

A Research on Words of Taiping Jing

【作者】 刘祖国

【导师】 詹鄞鑫;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 《太平经》是中国道教的第一部经籍,其宣讲对象主要是下层民众。为宣扬教义的方便,该书采用对话体写成,包含了许多口语成分,能够较好地反映东汉时期语言的真实面貌,是研究东汉语言的一部极其珍贵的语料。本文以《太平经》词汇为研究对象,属于中古汉语专书词汇研究范畴。全文共分为八章。文章对《太平经》中出现的词语进行阐释,在具体考释时尽可能地将这些零散的词语放到整个中古词汇史的背景中来研究,注重结合其他道经,重点突出本经特有的词汇、词义。第一章“绪论”,包括六节。首先回顾了道教典籍语言研究现状,然后探讨了《太平经》的成书及作者,接着对《太平经》语言研究的成果作了综述,本章还讨论了选题缘起、研究方法和材料,最后对本文复音词的切分标准作了说明。第二章“《太平经》词汇的研究价值”,首先分析了《太平经》的语料性质,主要是时代性、俗语性、文化性、专业性,证明了《太平经》是研究中古汉语的一部可信的优质语料,这些分析使我们对《太平经》一书的思想、内容有了更深刻的认识,可以更好地解读该书之语言。最后,我们具体论述了《太平经》词汇的研究意义。第三章“《太平经》中的口语词”,这些口语词有的是首见于《太平经》,后代继续沿用的;有些是沿用自前代典籍的;还有一些出自现实语言,在时代相当的其他口语性文献中也有使用。第四章“《太平经》中的道教词语”,本章的“道教词语”是一个广义的概念,主要包括八个方面的词语,分别是有关天神地祇、符錄图谶、法术咒祝、长生仙化、佑护佐助、经书简牍、五行术数、制度名物的词语。这些词语可以说是作为道教早期经典的《太平经》中最有特色的词语。第五章“《太平经》中的新词新义”,首先讨论了新词新义的确定标准,然后从词汇史的角度对《太平经》中的新词和新义作了分析。第六章“《太平经》常用词研究”,第一节是《太平经》中常用词的口语性选择,是对《太平经》中几组具有历时替换性常用词的微观考察;第二节对一些现代汉语中的常用词语作了溯源,它们最早出现在《太平经》中,从而成为这些词语的源头。第七章“《太平经》注译商榷”,分为两部分:一部分是注释拾误,对现行几个注本中的误注误释提出了商榷;另一部分是句读献疑,对现行几个注本中的错误句读提出了修改意见,偶或兼及某些相关研究论文的句读问题。第八章“《太平经》语词例释”,对《太平经》中的部分疑难词语进行了考辨。它们或不为大型语文辞书收錄,或虽收錄但解释有问题,或补正其他学者之相关论述。

【Abstract】 Taiping Jing is the first book of Chinese Taoism, whose preaching object isthe rough scuff. In order for the convenience of airring doxy, Taiping Jing waswritten in an interlocutory way. So there are many colloquial words in the bookwhich can reflect the genuine lingual visage better. Therefore, Taiping Jing is aprecious philological material for researching the Chinese language in DonghanDynasty.This dissertation takes the vocabulary of Taiping Jing as research object,which is a study of special works in the history of middle-ancient Chinesevocabulary. It consists of eight chapters. The dissertation explains some words ofTaiping Jing in the history of middle-ancient Chinese, and lays stress on thespecial words and meanings in Taiping Jing.Chapter one is an introduction. After reviewing the history of study onTa(?)ist scriptures’ language, it explores the writing process and the author ofTa(?)ping Jing, and then reviews the current situation about the research of TaipingJing. After that, we discuss the reasons and methods of the study in the thesis, thedifferences between disyllabic and polysyllabic words and phrases.Chapter two is“The importance for words research of Taiping Jing”. Thecharacteristics of linguistics materials in Taiping Jing are analyzed based on foursides which are times, spoken language words, culture and specialty. And oneconclusion is induced that Taiping Jing is a precious trustable philologicalmaterial for the study of middle ancient Chinese language. So that we know thethought and content of Taiping Jing better, and this is good for understanding thelanguage of Taiping Jing. Furthermore, the importance for words research ofTaiping Jing is analyzed in detail.Chapter three is“The research on the oral words in Taiping Jing”. Some ofthem are firstly used in Taiping Jing and continue to be used later. Some are fromformer literature. Some are from the spoken language at that time and can bediscovered in other contemporary literature.Chapter four is“The research on the Taoist words in Taiping Jing”. TheTaoist words are a concept in broad sense.The Taoist words include eight sideswhich are the god of sky and earth, magic symbol and prophecy, magic andincantation,immo rtality and fairy, blessing and help, scripture and bamboo slips,five elements and astrology, system and things. These words are the mostcharacteristic words in Taiping Jing, the early scripture of Chinese Taoism.Chapter five,“The research on new words and new meanings in TaipingJing”, firstly discusses how to judge new words and new meanings, and theninvestigates new words and new meanings in Taiping Jing in the history of theChinese vocabulary.Chapter six, Research on the high-frequence words. SectionⅠis the selection of high-frequency words in spoken language which are diachronic substitution.SectionⅡis to trace the origin of some high-frequency words in modern Chinesewhich originate in Taiping Jing.Chapter seven is the discussion about the annotation of Taiping Jing. Itconsists of two parts. SectionⅠcorrects the mistakes in the explanations of sometranslation books. SectionⅡis the discussion about the misplace punctuation insome translation books or some scholars’ articles.Chapter eight explains and distinguishes dozens of words and expressionswhich are difficult to understand in Taiping Jing. Some of them are not included inChinese dictionaries, some are explained mistakenly, some can supplement otherscholars’ opinions.

【关键词】 《太平經》詞彙研究
【Key words】 Taiping JingWordsResearch
  • 【分类号】H131
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】738

