriculture; the evaluative value of the subsystem of environment has not increased by a large margin, with overuse of fertilizer and pesticide still having the negative impact on enhance the sustainability development of urban agriculture; the R-D comprehensive index is relatively small, the average being 1.9090 and still in a obvious decline, so the resources pressure on the urban agriculture is heavy and will be heavier; the E-D comprehensive index is small, staying at 1 and the environmental pressure on the sustainable development of urban industry is heavy, yet stable.At present, the sustainable development of Shanghai’s urban agriculture has both its opportunities and challenges, with strong advantages and obvious shortcomings. Using the SWOT method for analysis, combining the results from the qualitative evaluation, this dissertation points out some urgent problems to be earnestly tackled: the weakening of the producing and managing agent of modern agriculture, lack of successors to the agriculture production; the relatively low efficiency of grain production and lack of initiative to grow grain on the part of farmers; slowness in the transfer of the rights of land management contract and the consequent slowness in the scale and industrialization of agriculture; the decrease in the arable resources and the narrowing scope for agriculture development; a severe pollution in agriculture production and a unpromising prospect for the eco-environment of agriculture.On the basis of the above study, this dissertation puts forward some suggestions for the development of Shanghai’s urban agriculture in the near future from the following aspects: the overall objective and function orientation; the restructuring of agriculture industry, organization and direction for development; key sectors and fields for development; area redistribution and layout for the major sectors; the tentative suggestions for the solution of some prominent problems.

  • 【分类号】F327;F224
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】2552
  • 攻读期成果

