

Study on Circular Economic Development in the Countryside of Hebei

【作者】 郭平

【导师】 孙文生;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着新农村建设的逐步推进和全面实现小康进程的加快,河北省农村生活用能水平也在不断提高,必然对能源产生前所未有的巨大需求,对环境的影响也难以估计。而农村生产生活及乡镇企业带来的环境污染,套用解决城市污染和规模以上工业企业污染的主要手段——末端治理却存在技术、经济障碍。城市规模以上工业企业的污染治理由于其污染排放的集中性、污染物相对的单一性和企业经营相对的大规模等特点,末端治理方法在多数情况下是适用的甚至惟一的。而农村的生活污染、乡镇企业污染以及集约化畜禽养殖场污染,采用末端治理会因为污染治理设施建设和运行的最小经济规模限制而不可行。农村循环经济是把循环经济的理念应用于农村经济生活当中,在农村生产生活中减少资源、物质投入量和减少废物的产生排放量,在小规模经营实体内进行资源、能源的再利用和再循环,实现农村经济生活和生态环境的协调与统一。发展农村循环经济是解决现代农业困境的必然选择,是解决“三农”问题的可行途径,是整个社会实现大循环的必要环节。本文以循环经济理论为指导思想,以循环经济的经济增长模型为逻辑起点,在研究河北省农村循环经济发展的自然条件、生态村示范区的循环经济发展实例的基础上,提出农村循环经济评价的指标体系。通过对全省农村地区进行随机性的循环经济发展问卷调查,分析农户目前对资源、能源的利用情况、对循环经济的认识及参与循环经济的意愿。通过对循环经济发展与演进的理论进行深入的概括与分析,将理论研究与河北省农村经济、社会、环境发展现状进行有机结合,提出河北省农村循环经济发展的制度、市场、技术支持体系建设,以期实现河北省农村经济的可持续发展。全文可分为五个部分第一部分,即第一章引言,这一部分是论文研究的起点和基础。主要介绍了河北省农村循环经济发展问题提出的背景和研究的目的及意义,对国内外关于循环经济及农村循环经济理论方面的研究现状进行了综述,说明了本论文所采用的研究方法、论文研究的思路和框架以及创新之处。第二部分,包括第二章和第三章的内容,即农村循环经济发展的理论研究和国内外经验借鉴,这一部分是论文研究的理论基础和外国经验概括。从农村社会角度界定了农村循环经济的概念,并比较了农村循环经济和农业循环经济区别和联系;介绍了研究农村循环经济的理论基础,即可持续发展理论、生态经济学理论、资源环境理论。提出了循环经济三种可能的增长轨迹曲线,说明发展循环经济受自然资源与环境容量约束,未来经济增长有可能下降、周期性波动以及波浪式上升三种情况。同时,介绍了国外农村地区发展循环经济的经验和发展趋势,国外为促进循环经济发展采取的政策措施,总结其成功的经验,为制定河北省农村循环经济发展策略提供了可以借鉴的经验。第三部分,包括第四章至第八章的内容,即河北省农村循环经济发展的条件分析、模式分析、评价指标分析、现状分析、各项支持体系建设,这一部分是论文研究的核心内容。首先,调查分析了河北省农村循环经济发展的自然资源条件、目前农村循环经济发展的各类模式,在全面而系统地了解了河北省农村循环经济发展情况的基础上,重新构建了农村循环经济系统。其次,在参考河北省农村统计年鉴及河北省第二次农业普查数据的基础上,设计出农村循环经济评价指标体系。再次,对全省11个市的农村循环经济发展问题调查问卷进行分析,并进一步研究了影响河北省农村循环经济发展的农村能源利用水平限制、市场形成的障碍、农业技术的制约、农村劳动力的制约、农业资金投入制约、法律规范不足、整体规划制约等几个主要方面。最后,在分析农村循环经济运行机制的基础上,根据河北省农村地区的实际情况,借鉴国内外的经验,提出了河北省农村循环经济发展的制度、市场、技术支撑体系。第四部分,即第九章结论。对论文的主要研究成果进行了总结,并对河北省农村循环经济发展问题的进一步研究进行了展望。

【Abstract】 With the gradual improvement of new rural reconstruction and quickening advancement of the all-round well-off society, the level of using energy in the countryside of Hebei also will enhance unceasingly, and the demand for energy will be unprecedentedly huge, and the influence to the environment will also be inestimable. But the three kind of environmental pollution in the countryside, if applying the method of end-of-pipe control which is the important mean to solve the pollution in city and in the above-scale industrial enterprises, actually have the technological and economic hurdles. In the above-scale industrial enterprise, because of the concentricity of the pollution emission, the relative simplicity of pollutant and the relative large scale of the management, the end-of-pipe control method in he most situations is suitable or even the only one. But this method is not feasible to the life pollution in the countryside, the township enterprises pollution and the intensified poultry and animal plants pollution, for the limit of the small scale economical scale and the high depreciation rate.The rural circular economy is applying the circular economy idea in the rural economy life, reducing the input of the resources and material and the discharge of pollutant, carrying out the reusing and recycling of the resource and energy in the small management entity, realizing the coordination and the unification of the rural economy life and the ecological environment. Developing the rural circular economy is the inevitable choice to solve the modern agriculture difficulties, and is the feasible way to solve the problem of“Agriculture, Rural areas and farmers”, and is the essential link to realize the big recycle of the whole society.This paper takes circular economy theory as the guiding principle, and takes recycling economical growth pattern as the logical beginning, on the base of the study of the natural condition and the ecological village demonstration zones in the countryside of Hebei, puts forward the rural recycling economic evaluation indicator system. By analyzing the results of the questionnaire survey to a part of farmers in the entire province about the rural recycling economic development, the paper studies the resources, energy use situation in the farmers’production and life at present, the circular economy understanding, and the wishes to participate the circular economy. By summarizing and analyzing the recycling economic development and evolution theories, the paper makes the combines the basic research combine with the rural economy, society and the environment development situation at present in the countryside of Hebei, then proposes the system construction of the regulation, the market, and the technology for the development of the rural circular economy in the countryside of Hebei, and to realizes the sustainable development in rural economy in Hebei. The paper can be divided into four parts:The first part, namely the first chapter of introduction, is the study beginning and foundation of the paper. This part mainly introduces the background and the study goal and the significance of the rural recycling economic development in the countryside of Hebei, carries on the synthesis and the narration about the domestic and foreign research situation to the rural circular economy, and shows the research technique, the framework, and the innovation of the paper.The second part, namely the second chapter and the third chapter, is including the theory research and domestic and foreign experiences for reference of the rural circular economy. This part is the theory foundation and experience summary of the paper. It limits the concept of the rural circular economy from the angle of rural society, and compares the rural circular economy with the agricultural circular economy, and introduces the theory foundation of this study, the sustained development theory, the ecology theory, the resource and environment theory. It proposes three kind of growth path curves of the circular economy, shows that because of the restraint of the natural resource and the environmental capacity, the circular economy growth will have three types, the possibility to drop, the periodic fluctuation as well as the wave rise. At the same time, it introduces the domestic and foreign experiences and the trend of the development of the rural recycling economic development, which all provides the experiences for reference for Hebei to development the rural circular economy.The third part, namely the content from the fourth chapter to the ninth chapter of the paper, includes the Hebei rural circular economy development’s condition analysis, the pattern analysis, the evaluating indicator analysis, and the questionnaire survey analysis, the present situation analysis, and each support system construction analysis. This part is the central content of the paper. First, it diagnoses the natural resource condition at present and each kind of pattern of rural circular economy in Hebei, in the foundation of comprehensive understanding of the situation in Hebei, constructs the rural circular economy system. Next, by referencing the data of the statistical annual of Hebei countryside and the second agricultural census in Hebei, the author designs the rural recycling economic evaluation indicator system. Then, it studies the 343 questionnaires of the survey to the rural recycling economic development in Hebei, and studies the factors that affect the rural recycling economic development in Hebei, such as the level of rural energy, the market forming, the agriculture technology, the rural labor force, the agriculture funds investment, and so on. Finally, according to the actual situation in the countryside of Hebei, it profits from the domestic and foreign experiences, and puts forward the support systems of the regulation, the market, and the technology for the development of the rural circular economy in Hebei.The fourth part, namely the ninth chapter of conclusion, carries on the summary to the main study results of the paper, and forecasts the future of the rural recycling economic development in the countryside of Hebei.


