

The Study of the Rural Education in Southern Jiangsu from 1905 to 1937

【作者】 杨娟

【导师】 黄书光;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国教育史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 百余年来社会发展的实践表明,中国实现现代化的难点在农村。农业、农民和农村始终是我国现代化建设的薄弱环节和关键要素,如何实现三农的现代化已成为当代中国社会的一项十分重要且迫切的任务。论文在辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的指导下,借鉴历史学、社会学、文化学、经济学等多学科的理论,运用区域研究、文献分析、访谈口述、个案考察、历史比较等研究方法,以1905-1937年的苏南乡村教育作为研究对象,分析在相对发达的区域经济、社会、文化条件下的乡村教育现代化发展脉络,努力揭示苏南乡村教育现代化的内在逻辑与基本特点,深入探讨教育与区域现代化发展的复杂互动关系。全文由绪论、正文和结语三部分组成。在绪论中,简要说明了论文的选题缘由、观察视野、分析理路、研究方法等,并对论文的重要概念、时间断限、地域范围作了界定。正文分为六章。第一章,从“整体的历史”视角出发,论述了苏南乡村传统教育的生态环境。分析了苏南区域优越的自然环境、活跃的商品经济、深厚的传统文化、多彩的教育资源以及它们对乡村教育现代化所产生的可能影响。第二章,从历史纵向的视野梳理和探讨了1905年到1937年这段历史时期的苏南乡村教育发展。依据教育宗旨和发展态势的特点,将之划分为三个阶段:1905—1911年为苏南乡村教育的现代化起步阶段、1912—1927年为发展时期、1928-1937年为停滞与反思时期。第三章与第四章,是论文的主体部分,着重对传统与现代性在乡村教育现代化进程中的作用进行文化考察。对于文化传统的考察,选取乡村士绅、乡民、现代教师作为切入点,通过他们的活动与文化选择,阐述传统在苏南乡村教育的现代化过程中发挥的复杂作用。在第四章的现代性考察中,苏南乡镇的工业化、城镇化一方面促进了乡村教育的现代化发展,另一方面形成了城乡教育的差距,进而产生了城乡教育的冲突。因此,在“传统—现代”的结构中,苏南乡村教育形成了新旧杂糅的“半截子”现代化特点。第五章,从现代化发展的角度分析苏南区域的乡村教育运动。文中指出这是一部分有着深厚人文关怀的知识分子所作的现代化努力,他们于以工业化为主导,城市化为中心的政府现代化道路外另辟蹊径,从乡村社会出发,以教育为途径,去谋求整个中国社会的现代化。苏南区域的乡村教育运动对当时以及今天的中国农村教育发展均产生了十分重要的影响。第六章,通过苏北、苏南乡村教育现代化的区域比较,努力探讨乡村教育现代化的区域文化特点和地理环境因素。通过教育生态系统、区域文化性格、现代化发展过程等方面的理论比较,更为清晰地展示苏南乡村教育现代化的本土生态优势,以及教育与经济、文化等社会系统的良性互动过程。最后是结语部分。论文总结了1905年-1937年苏南乡村教育现代化的基本特点,指出苏南乡村教育的现代化过程中,理应善于利用中国的深厚文化传统,积极适应快速的现代化变革,实现教育与区域经济、社会的协调发展,以期为中国现代化发展提供了丰富的区域教育资源与必要的历史文化借鉴。

【Abstract】 The practice of more than a century of the society’s development shows the difficulty point forChina to realize modernization is in countryside.Agriculture,farmer and rural have always been theweak links and key elements for Chinese modernize construction.How to realize the modernization ofAgriculture-farmer-countryside has become one of the most important and urgent tasks now.Under theguidance of dialectical materialism and historical materialism,this thesis focuses on rural education inSouthern Jiangsu from 1905 to 1937 with referring to history,sociology,culturology,economics andmany other theories,using regional researches,literature analyzes,oral interviews,case investigations,historic compares and other methods.It analyzes the rural education modernization developingskeleton in condition of relatively well-developed economic,society and culture,tries to reveal itsintrinsic logics and basic characteristics,and deeply investigates the complex interaction betweeneducation and region modernization developing.This paper is organized in three parts:the preface,themain body and the conclusion.In the preface,the thesis briefly describes the origin of the subject,the field of view,and researchmethodology;it also defines the conceptions,time period and region scope of this thesis.The main body is divided into six chapters.The first chapter,from the overall historical perspective,describes the ecological environment oftraditional rural education in Southern Jiangsu,analyzes the superior natural environment in SouthernJiangsu,the active commodity economy,the strong traditional culture,the multiple educationalresources and their possible impacts on modernization of rural education.The second chapter,from the vertical historic field of view,discusses the development of ruraleducation in Southern Jiangsu of 1905 to 1937.In accordance with the education purposes andcharacteristics of the situation,it will be divided into three stages:the initial stage from 1905 to 1911,the developing stage from 1912 to 1927,and the stagnant and reflective stage from 1928 to 1937.ChapterⅢand chapterⅣare the main part of the thesis.We focus on investigating the effect oftraditional and modernize on the process of modernization in rural education.As for the traditionalculture study,we select rural gentry,the villages and the modern teachers as a starting point.Throughtheir activity and cultural selection,we describe the complex role that traditional education playsduring the process of rural education modernization in South Jiangsu.The modernization study isdescribed in ChapterⅣ.With the industrialization and urbanization of towns in Southern Jiangsu,it, on the one hand,promotes the modernization of rural education development,but result in gapsbetween urban and rural areas on the other hand,which then leads to the confliction between them.Therefore,in the“traditional-modem”structure,the Southern Jiangsu rural education forms old andnew mixed“Ban Jie zi”modem feature.ChapterⅤ,from the point of view of modernization development,analyzes the rural educationactivity of Southern Jiangsu.It points out that this is the modernization efforts made by parts ofintellectuals with deep humanistic concern.They forsake the government modernization way whichfocus on industrialization and centralize on city,start form the rural society,use education as approach,try to seek the modernization of China as a whole.The Southern Jiangsu rural education activity hashad an important impact on the development of rural education in China at that time as well as today.The sixth chapter,through the comparison of rural education modernization between the NorthernJiangsu and Southern Jiangsu,tries to discuss the regional cultural characteristics and geographicenvironment factors of rural education modernization.After compare among the education ecosystems,regional cultural character and the process of modernization,it shows the local advantages ofmodernization of rural education in Southern Jiangsu more clearly,as well as the positive interactionsamong education,economic,cultural and other social systems.The conclusion,the final part,summaries the basic characteristics of Southern Jiangsu ruraleducation modernization in 1905-1937,points out that during the process of Southern Jiangsu ruraleducation modernization,we should take advantage of the profound Chinese culture and traditions,and actively adapt to the rapid changes in the modernization,realize the development of education andregional economy coordinately,so as to provide a rich educational resources and necessary historicand cultural reference for the development of Chinese modernization.

  • 【分类号】G529
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】732

