

A Comparative Study on Configuration Differences between Characters on Qin Bamboo Slips and Characters on Chu Bamboo Slips and Silk Books in the Perspective of Components

【作者】 楼兰

【导师】 刘志基;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 由於新材料的不斷發現以及相關研究的步步深入,戰國時代不同地域文字構形比較已成爲古文字研究中的一個前沿課題。鑒于既有此類研究限於個別單字構形的個案比較,本文嘗試從構件的角度來進行系統定量的比較。根據構件系統比較對文字材料豐富完備程度的要求,本文把比較的對象限定爲秦簡牘和楚簡帛文字兩種材料。具體比較研究的思路是:以秦簡牘文和楚簡帛文直接構件作爲考察範圍,整理出二者相對特異者。在此基礎上,完成這些特異構件實際參與構字的精確計量,從而從構字元素的層面來完成兩者差異的量化評估,揭示秦、楚文字不同的發展趨向。本論文由四個部分和附表組成。第一部分,緒論。綜述秦簡牘文和楚簡帛文的現有研究情況,以及概述論文材料的來源以及字表的製作。第二部分,對秦簡牘文、楚簡帛文中存在的特異構件進行整理辨析。將特異構件分析爲傳承特異構件和新增特異構件兩個類型。在此基礎上,整理出秦簡牘文特異構件96個,楚簡帛文特異構件311個。第三部分,分別從不重複字形層面、文獻用字層面、結構功能層面和新增特異構件四個方面對秦簡牘文和楚簡帛文特異構件的影響力進行計算評估,並在此基礎上勾勒出秦、楚簡文字的構形差異程度。統計數據表明:第一,在不重複字形層面,秦簡牘文和楚簡帛文特異構件影響力不大,二者構形差異度小,而在文獻用字層面更是如此。第二,在結構功能層面,秦簡牘文和楚簡帛文特異構件都比較側重於表音構件系統;而相較秦簡牘文而言,楚簡帛文中會意特異構件和表音特異構件更爲發達;相較楚簡帛文而言,秦簡牘文中象形特異構件、指事特異構件和無理特異構件更爲發達。第三,以新增特異構件這個視角來看,在不重複字形層面和文獻用字層面,秦簡牘文和楚簡帛文在戰國時段各自出現的特異構件所造成的影響力則更小。從新增特異構件的功能分佈看,相較秦簡牘文而言,戰國時段出現的楚簡帛文表音特異構件更爲發達;而相較楚簡帛文而言,戰國時段出現的秦簡牘文象形特異構件、指事特異構件、會意特異構件和無理特異構件更爲發達。第四部分,從特異構件產生的原因來分析秦、楚簡文字發展的不同趨向。從漢字本體來考察,形成楚簡帛文特異構件的原因,比秦簡牘文特異構件的成因要相對複雜一些。除了傳承異形、局部變異、另造新形和構件訛變是兩者都有的原因以外,楚簡帛文特異構件的成因還有增加構件和省減構件兩類。通過對各類原因所形成的特異構件在不同層面上的分佈情況的量化統計,發現秦簡牘文在發展過程中,對傳統文字體系進行了較大的改易,總體趨於簡化,注重應用性,而且漢字生成機制的無理性增強;而楚簡帛文在發展過程中,保持了較強的傳承性,通過一些調整和新造來保持漢字與語言發展的同步,試圖維持漢字生成機制的理據性,總體上趨於繁化。

【Abstract】 The Warring States period was turbulent time in Chinese history,which wasalso an important stage of transformation in Chinese characters evolution.At thisstage,Chinese characters took on a new look in form by reforming itself based onan inheritance from traditional standardized form.More prominently,due toseparatist regimes,Chinese characters in different areas and states of dukes andprinces also formed their own characteristics in form.Therefore to investigate theconnections and differences between those characters is of great significance forauthentic description and dynastic study on characters during this period,whichwill in turn perfect the system of Chinese characters evolution.Since Qin bambooslips and Chu bamboo slips and silk books are the most abundant and the richestamong all the unearthed literature during this period,my thesis has chosen them astwo research objects,using both synchronic and diachronic way,in order to findtheir connections and differences in characters forms,and to reflect their differentdevelopment trend,thus to provide important material and data basis forconstruction of a more complete system of Chinese characters evolution.The existing studies on configuration differences between characters on Qinbamboo slips and characters on Chu bamboo slips and silk books lay particularemphasis on discussing individual character forms by exemplification,whileignore the quantitative and exhaustive investigation on components which areactually the basic units in configuration system.Therefore,in terms of the contentunder comparison,the thesis goes to the level of components.Taking characters onQin bamboo slips and Chu bamboo slips and silk books as the scope ofinvestigation,it sorts out specific components of the two character types.Specificcomponents refer to direct components of a certain character type which aredifferent in form and structure from another.Based on above knowledge,the thesisalso makes a quantitative assessment on how influential these specific componentsare in character-building,therefore to reveal the different development trend of Qinand Chu characters. The thesis consists of four parts and an appendix table.Part one is the exordium,which gives a summary of the current researchconditions of the characters on Qin bamboo slips and Chu bamboo slips and silkbooks,as well as the material source and character tabulation.Part two focuses on the arrangement and discrimination of the specificcomponents in characters on Qin bamboo slips and Chu bamboo slips and silkbooks.It divides the specific components into two types:inherited specificcomponents and new specific components.It also sorts out 96 specific componentsin characters on Qin bamboo slips and 311 in characters on Chu bamboo slips andsilk books.Part three makes a quantitative assessment on and comparison between thespecific components in the above two character systems.Taking frequency asparameters,the thesis respectively describes the proportion of the specificcomponents in characters in two systems from four aspects:not-repeated characters,literature used characters,structural functions and new specific components,whichreveals the influence of the specific components in their own character system,aswell as the difference degree between characters on Qin bamboo slips andcharacters on Chu bamboo slips and silk books as the numbers of both the specificcomponents and all the components are clearly known.The results show theproportions of the specific components in characters on both Qin bamboo slips andChu bamboo slips and silk books are small,with weak character-building ability,low occurrence frequency and minor influence in their own system,therefore thedifference degree between the two character types is also quite low.Part four analyzes different development trend of characters on Qin bambooslips and characters on Chu bamboo slips and silk books by reasoning causes of thespecific components.From an ontological view,the causes of the specificcomponents in the former are more complicated than in the latter.Inheritancetransformation,partial transformation,creating a new form and erroneous transformation being the causes of both,increasing components and reducingcomponents are the causes which can only be found in characters on Chu bambooslips and silk books.According to quantitative statistics of the distribution ofdifferently caused specific components in different levels,we find in thedevelopment of characters on Qin bamboo slips,the traditional character systemhad been adapted to meet the needs of practical use,the character formationmechanism became more irrational and the characters became simplified in general;while in the development of characters on Chu bamboo slips and silk books,thesense of inheritance was much maintained,some adjustment and creation of newcharacters had been made to keep pace with the development of language,thecharacter formation mechanism remained rational,and the characters became morecomplicated in general.

  • 【分类号】K877
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】508

