

"The Third Power Diplomacy" in Theory and Practice

【作者】 杨明星

【导师】 赵伟明;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 国际关系, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 伊朗近代曾一度提出了鲜为人知、极富伊朗特色的外交战略——“第三方外交”。它是指,当中小国家或弱国在大国夹缝中面临严峻安全威胁时,该国采取平衡手段,利用大国之间的矛盾,借助外部一个或者多个强大力量,使大国之间互相牵制而相互制衡,消除大国对自身的威胁、从而达到保障国家安全目标的多元、多边平衡。“第三方外交”是伊朗传统的对外战略,其内涵丰富、历史悠久,最早可以追溯到近代早期的萨法维王朝,至今已有500多年漫长而又曲折的发展历程。“第三方外交”理论主要有三个方面的思想内涵:大国平衡主义、借重多元外部势力以实现多元制衡,以及多边连环制衡。从1502年到2008年,伊朗“第三方外交”经历了萌芽、大发展、搁置、再现和高潮五个历史时期。这一外交战略曾长期主宰着伊朗近现代外交史,成为近现代伊朗外交的核心内容和主线之一,伊朗先后据之引进过俄国、英国、法国、奥匈帝国、西班牙、葡萄牙、荷兰、德国、罗马教廷、美国等强大外部势力,最后再次引进了美国势力。在第二次世界大战后期,巴列维的“第三方外交”曾取得较大成功,它借助第三方——美国的力量将英、俄殖民帝国赶走,实现了国家的独立,但很快变成了对美国“一边倒”的政策,最终被伊斯兰革命所唾弃。自哈塔米执政以来,特别是自2003年伊朗核问题爆发后,伊朗面临着超级大国美国的打压,伊朗重新实施“第三方外交”战略,大力引入各种外部力量来抗衡美国,并多次化解了危机,避免了美国直接的军事打击。“第三方外交”理论在伊朗长盛不衰有其深远的地缘、文化、宗教等方面的历史渊源。伊朗实施“第三方外交”的方略多种多样,主要有九种手段:利诱和捆绑政策、软制衡、边缘政策、拖延战术、讨价还价、隐蔽战术、远交近攻、联盟和准联盟、分化瓦解。“第三方外交”具有浓厚的游击战色彩和鲜明的游牧民族特性,这种特殊性具体表现在灵活机动性、持久性、复杂性和危险性四个方面。“第三方外交”还具有重要的理论价值,其理论价值远未得到学界的重视。从外交学层面上来讲,“第三方外交”是具有一定特殊性和代表性的均势外交模式,它是典型的中小国家的大国平衡外交,是弱国借重外力的生存战略,强调以弱制强、以少胜多,借力打力。对国际关系理论来讲,它对以西方大国均势为中心的传统均势理念和模式提出了挑战,是对传统均势理论的完善和发展。用历史传统上的“第三方外交”来分析伊朗核危机,并把它提升为一种具有一定普遍意义的中小国家的均势模式和外交模式是本文的创新点,有利于拓展外交学和国际关系学的理论视野和研究空间。伊朗“第三方外交”既有特殊性,又具有普遍性,是中小国家均势外交的典型案例,具有重要的普遍意义。如蒙古、吉尔吉斯斯坦、新加坡、韩国、荷比卢三国以及东盟、中亚等地区其他中小国家的大国平衡战略也具有“第三方外交”的特征,事实证明“第三方外交”是客观存在的。

【Abstract】 In modern times, Iran formulated its Third Power Diplomacy, a rarely known foreign strategy with distinct Iranian characteristics. The Third Power Diplomacy refers to the multifaceted and multilateral equilibrium adopted by the middle and small states who introduce one or many strong foreign powers to play off one against another by use of balancing means and the contradictions among great powers in order to eliminate the menace posed by great powers and safeguard their national security when they are juxtaposed among great powers and faced with grave security threats. As a traditional Iran’s foreign strategy, the Third Power Diplomacy boasts rich connotations and a long history. It can date back to the ancient Safavi Dynasty in early modern times and has experienced a prolonged and devious development course of over 500 years. The Third Power Diplomacy Theory consists of three connotations, namely great power equilibrium, achieving multifaceted balancing by relying on multifaceted foreign power and multilateral interlink balancing.From 1502 to 2008, Iran’s Third Power Diplomacy has undergone 5 historical periods, i.e. the phases of budding, great growth, being laid aside, resurgence and upsurge. This foreign strategy dominated modern and contemporary Iranian diplomatic history for a long term and turned into one of Iranian diplomatic cardinal lines, by virtue of which, Iran successively introduced such great foreign powers as Russia, UK, France, Austria-Hungary, Spain, Portugal, Holland, Germany, Vatican Palace, USA, and eventually once again introduced the U.S. power. During the late Second World War, Pahlavi’s Third Power Diplomacy made a great success and translated Iran’s national independence into reality by introducing the US as the third power to counterbalance and drive away British and Russian colonist Empires. The Third Power Diplomacy, however, soon turned into one-sided policy towards the US and was ultimately conspued by the Islamic Revolution. Since Hhatami came into power, notably the Iran nuclear crisis broke out, faced with the great pressure from the superpower USA, Iran has re-enforced its Third Power Diplomacy Strategy by importing various exterior forces on a large scale to check the US, and has repeatedly defused the crisis and avoided US’s direct military strike.The long-lasting Third Power Diplomacy Theory has profound historical origins in terms of geopolitics, culture and religions. Iran launches its Third Power Diplomacy by use of various approaches such as carrot & binding, soft balancing, brinkmanship, procrastination, bargaining, dissimulation, distant ally, alliance and quasi-alliance, disintegration. The Third Power Diplomacy is considerably characteristic of guerrilla and Persian Nomadic attributes. Those characteristics lie in the following 4 aspects: agility and flexibility, durability, complexity and risk.In addition, the Third Power Diplomacy is possessed of significant theoretical values, which are far from paid enough attention by the academic circle. At the level of Diplomacy, it is a balance diplomatic model with both characteristic and universality, a typical great power equilibrium for middle and small countries, as well as a survival strategy of weak states with the help of foreign powers, which insists upon of concept of using the weak to check the strong, using the few to defeat the many and playing off one power against another. At the level of International Relations Study, it poses a challenge to the traditional ideology and models of balance of power predominated by the Western great power balance, and also serves to perfect and develop the traditional theory of balance of power. The creation of this thesis lies in introducing the historical Third Power Diplomacy to analyze the Iran nuclear crises and promoting it as a model of balance of power commonly used by some middle and small states, which is favorable to expand the theoretical visions and research room for Diplomacy and International Relations Study.Iran’s Third Power Diplomacy enjoys not only its own unique features but also some universal applicability. It is a typical case for research on the balance diplomacy model for both middle and small states and possesses considerable universal significance. For instance, the middle and small states such as Mongol, Kyrgyzstan, Singapore, ROK, Holland, Belgium, Luxemburg as well as other states in ASEAN and Central Asia, carry out the great power equilibrium strategy, which is quite similar to the Third Power Diplomacy. The facts prove that the Third Power Diplomacy is actually existent.


