

A Regional Study on the Group Writers of Ci in the Early Southern Song Dynasty

【作者】 姚惠兰

【导师】 赵山林;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本论文从文学地域性研究的角度,采用文献学、文化地理学、史学、文学相结合的研究方法,将南渡词人群置于特定的社会政治文化背景下,具体考察其分布态势及相关活动,探讨地域文化与词人群、词学之间的相互影响、互动关系,以及不同词人群的群体特征。对这一论题的探讨,不仅有助于认识南渡时期词学特色,也可为准确把握词学在南渡及其后的具体走向提供切实的依据。论文共分为五部分。绪论部分对研究范围进行界定,并介绍了宋代词人地域性研究的现状和本文研究的视角及其意义。第一章研究浙江词人群,对台州词人群和湖州词人群分别加以论述。台州词人群的诗词唱和比较频繁,其创作呈现出两种倾向,一是曾惇领唱的享乐、谀颂词,但其中也有种种复杂情况;二是以曹勋词为代表的具有道教色彩的词作,反映出天台道教文化的影响。湖州词人群深受湖州文人诗酒唱和传统、舟游隐逸理想及园林隐逸文化的影响,而叶梦得的“松江情怀”与陈与义的“洛阳情结”分别代表了南、北方词人对北宋承平时代的不同怀念方式,具有典型意义。第二章研究江西词人群。江西词之兴盛历来受到人们关注,南渡时的江西亦是词人群活跃的中心地区。以向子諲为中心的清江词人群,由南、北方词人共同组成。向子諲词中的“木犀情缘”、扬无咎词中所反映的二郎神崇拜以及饮茶、斗茶习俗等都是江西地域文化影响所致。上饶词人群、临川词人群的成员,很多都与江西诗派有着千丝万缕的联系。所以江西诗派与江西词的关系也成为本部分论述的一个要点。第三章是关于福建词人群的研究。福建词人群由福州词人群、闽南词人群、闽北词人群组成。其中尤以福州词人群的声势和影响最大。这是一个以李纲、张元干、李弥逊为中心的反和词人群。基本上是李纲党人,此外还有仕宦此地的叶梦得。宗室赵士樽也参与、组织了他们的交游唱和。对于泉州的崛起与闽南词人群之间的联系,闽北词人群的理学色彩和家学渊源,本文也进行了探讨。第四章是关于岭南词人群的研究。岭南词人群的分布呈现出两极化的特点,在最发达地区广州和远恶地区海南,各自都有词人群在活动。广州词人群的创作与歌舞戏剧密切联系,海南词人群的创作与贬谪环境息息相关,而岭南风味成为两个词人群创作共同呈现出的特征。除了整体思考之外,本文在一些具体问题上也进行了细致考辨,如对向子諲交游活动的补考,对扬无咎《二郎神·清源生辰》的考证,对扬无咎“逃禅老人”称号的探讨,对曾几与吕本中会见的考证,对最乐堂雅集词人及其唱和的考论,对曹勋与峨嵋山道士亲密关系的挖掘,对李相之的考证,对《好事近》(富贵本无心)归属问题的探析,对李光在海南交往的考证等等,或弥补缺漏,或纠正陈说,希望有助于澄清事实,推进研究。

【Abstract】 In this thesis,by a method of combining philology,historiography and literature andby putting the group writers of Ci in the early Southern Song Dynasty in a specific socialand political background,the author studies the distribution trend and related activities ofthese groups writers of Ci.The author also discusses the influence between local cultureand groups writers of Ci,reciprocal relationship among different group writers of Ci.Thestudy of the topic will not only help us to understand the characters of Ci in the earlySouthern Song Dynasty,but also provides reliable facts in mastering the evolution directionof Ci in the early Southern Song Dynasty and later.The thesis includes five parts:The introduction part defines the scope of the study first.Then it introduces thecurrent situation of studying on group writers of Ci in Song Dynasty,the purpose andperspective of the study.In Chapter 1,the author studies the group writers of Ci in Taizhou and Huzhou inZhejiang province respectively.Group writers of Ci in Taizhou composed their works withstyle of responsorial.And their works showed two trends:one was led by Zeng Cun,whichstyled hedonism and flattering;the other was led by Cao Xun,which was characterizedwith Taoism,reflecting the influence by the Taoism culture in Tiantai.The group writersof Ci in Huzhou were deeply impacted by the local culture,who had tradition of poem,wine,responsorial and dreamed hidden and leisure life in their private home.Ye Mengde’s“Songjiang Passion”and Cheng Yuyi’s“Luoyang passion”represented two different waysof memorizing peaceful period in Northern Song Dynasty.Chapter 2 covers the study of the group writers of Ci in Jiangxi.The prosperousness ofJiangxi Ci has been always cared by people.Jiangxi was an active center in the earlySouthern Song Dynasty.The group writers of Ci in Qingjiang,which was led by XiangZiyin,included Ci writers from south and north.“Wood Rhinoceros Passion”in Xiang’s Ci,worship of Erlang God in Yang Wujiu’s Ci and some customs like drinking tea,racing onmaking tea were all impacted by the Jiangxi local culture.The members of group writers ofCi in Shangrao and Linchuan had close connections with Jiangxi poem school.So therelationship between Jiangxi poem and Jiangxi Ci becomes an important part of thischapterIn Chapter 3,the group writers of Ci in Fujiang are studied.The group writers of Ci inFujian are divided into three regional subgroups:Fuzhou,Mingnan and Mingbei.Amongthem,the group writers of Ci in Fuzhou were most influential.This group was a politicallyanti-surrender group led by Ligang,Zhang Yuangan,Li Mixun.Most of them were belongto Ligang party.And Ye Mengde who was just assigned from central government at thattime joined them.The Emperor’s relative Zhao Shizhun also joined and even organizedtheir social activities.This thesis also discussed the relationship between the prosperity ofQuanzhou and group writers of Ci in Mingnan.The characters of Confucianism and familytradition in group writers of Ci in Mingbei are also studied. Chapter 4 is about the study of group writers of Ci in Lingnan.The distribution ofgroup writers of Ci in Lingnan was kind of polarization.In the most developed areaGuangzhou and most underdeveloped area Hainan,there were activities of writers of Cirespectively.The Ci works composed by writers in Guangzhou were close related to dramaand dance,while the works by writers in Hainan were related to political demotion.Andgroup writers of Ci in Lingnan both had the character of lingnan flavour.Besides the above study as a whole,the author also does deep study in detail on somespecific issues.For example,the author verifies and completes detail study on XiangZiyin’s activities,proofreads Yang Wujiu’s work“Erlang God”,studies the nick name“Taochan Old Man”of Yang Wujiu,examines the meetings between Zengji and L(U|¨)Benzhong,verifies and discusses the Ci writers in Zuiletang banquet and their responsorial,roots the close relationship between Cao Xun and Taoists in Ermei Mountain,studies Ciwriter Li Xiangzhi,explores and analyzes the author of Ci work“Hao Shi Jin”,verifies thesocial activities of Li Guang in Hainan.The study corrects and amends previous studiesand author hopes her study to help clarify the facts and improve the study in Ci field.

  • 【分类号】I207.23
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】851

