

The Study on Fu Lei’s Literal Arts Criticism

【作者】 曹莹

【导师】 杨扬;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 傅雷是中国现代著名的翻译大师,一直以来,人们称道并且关注他在翻译领域的成就。而事实上,他在文艺批评方面也有很高的造诣。他将严肃高尚的人生信条,诚挚细腻的情感,敏锐卓越的秉赋以及贯通中西、融通各个艺术门类的丰厚学养灌注于他的鉴赏和批评之中,使之独具特色。因此,全面系统地研究傅雷的文艺批评有助于深入揭示中国20世纪文学批评的历史面貌和发展轨迹,总结和积累具有现代意识和中国民族特色的批评经验,为开拓未来中国文学的发展道路提供启示。傅雷深受中国传统的儒家思想的影响,他将人生与艺术视为不可分割的统一整体,将艺术创造的主体视为研究艺术、评价作品的基础和起点。他要求人格与作品的品格高度统一,把人格视为艺术存在的本质要素。在人格当中他最注重的特质有三:首先真诚是开启艺术之门的第一把钥匙。其次在伦理上导向至善的强大精神力量是艺术创造的动能,也是作品具备深刻崇高的审美特征之保证。最后,通过超越的途径实现理智与情感的平衡是艺术创造的最高境界。傅雷还要求艺术家坚持不懈地进行专业技术的修炼。技术的训练必须与陶冶情操、开阔胸怀和提升心灵境界结合起来。为此,艺术家一方面应继承前人的经验,并借鉴外来艺术;另一方面应从自然中吸取材料和暗示,创造“自然”的,富有生命力的作品。在对待宏观的文艺现象方面,傅雷的批评深受法国批评家丹纳的影响。傅雷长期研读并最终翻译了丹纳的《艺术哲学》,从科学和历史两个主要向度上吸取了其中的精髓——“种族”、“环境”、“时代”三因素理论。傅雷抓住了三因素背后丹纳的“总体”思想,从综合的视角上理解文艺发生的原因和发展的规律;他把“总体”思想与中国传统治学要诀“通”结合起来,发挥了三因素概念本身的模糊性所带来的理论阐释空间。在运用该理论的过程中,傅雷采取了三种策略:对一些文学和文化现象选择从果到因逆向推求,使它们的意义不言自明;对一些作家作品,从作家的切身经历等一些直接原因加以阐释;他还重视像宗教这样的“中间”因素对文学的影响。在对待具体的文学作品方面,傅雷的批评以巴尔扎克小说为范式,以丹纳所谓的突出“主要特征”——“人性”为主旨,表现出个性鲜明的现实主义特征。傅雷认为要在以文学形式表现人性之前必须明确三个前提条件:揭示人物的现实意义乃小说创作的一大目的;作家须通过经历生活的苦难磨砺人格以达到对人物的同情,但又要从自己创造的人物的情欲中超脱出来;斗争的人生观是理解和评价人物的思想来源。傅雷还认为,要塑造典型的人物形象,突出“主要特征”,必须达到四个基本要求。第一,人物形象要合乎逻辑与客观现实;第二,人物的极端情欲最好通过祸害的方式表现出来;第三,须用“光暗”作为核心技巧来实现作品的悲剧美学风格;第四,细节的完备应与情节的紧凑和结构的完整相配合。勤勉毕生的翻译事业深刻影响了傅雷的文艺批评,为其别开生面。首先,翻译影响了傅雷对作品的选择和理解:令批评者明确了郑重的欣赏态度和自身的才能、局限;令批评者提升自己的才能修养,做好充分准备,努力适应作品;另批评者对作品的理解超越“理性认识”的层面而达到“感情深入”的境界。其次,通过翻译傅雷得以深入抉发作品语言层面的微观视界:他在不同语言的艰难转换中逐渐形成了关于理想汉语形式的基本理念;通过词句的推敲斟酌传达作品的含义与风格;以原作为依托最大限度的发挥出欣赏者的创造力。最后,翻译为我们开辟了在他的批评家身份以外理解其文艺批评的契机,由此我们得以了解:傅雷从事文学翻译的目的有一个从训育到审美的发展过程;通过翻译,形成了他特有的批评习惯和趣味倾向;翻译还为他提供了一个反省批评本身的“诠释者”立场。傅雷的文艺批评具有崇高严肃的价值标准,鲜明活跃的个性魅力,独立生长的精神境界和广博融通的学术底蕴。他的水准足以与堪称中国现代批评之山脊的京派批评一较长短。傅雷的批评不仅能为中国的文艺树立永恒的楷模,而且拥有在当代仍然新鲜和富有生命力的质素,因此在中国现代批评史上独树一帜。

【Abstract】 Fu Lei is a famous translation master of modern China. His great achievement in the translation field has been always appreciated. But actually he has also accomplished a great deal in the literary criticism field. Fu Lei’s criticism is characterized by his lofty life credo, sensitive emotion, genuine gift and rich knowledge of different arts. A comprehensive and systematic research on Fu Lei’s literary criticism can help to explore the details of the Chinese literature in the 20th century. At the same time, this research can offer some experiences and revelation to the development of Chinese literature.Fu Lei has been deeply affected by the traditional Confucius thoughts. He tends to see the life and art as a whole. He thinks that the personality of the subject should be the substantial elements of art. Fu Lei thinks that there are three most important factors in the creator’s personality: first, the sincerity; second, the spiritual power which leads to goodness; third, the balance between reason and sensation through a transcending way. Fu Lei also requires that the artists should consistently exercise their professional skills. And this kind of exercise should be integrated with the cultivation of sentiment and upgrade of spirits. Therefore, the artists should on one hand inherit predecessor’s experiences and absorb materials from the nature in order to create natural and lively works.On the appreciation of the macro art phenomenon, Fu Lei has been deeply affected by the French critic Taine. He has read and finally translated Taine’s Philosophy of Art. Fu Lei mainly accepts the essence theory of race, environment and times. He tents to understand the original reason and developing rules of art in a comprehensive perspective. Fu Lei adopts three strategies in the applying of the theory: first, retrospect some literal and cultural phenomenon from effects to causes; second, interpret some artist’s works from the personal experiences of the subjects; furthermore, he also attaches importance to the affection of some middle elements like religion.Fu Lei’s literary criticism has taken Balzac’s novels as paradigm and Taine’s humanity as main characteristics. Fu Lei thinks that three conditions have to be meet before expressing human nature through the form of literature: the purpose of novel creation should be revealing characters’ realistic meaning; the writers should have sympathy for their characters but also surpass the characters’ emotion; a struggling life philosophy should be the source of understanding and reviewing the characters. Fu Lei also thinks that there are four basic requirements to meet in order to create a classic and typical character: first, the character should be logical and realistic; second, the extreme emotion of character should be expressed by disasters; third, the tragic aesthetic style should be realized by the "light and dark" skill; four, perfect details should be integrated with the plot and structure.Fu Lei’s translation career has a great impact on his literal arts criticism. First, translation has affected his choosing and understanding of creative works; second, translation has enabled Fu lei reviewing the work’s language from the micro perspective. He has gradually formed the basic conception of ideal Chinese language. And by wrestling with the words and sentences in the process of translation, he appreciates and interprets the meaning and style of the works; last but not least, translation has offered us a special perspective to appreciate his criticism. We get to know that Fu Lei’s literature translation has experience a process from training to aesthetic judgment. His special habit and taste have been gradually formed by the translation. Furthermore, translation has offered him a position of interpreter to reflect on the criticism itself.Fu Lei’s literal arts criticism has lofty and serious judging criteria, lively characteristics, independent spirits and broad academic backgrounds. His review and criticism achievement can be compared to the famous Beijing Review School in history. Fu Lei’s criticism is outstanding not only for its special models but also for its fresh and lively modern elements.

【关键词】 傅雷批评丹纳人性翻译
【Key words】 Fu LeicriticismTainehumanitytranslation
  • 【分类号】I206.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】625

