

A Study on Yuanjianleihan

【作者】 戴建国

【导师】 刘永翔;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 康熙帝是中国古代极有作为的帝王之一,他的右文政策无疑推进了康乾盛世的形成,大量官修类书便是他尚文的重要举措。《渊鉴类函》乃学者一百三十六人汇集前代众多类书及四部书籍而成的一个浩大文化工程。在《御制〈渊鉴类函〉序》中,康熙称这部集“獭祭”之大成的类书,特别有益于文人的文事,而且期望《渊鉴类函》能达到文治、道德之作为。《渊鉴类函》的编印有其实际意义与学术价值,很有研究的必要。《渊鉴类函》自刻印起就流传开来,延续到民国初,之后,就大有无人问津的凄凉境况。纵观国内外,对《渊鉴类函》研究几乎还普遍停滞于基本介绍阶段,本文将着重从文本角度对《渊鉴类函》进行研究,考察其文献价值以及在类书史上的意义。第一章,历代类书概述。对《渊鉴类函》之前的历代类书进行横向的与纵向的阐述,以期起到追本溯源的作用。第二章,《渊鉴类函》编修考。《渊鉴类函》的编撰,当然离不开清初官修大型类书的文化氛围,其编修,还需要从编撰者、图书各构成要素以及类书编辑方法予以分析。第三章,《渊鉴类函》版本考。《渊鉴类函》的版本流传不甚复杂,但它也反映出了清代刻书业的发展脉络,又较好地展示了清代三百年中官刻、家刻和坊刻三大系统的流变状况。第四章,《渊鉴类函》体例考。对《渊鉴类函》和《太平御览》的菜部、药部在分部、序类、搜采、剪裁四个方面的比较,可见,《渊鉴类函》编撰体例得益于《太平御览》不少。第五章,《渊鉴类函》类目考。《渊鉴类函》的类目,不是对其蓝本《唐类函》类目的简单袭用排比,而是体现了科学分类的特征,在接纳了新知之时,还隐含着当时思想上的因子。第六章,《渊鉴类函》引文考。以《渊鉴类函》文学部引《初学记》文部为例,将更清楚地发现《渊鉴类函》引文的特点和价值所在。第七章,《渊鉴类函》方志考。《渊鉴类函》对方志文献的辑录,有它特殊的意义和作用:一方面体现在两者的编撰上,另一方面是它分类辑录了大量的唐、宋总志文献。第八章,《渊鉴类函》文学考。《渊鉴类函》文学部之“文学”,重“文”更重“学”,文学在追求艺术化的同时,也在走向学术化,这些便成为清初文学的鲜明特点。结语。《渊鉴类函》有文化传存意义:就文本本身而言,有其文献价值,因而它不断得以流传;就文本形式而言,《渊鉴类函》的体例对当今古籍数字化的建设具有指导性作用。

【Abstract】 Emperor Kang Xi was one of the most accomplished emperors in ancient China.His policies of honoring culture,one important act of which was officially compilingencyclopedia,undoubtedly helped promote the times of peace and prosperity in KangXi and Qian Long dynasties.Yuanjianleihan,compiled by 136 talented scholars of thetime,collected the encyclopedias and the four classics of previous dynasties and madea huge cultural achievement available.In the Emperor’s preface,Emperor Kang Xiwrote that this encyclopedia of emulation and imitation would especially benefit thescholar activities and that he hoped Yuanjianleihan could achieve success in civiladministration and morality.The compilation and press of Yuanjianleihan were ofgreat significance realistically and scholastically and deserves our study.Since its publication,Yuanjianleihan had been widely circulated until the earlyRepublic of China.Then seldom were any interests shown in it.Looking home andabroad,studies on Yuanjianleihan remain generally at the basic introduction stage.The thesis will study,in its text viewpoint,its documentary value and its significancein the encyclopedia history.Chapter One,Summary of encyclopedias in the past dynasties.An elaboration ofencyclopedias before Yuanjianleihan in order to trace to its origin.Chapter Two,Study of its compilation.The compilation of Yuanjianleihan beingthe result of the cultural atmosphere of the early Qing Dynasty when officialcompilation of encyclopedias was popular,the study covers the analysis ofcompilers,constitutional elements of books and compiling methods of encyclopedias.Chapter Three,Examination of its versions.Though Yuanjianleihan did not havemany versions,it also reflected the development ofphotoxylography in Qing Dynastyand the development of official,family and workshop incriptions.Chapter Four,Study on its style.By comparing the subsection,classification,compilation and pruning of the Vegetables Kind and the Medicine Kind inYuanjianleihan and Taipingyulan,we can see Yuanjianleihan emulated Taipingyulanin layout.Chapter Five,Study on its classification.Yuanjianleihan was not a simply duplicatein classification of its blueprint Tangleihan.Instead it reflected scientific classification.Meanwhile it adopted knowledge of the time and connoted the ideological factors ofthe time.Chapter Six,Study on its quotations.Take the example of Literature Kind whichquoted the Literary Kind of Chuxueji,we’ll clearly see the characteristics and value ofthe quotations in Yuanjianleihan.Chapter Seven,Study on its chorography.The compilation of chorographydocuments into Yuanjianleihan was of special signification and effect.This wasreflected on the compilation of the local chronicles and encyclopedias.On the otherhand,it classified lots of chorography documents in Tang and Song Dynasties.Chapter Eight,Study on its literature.The literature collected in the Literature Kind values literary grace but values scholastic approach more.It was a distinct feature ofthe literature in early Qing Dynasty that,while pursuing artistry,literature also movedtoward its academic nature.Summary.Yuanjianleihan is culturally of inheritable significance.Its contents havedocumentary value and thus is able to continue circulation.As for its literary form,itsstyle plays an instructive role in today’s digitization of Chinese ancient books.

【关键词】 渊鉴类函类书文本文献文学
【Key words】 Yuanjianleihanencyclopediatextdocumentsliterature
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】458

