

Translation and the Development of Modern Chinese (1905-1936)

【作者】 朱一凡

【导师】 潘文国;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 语言学与应用语言学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 1905到1936对于现代汉语而言,是至关重要的三十年,这一时期在翻译影响下建立起的现代汉语,决定了以后几十年间流行于知识界的现代汉语书面语的基本面貌。由于所处时代的特殊性,汉语的现代化也是当时政治、社会、文化运动的一部分,因此本论文试图把这一时期的语言研究放回到其所处的文化大环境中进行讨论,考察在这种特殊的社会文化背景下翻译是如何推进汉语的现代化的,并依托于大规模语料库对欧化的可能性和限度问题进行了探讨。本研究赋予了语言接触研究新的文化视角,并对语言接触带来语言演变的限度进行了探讨,丰富了语言接触理论。全文共分七章第一章绪论。从文学、文化视角、以及语言学视角介绍了研究的历史和现状,并对研究的方法和论文的架构和内容进行了描述。第二章翻译与语言。纵观中外的翻译史,翻译都曾经对译入语国家的语言产生过影响。在世界翻译史上,马丁·路德的《圣经》德译本直接促成了德语的统一,英语则在不同的发展时期都受到翻译的影响,而翻译对俄语和日语的发展也都发挥过极大的推动作用。在中国的历史上,翻译同样对汉语的发展产生过极大的影响,中国历时近千年的佛经翻译对汉语的巨大影响就是明证,此外,明末清初的科技翻译、鸦片战争以后的西学翻译、以及《圣经》翻译都对汉语产生过不可估量的影响。本章中,我们将回顾中外翻译史,探讨翻译对民族语言发展的影响。第三章翻译与现代汉语。在这一章里,我们依托于1905-1936这一大文化环境,探讨了翻译在现代汉语书面语建立过程中所负有的特殊文化使命。这部分的研究将以史料为依托,首先大量收集1905年以来翻译史、文学运动的史料,尤其是民国以来新白话文运动的有关史料,同时旁及当时的一些出版物,在此基础上,全面概述了当时的文化背景。首先我们通过对传统白话,现代白话,浅近文言三个概念的辨析,对欧化语法进行了界定,接着论述了翻译为什么是现代白话文的源头之一,进而把1905-1936年按翻译所扮演的文化角色的不同划分为三个时期来讨论:一、1905-1917自发的欧化,由于当时认识的局限性,这一时期翻译还往往只是把译介新鲜事物、概念和风俗为己任,少有译者清楚认识到文学翻译对汉语的现代化及本国的文学实践的巨大意义,这一时期的翻译语言以浅近文言和白话为主,已经出现了相当数量的直译文法,但这种直译的现象和由此产生的语言欧化多数并非译者有意为之,因此我们称这一时期为“自发的欧化”。由此可见,欧化汉语的产生并非只来自于那些刻意拿翻译改造汉语的译者的作品,它同时也是两种语言在接触和碰撞中的一种自然的结果。二、1918-1928自觉的欧化,1918年的到来拉开了有关翻译以及汉语现代化讨论的大幕,胡适的《建设的文学革命论》(1918年4月)、傅斯年的《怎样做白话文》(1918年12月)等关于翻译和现代汉语建立的关系的讨论都发表于这一年。对白话文的提倡在这一年也实现了真正的突破,《新青年》从1918年1月15日刊发第四卷第一号起,译文和创作全面采用白话文并使用西文标点。从《新青年》杂志引起的强烈反响就足以表明白话文运动的号角已经吹响,一个新时期已然到来。现代白话文运动的兴起把白话推上了正统翻译语言的地位,忠于原著的“直译”渐成风气,代表人物周作人、傅斯年、鲁迅、刘半农、茅盾等,有相当数量的关于译论的文章出现。胡适、傅斯年和鲁迅等明确提出向西文学习做白话文的方法,更有大批新文学运动的支持者在翻译中实践着直译的方法,在创作中尝试着从翻译中学来的新表达。因此我们称这一时期为“自觉的欧化”。这一时期还出现了黎锦熙的《新著国文语法》,该语法书是以英文语法体系为参照写成的汉语语法书,从某种意义上,该书赋予了欧化语法合法化的身份。三、1929-936对欧化的反思,尽管傅斯年在1918年《怎样做白话文》一文中明确提出了白话文应该欧化的主张之后,曾经一度引起过争论,但在五四时期,这种主张得到了相当多的支持。而在即将进入30年代之际,对于欧化语言批评的声音越来越大,先有梁实秋通过批评鲁迅的硬译,对欧化提出了异议,后有瞿秋白倡导的大众语运动,称欧化文为“不人不鬼的新文言”。因此我们称这一时期为“欧化的反思期”。尽管我们使用了“反思期”这样的字眼,但细心地对文献进行梳理后就会发现,这一时期对“硬译”和欧化的讨论有太多政治因素牵涉其中,缺少从语言层面的认真考虑,对于欧化汉语的现象直到十年后王力在《中国现代语法》中(1943)才第一次系统地进行了描述,而对于翻译是否能够“改造”汉语,如何“改造”汉语,或能在多大程度上“改造”汉语,至今一直没有成体系的研究,这些问题将是我们在后几章重点讨论的内容。第四章翻译影响汉语的方式。语言接触能带来语言变化已是不争的事实,但对于语言接触到底是如何作用于一种语言、使其产生变化的,我们仍缺少扎实的研究,而对于语言接触过程中,语言内、外因又是如何互相作用的,我们更是知之甚少。在这一章中,我们以1905-1936年这一特殊时期的汉语变化作为研究对象,考察翻译带来的间接语言接触如何影响汉语,以及在这一过程中汉语自身特点与外来影响的相互作用。作为语言演变的外因,翻译活动通过自觉或不自觉地向汉语输入词汇和结构使汉语产生变化,尤其在汉语向现代汉语的过渡期中,翻译更被赋予了“改造汉语”这一非同寻常的使命,其作为外因的影响力被发挥到了极致。翻译通过直接引进、激活和扩展汉语原有结构等方式,影响了汉语的多个方面,但所有这些新语法现象要真正进入汉语的体系中,必然接受汉语自身规律严格的筛选,一些与汉语习惯相差太远的终将遭到淘汰。第五章欧化与现代汉语的发展。翻译在汉语现代化进程中发挥了重要的作用,其影响渗透了汉语词汇、语法、篇章和文学表现力等多个方面,给汉语带来了巨大的变化:一、翻译新词填补了汉语的词汇空缺,引发了汉语词汇化方式的变化;二、翻译带来的新语法范畴填补了汉语原来的语法空缺;三、翻译带来的新结构丰富了汉语的表达;四、欧化的句法使汉语的句法结构更为精密,更能满足对复杂思想表述的需要;五、欧化的衔接手段丰富了汉语的篇章衔接手段;六、欧化汉语使细致、复杂婉曲的描写成为可能,增强了汉语的叙事功能和表现力。第六章欧化及其限度。翻译对汉语造成了影响固然是事实,但这种影响并非无所不及,在翻译欧化汉语的过程中,始终存在着两种相互掣肘的力量:一方面,欧化作为一种外力,影响着汉语从词汇、到语法、再到篇章的方方面面;而与此同时,汉语自身的规律也在不停地规约着欧化带来的种种语言变化,吸纳可以吸纳的,排斥不能融入的,这两种力量的角逐最终决定了汉语欧化既是可能的,同样也是有限度的。现代汉语建立的过程也正是欧化的词汇和语法接受种种考验、试图融入汉语系统的过程,在这一过程中,汉语言的特点、汉民族的心理和汉民族的文化规约着欧化的种种现象,只有符合汉语习惯和汉民族文化心理的欧化才能够最终成为汉语的一部分。第七章结论与启示。总结了汉语欧化的必要性、可能性和限度,揭示了本研究对语言接触研究的意义。

【Abstract】 The period from 1905 to 1936 has been of unusual significance for modernChinese,which witnessed the rise and prevalence of vernacular Chinese as writtenlanguage in the academic world.Traditional vernacular Chinese,which forms thebasis of modern Chinese,had been greatly influenced by translation in its transition tomodern vernacular Chinese.In some sense,the establishment of modern Chinese isexactly the process how Chinese changed under the influence of translation.As part ofthe intense social-cultural transformation of the time,translation had been endowedwith unprecedented social importance to upgrade the Chinese language,in turn,totransform the Chinese society.Due to the unique social-culture nature of this research,this dissertation tries to study how translation had influenced the establishment ofmodern Chinese in the light of this special social cultural period.The probability andlimits of Europeanization is also discussed in this dissertation with the help oflarge-scale corpus tools.This study provides a new social-cultural perspective forlanguage contact study and enriches the study by the exploration on the limits oflanguage evolution.This dissertation consists of seven chapters.Chapter One Introduction.This chapter reviews the research history of this studyfrom both literature/culture perspective and linguistic perspective,and introduces theresearch methodology and framework.Chapter Two Translation and Language.Translation had played an important rolein the evolution of many languages in the history.Globally speaking,Martin Luther’sversion of the Bible directly led to the reunification of the German language;Englishin different stages of development had changed subject to the constant influence fromtranslation;as to Russian and Japanese,translation also exerted influence in somecrucial historic moments.In the history of China,translation also has the privilege ofassisting in every important shift of the Chinese language,the long-lasted efforts intranslating Buddhist scriptures is a case in point.The translation of science andtechnology works in late Ming and early Qing dynasty,the post-Opium-Wartranslation of western learning and the Bible translation all had immeasurable effectsin the change of Chinese Language.In this chapter,we will review the history and discuss the important roles translation once played in the development of nationallanguages.Chapter Three Translation and modem Chinese.In this chapter,we talk about thespecial cultural mission that translation is endowed with in the establishment ofwritten modem Chinese during 1905-1936.This part of the study focuses on thecollection and analysis of historical documents.Files and documents on translationhistory and literary movement since 1905,the movement of vernacular Chinese inparticular,are of our priority concern.Taking into account the contemporarypublications,this chapter aims at presenting an overview of the social-culturalbackground of the time.This chapter begins with the differentiating of three concepts—traditionalvernacular,modem vernacular and plain classical Chinese—with a view to definingEuropeanized Grammar.The chapter goes on to elaborate on the idea that translationhasserved as one ofthe origins of modern Chinese and divide 1905-1936 into threesub-periods in terms of different social-cultural roles translation had played:1.1905-1917,Spontaneous Europeanization.Due to the limited vision,thissub-period was characterized by the translation of new things,concepts and customs.Few translators were aware of the significance of translation in transforming theChinese language and literature.The translation languages of this period were mainlyplain classical Chinese and vernacular Chinese.Literal translation and the consequentEuropeanized grammar had emerged in quite a few works,which,though,was notintended by the translators,so we regard this period as“spontaneousEuropeanization”.Thus,Europeanized grammar is not only generated from deliberateattempts of transforming Chinese,but also the natural result of the contact andcollision of two languages.2.1918-1928 Intentional Europeanization.The arrival of the 1918 lifted thecurtain of a nation-wide discussion on translation and Chinese modernization.Thelandmark articles by Hu Shi and Fu Sinian on how translation might transformed theChinese language were all published in this year,which forcefully pushed forward themovement of vernacular Chinese.From Jan.15th,1918,New Youth began to usevernacular Chinese and western style punctuation exclusively,the great impact of which heralded the coming of a brand new era.The rise of Modern ChineseMovement made vernacular the prevailing translation language and literal translationthe prevailing practice.Zhou Zuoren,Fu Sinian,Lu Xun,Liu Bannong and Mao Dun,etc.wrote quite a number of articles concerning translation methods.Hu Shi,FuSinian and Lu Xun specifically called for recourse to western languages forinnovations in Chinese,which encouraged many advocates to practice literaltranslation and adopted new expressions from translation in writing.Therefore,wecall this period“Intentional Europeanization”.The period also saw the emergence ofan influential grammar book on vernacular Chinese New grammar for WrittenChinese by Li Jinxi.Copycatting the grammar system of English,this grammar book,in a sense,legalized Europeanized grammar.3.1929-1936,Reflection on Europeanization.Although Fu Sinian’s advocacy ofEuropeanized Chinese once stirred some debates in the academic world uponproposition (1918),the voice of support was predominating.On the eve of 1930s,however,the outcries over Europeanization were increasingly heard.Liang Shiqiuwas the first to voice disapproval on Lu Xun“word-for-word translation”,followedby Qu Qiubai,a firm advocate for“a language for all people”,who called theEuropeanized Chinese“new classical hybrid”.Hence we call this period“Reflectionon Europeanization”.Though we use the word“reflection”,a careful review ofliterature reveals that the conflicts on translation and Europeanization of this periodwere more of political reasons than linguistic concerns.An overall study ofEuropeanized Chinese didn’t appear until ten years later in Wang Li’s ModernChinese Grammar (1943).As to such questions as whether translation can“transform”Chinese,if yes,how and to what extent,have not been studiedsystematically,which will be our main concerns in the following several chapters.Chapter Four How Translation Influenced Chinese.It has been established thatlanguage contact can bring language changes,but very little do we know about themechanism of how it works,much less about the interaction of internal and externalmechanism of change.In this chapter,we will focus on the new structures widelyused during 1905-1936 with an aim to examining how translation,a typical indirectcontact,influenced Chinese and the role Chinese played in accepting,assimilating and rejecting alien structures.As an external causation,translation activities have,intentionally or accidentally,introduced large number of new words and structures toChinese.When translation activities coincided with the transition period of theChinese language,their role as external trigger consummated with the holy mission of“transforming Chinese”.It has been elaborated in this chapter how translation hadexerted its influence on many aspects of Chinese syntax through direct introduction aswell as activating and expanding original Chinese structures.All these newgrammatical phenomenon,however,are subject to the selection of intrinsic rules ofChinese,those of which differ too much from Chinese habits cannot survive in theend.Chapter Five Europeanization and the Development of Modern Chinese.Translation had played a vital important role in the modernization of Chinese,whichhad brought tremendous changes to various aspects of Chinese including lexis,grammar,discourse and literature:a.new words fill the lexical gaps of Chinese andbring changes to lexicalization of Chinese;b.newgrammatical categories fill thegrammatical gaps of Chinese;c.new structures enrich the expressions of Chinese;d.Europeanized grammar make Chinese more precise in expressing things and morecapable in expressing complex thoughts;e.new cohesion devices enrich the existingmethods used in Chinese discourse;f.Europeanized grammar enhanced Chineseexpressive force in describing delicate and complex matters.Chapter Six Europeanization and its limits.It is undeniable fact that translationhas caused changes in Chinese,but such changes are subject to limitations due to thefact that there exist two forces competing and interacting with each other:on the onehand,Europeanized grammar,as an external force,triggered changes in variousaspects of Chinese ranging from vocabulary,grammar,to discourse;on the other hand,the intrinsic rules of Chinese constantly govern the changes resulted fromEuropeanization,absorbing which can be fitted in and rejecting which can’t.Theinterplaying of these two forces determines that the Europeanization of Chinese isboth possible and limited.The modernization of Chinese is also the process thatborrowed lexis and Europeanized grammar pass the trial of Chinese to be absorbed orrejected.In this process,the characteristics of Chinese language,the mental features of Chinese people and the Chinese culture work together to decide the limits ofEuropeanization.Chapter Seven Conclusions and Implications.This chapter summarizes thenecessity,probability and limits of the Europeanized grammar and reveals thesignificance of this study on language contact.

【关键词】 翻译欧化现代汉语
【Key words】 translationEuropeanizationmodern Chinese
  • 【分类号】H059;H109.4
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】2213

