

A Study on the Production Status and Optimized Agronomic Practices of Atractylodes Macrocephala Koidz. in Zhejiang

【作者】 白岩

【导师】 李雁鸣; 余树全; 马占元;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 中药白术(Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz.)是菊科植物白术的根茎,与白芍、浙贝母、杭白菊、延胡索、玄参、笕麦冬、温郁金一起被称为“浙八味”,是我国高配方频度的大宗常用中药材之一。本研究对浙江省白术主产区的种植情况和优株特性进行了广泛深入的调查,对白术生长发育特性及地上部与地下部不同器官生长的相关性、白术有效成分内酯类含量、无性和有性繁殖的适用技术、土壤病害防治技术等方面进行了试验研究。通过调查研究和试验研究,取得了以下主要结果。一、本研究对浙江省优质白术产区天台和磐安进行的种植情况调查发现,目前浙江白术质量下降的主要原因是大部分种植户应用的种质混杂和栽培技术不规范。在总结标准化种植基地的经验基础上,提出了适宜当地应用的高产栽培措施。从白术叶形、单株茎数、冠型、根茎形状等方面对白术的类型进行了划分,初步将白术的优株类型加以量化,明确优株选育的标准为:根茎形态为典型的蛙型或鸡腿型,叶型为木荷叶型,株型为浓密窄冠型,独茎而粗壮,单株和群体产量高,抗病性强。这种划分为选育优株提供了定性与定量结合的选择标准。二、以一年生、二年生白术为对象,研究了白术栽培群体的生长发育指标的变化规律。结果表明,一年生白术与二年生白术各生育指标之间存在一定的相关性,尤其二年生白术在5、6月份是营养生长转向生殖生长的分界期,适当的农艺措施可促使植株良好形态的建成,有利于获得白术根茎的高产。一年生白术和二年生白术的叶绿素含量变化存在着一定的差异:一年生植株基本上是随生育进程而提高,而二年生植株叶绿素含量变化具有明显“双峰”现象,并且其叶绿素含量与白术根茎干重呈正相关。地上部形态观测与定期挖掘法相结合,研究明确了全生育期白术地上部分和地下部分干重、根/冠比、比叶重和折干率的变化规律,明确了比叶重与地下根茎的相关性,为白术的快速测产提供了研究依据。三、利用HPLC法对白术生育期间根茎中白术内酯Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ的含量和积累动态进行测定,发现该种方法简单可行,准确度高。不同生育时期白术内酯类成分含量的变化较大,三种内酯含量最高的时期在5月下旬至6月上旬,此时为白术现蕾期。根据研究结果首次提出,若以白术内酯作为目标入药成分时,其采收时期应确定为摘蕾前。通过对浙江省几个主产区白术的测定结果得出结论,浙江省各地产白术内酯含量差异较大,以天台地区白术内酯类含量最高,其品种选用和栽培种植模式可以为其他白术产区提供重要参考。同时,应对选种、栽培等措施进一步规范,达到优质高产的目的。四、以多年栽培研究中选育出的植株矮化、叶色深绿、抗病能力强的薯叶型植株作为材料,分别从有性繁殖和无性繁殖两个方面进行良种繁育适用技术研究。用4个独立的正交试验设计进行的不同激素种类、激素浓度、处理时间和基质配比对白术嫩枝扦插生根影响的研究表明,NAA、IBA、NAA+IBA和国光生跟处理白术嫩枝后扦插,均可以正常生根成活。在此基础上,利用公式评分法筛选优化出薯叶型白术的最优扦插生根条件。针对白术制种时存在的实际生产问题,通过控制白术不同种植密度和每株留蕾数目,以白术种子的千粒重、饱满度、产量、发芽率等为指标进行研究,确定白术留种田最佳栽培密度为株行距40 cm×40 cm,每株留5个花蕾时,种子各方面质量最佳,这为以后白术的GAP栽培提供了重要的研究依据。五、针对浙江省白术病害严重、死苗率高的问题,通过农药浸泡和灌根两个试验,研究分析了农药的种类、浓度及浸泡时间对连作白术发病死亡率、防效、出苗率和齐苗时间的影响,优化出较为理想的农药施用方案:多氧清2号,浓度为2000倍,浸泡时间为24 h。或以康地雷德灌根,浓度为1000倍,都能取得较好的防病效果。同时,针对在常规种植白术过程中使用频率极高的农药多菌灵,采用HPLC法测定分析其残留量,明确其降解过程,由此提出白术采收建议,采收时间距离最后一次多菌灵施药应不少于40 d。

【Abstract】 Rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae is a sort of famous Chinese traditional medicine with the highest usage frequency, and is one of“Zhe Ba-wei”(8 kinds of the most excellent traditional medicine in Zhejiang province). It is from the rhizome of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz., a plant of Cryxanthemum family. In this paper, the production status and superior plant charactors in the main production areas of A. macrocephala in Zhejiang province was investigated, the charactors of growth and development, the correlationship between above- and under-ground organs, the content of atractylenolides in the rhizoma of A. macrocephala, the suitable techniques of sexual and asexual reproduction and soil-borne disease control was studied. The main results were as follows.1. The investigation on the present situation of A. macrocephala production in Tiantai Shiliang and Pan’an, Zhejiang Province showed that the main reasons of quality decrease of A. macrocephala were mixed germplasm, non-standard planting practices, and abuse of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. On the basis of planting experiences in standard production base, the suitable practices for high yield was proposed. According to leaf shape, crown shape, stem numbers per plant and rhizoma type of observed A. macrocephala plants, A. macrocephala was classified as different types, and the charaters of superior plants was preliminarily quantified. The standard of superior plant selection of A. macrocephala was such plants with rhizoma of typical Drumstick /Frog type, leaves of lotus-leaf shape, dense-narrow planttype, uni-culm thick-strong stem, and with high yield for single plant and community and disease resistance. This classification provided qualified and quantified standard for superior plant selection.2. The dynamics of growth and development parameters of cultivating annual and biennial A. macrocephala community was studied. The results showed that, the correlation existed between the growth and development parameters each other. May or June was the transition period from vegetative to reproductive growth for biennial A. Macrocephala, and suitable agronomic practice was beneficial to good morphogenesis of biennial A. macrocephala plants, and to high yield of the rhizoma. Defference existed the changing dynamics of chlorophyll content between annual and biennial A. macrocephala during the whole growing period. The chlorophyll content of annual A. macrocephala were steadily increasing with the growing process, but those of biennials showed double-peak curves and were positively correlated to rhizoma dry weight. According to the morphological observation for above- and under-ground organs, the dynamics of above- and under-ground dry weight, root-shoot ratio and rhizoma drying rate of A. macrocephala was clarified. The correlation between specific leaf weight (SLW) and rhizoma dry weight of A. Macrocephala was also demonstrated, which provided the base for foreseeing the rhizome yield of A. macrocephala by the determination of SLW.3. The dynamics of atractylenolidesⅠ,ⅡandⅢcontents and accumulation processes during the whole growing period was determinated by HPLC techniques. And it was showed that the HPLC technique to determinate atractylenolides was easily operated and accurate. The results showed that the highest contents of atractylenolidesⅠ,ⅡandⅢwas at late May to early June when was the budding stage of flowers of A. Macrocephala. It was firstly proposed according to the results, that the optimum harvest time should be before disbuttoning during the last ten-day of May if the atractylenolides was the objetive medicinal constituents. The contents of atractylenolidesⅠ,ⅡandⅢwas different in the products of rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae from different habitats of Zhejiang Province, with the highest contents of atractylenolides existed in the products from Tiantai district, from where the models of cultivar selection and cultivation should be referenced by other A. Macrocephala habitats. The resulted also demonstrated that the agronomic practices such as cultivar selection and cultivation should be furthur standardized for the purpose of increasing yield and quality of A. Macrocephala.4. The suitable techniques for superior cultivar selection was studied from two ways of sexual and asexual reproduction by using A. Macrocephala plants with such charaters as dwarf plants, deep green leaves with the shape of yams and strong disease resistance, which was selected during cultivation research for many years. The study on the effect of the varieties, concentrations, treatment times of hormones and culture substrate ratios with four independent experiments by orthogonal design showed that, the soft-wood cuttings of A. macrocephala soaked with NAA, IBA, NAA+IBA and Guo guang sheng gen (a commercial plant regulator containing NAA) solutions all rooted and survived normally. On the basis of the results above, the optimum rooting conditions for soft-wood cutting of A. macrocephala was selected by using expression analysis. Another field experiment incluing two factors, planting density and flower buds per plant, and with 1000 grain weight, plump seed ratio, and germination rate of A. macrocephala seeds as objective parameters, showed shat, the optimum seed quality was obtained at planting spacing 40×40 cm, and five flower buds leaved per plant. This results provide important basis for GAP of A. macrocephala.5. Aiming at solve the problem of serious disease and high shoot death rate in he production of A. macrocephala in Zhejiang Province, two experiments on the effects of different kind, concentration and treating time by fungicides on shoot death rate, disease control efficiency, seed emergence rate and full emergence date was conducted, and the techniques for fungicide application was optimized as, soaking the transplanting shoots 24 h with Duoyangqing No. 2 (a commercial fungicide) solution with the concentration 2000 times, or irrigate root zone with Kangdileide (another commercial fungicide) solution with the concentration 1000 times.The residues of Carbendazim, a fungicide with high application frequency in A. Macrocephala production, in rhizoma of A. Macrocephala of different harvesting time was also determinated by HPLC techniques. According to the results, the recommendations of harvest time was proposted that, the harvest time should not be less than 40 days after Carbendazim application.


