

Deconstruction and Construction: A Study of Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Feminist Utopias

【作者】 曾桂娥

【导师】 虞建华;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 夏洛特·帕金斯·吉尔曼(1860-1935)是第一波女权主义运动浪潮中的重要作家、理论家和社会学家,是19世纪末20世纪初最有影响力的女权主义者之一,在20世纪70年代被“重新发现”后重返经典作家之列。吉尔曼一生著述颇丰,既有社会学著作也创作了大量小说、诗歌、戏剧等文学作品。她的乌托邦小说不仅包括“乌托邦三部曲”——《移山》、《她乡》和《与她同游我乡》,而且还包括一些中、短篇小说,例如《黛安莎的作为》、《睿智》、《改变》等,具有系统性和女性主义乌托邦小说的先驱特征。目前,国内外对吉尔曼文学作品的研究主要集中在短篇小说《黄色墙纸》和优托邦小说《她乡》上,其他乌托邦小说没有得到学术界的重视。乌托邦思想具有强烈的批判精神和构建功能,能够将过去、现在和未来有机联系起来。乌托邦小说则以虚构展现历史,以批判建构未来。在乌托邦的希望原则下,吉尔曼突破乌托邦文学传统,以乌托邦小说夯中19世纪末20世纪初美国社会的痼疾,倡导个人与社会、意识与行动等各方面的变革,艺术地建构了女权主义乌托邦社会。女权主义乌托邦小说是政治想象作品,其主旨是提出可能超越二元对立、两分法、两极性的思考方式。在吉尔曼的乌托邦图景中,既有描绘更美好社会的“优托邦”(eutopia),例如一些短篇小说以及《移山》和《她乡》,也有犀利批判社会现实的“歹托邦”(dystopia),例如《与她同游我乡》。其乌托邦叙事既包括时间之维,也涵盖空间之度。并且,吉尔曼的乌托邦构想从小到大,由点到面,从一个小家庭、一座城市、延及一个州、一个国家,继而发展到全世界。吉尔曼的乌托邦创作打破了父权乌托邦文学传统的垄断,以女权主义思维方式和解构特征构建女权主义乌托邦框架,对20世纪七八十年代重新繁荣的女权主义乌托邦小说产生了重要影响,其批判性和前瞻性能够为社会改革和女权主义运动提供借鉴。本论文主要探讨吉尔曼女权主义乌托邦小说的先驱特征及其乌托邦小说在解构与建构过程中对个体和社会的救治功能。论文选取吉尔曼的乌托邦三部曲《移山》、《她乡》、《与她同游我乡》以及中篇小说《黛安莎的作为》以及一些短篇小说作为分析文本,以文化研究方法将文学与服饰、建筑及环境结合起来,考察吉尔曼女权主义乌托邦作品中的服饰乌托邦、建筑乌托邦与环境乌托邦,得出结论之一:吉尔曼不仅是女权主义者,还是倡导生态和谐、物我合一的生态女权主义者。其次,论文考察了吉尔曼在乌托邦作品中构想的母职乌托邦。母职研究是女权主义理论中的重要内容之一,目前在国内学界尚未引起足够关注。通过考察吉尔曼构想的母职观念,本文得出另一结论:吉尔曼在乌托邦作品中揭示了制度性母职对女性的压迫,在文本中为母亲构想自主选择,并建构了女权主义母职观。此外,论文在论证过程中还运用心理分析理论,将吉尔曼的乌托邦作品以及作家的人生经历和时代特征结合起来,试提出一个观点:乌托邦的希望原则不仅能够帮助治疗个人心理创伤,而且还可能在批判的基础上推进社会进步。论文共包括五部分,分别是绪论、构成论文主体的三章以及结论。绪论部分首先梳理美国乌托邦小说和女权主义乌托邦小说的发展脉络,介绍吉尔曼的乌托邦小说创作背景和国内外研究与译介状况。第一章从社会与个体角度考察吉尔曼乌托邦文学创作的心理机制,讨论其女权主义乌托邦小说与作家经历之间的张力以及作品在主题以及叙事上的先驱特征。第二章主要讨论吉尔曼乌托邦作品中体现的“家园”意识,具体从服饰、建筑和环境三个方面来探讨吉尔曼的妇女解放思想和生态和谐观念。在吉尔曼看来,“家园乌托邦”的主要建设者是母亲,然而在父权社会,制度性母职借颂扬母亲之辞施禁锢母亲之举。因此,论文第三章集中讨论吉尔曼对于母职乌托邦的构想,考察她如何揭示“母亲的奥秘”,为母亲提供选择,并最终在乌托邦小说中建构母亲的胜利。综上所述,我们可以发现,吉尔曼在具体社会历史语境下,以希望原则为指导,在解构父权社会二元对立的基础上,以女权主义视角建构家园乌托邦和母职乌托邦,在救治社会的同时借助文学创作完成个体的疗伤之旅,成为女权主义乌托邦的先驱。虽然她在乌托邦小说中表露出一些种族优越感和社会进化论观点,但是乌托邦与意识形态的微妙关系决定了二者界限的模糊性,特定历史环境下的政治无意识对个体的影响力以及乌托邦宏观叙事难以避免的相对性和局限性决定了个体政治想象的乏力。但是,这并不足以影响吉尔曼女权主义乌托邦经典作家的地位,也不能抹煞她为女权主义运动做出的重要贡献。

【Abstract】 Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860-1935) is an important writer, theorist and socialist as well as one of the most important feminists in the first wave of feminist movement. The previous and present scholarship on Gilman, home and abroad, mainly focuses on her short story“The Yellow Wallpaper”and eutopian novel Herland. Her feminist utopias as a system have not won the scholarly attention they deserve. Gilman’s utopias function as powerful weapons, targeting the social diseases in the United States at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth century. At the same time, with the principle of HOPE, she constructs the“not yet”state of the society, advocating CHANGE—be it individual, social or changes of consciousness and relevant actions. The main body of her utopian literature comprises a utopian trilogy, namely, Moving the Mountain, Herland and With Her in Ourland as well as a series of short stories and one novella What Diantha Did. She not only presents positive eutopian world, such as the one in What Diantha Did, Moving the Mountain, and Herland, but also forecasts a dystopian vision. Her utopias are evolutionary, growing from an individual home to a city, a state, a country, and then the whole world, and the unchanging central concern is woman’s position and autonomy. Gilman’s systematic utopias mark her as a forerunner of feminist utopian literature. Her utopias, born at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, directly mirror the thoughts of the first wave of feminist movement. Meanwhile, her far-sighted perspectives and the nature of utopianism steer the direction of the latter waves of feminist movement and shed light on today’s feminist struggle against sexism and patriarchism. Gilman has inherited the utopian tradition created by Thomas More; and more importantly, she transcends the static perfection of utopian literature, and influences the revival of feminist utopias in the 1970s and 1980s, which makes her a deserving bearer of the title“forerunner”in feminist utopian literature.This dissertation explores the characteristics of Gilman’s utopias and discusses how, under the HOPE principle, Gilman’s deconstruction and construction through utopia creation function as a personal and social healer. The first part of the dissertation, Introduction, starts with a brief back glance of development of American utopian literature and feminist utopias, together with a summary of the previous scholarship on Gilman home and abroad. The first chapter introduces Gilman’s utopian works in the personal and social context and explores the forerunning characteristics in her utopian narratives and themes. The following two chapters are the key parts of this dissertation, exploring the most significant aspects of Gilman’s feminist utopian perspectives, clarifying Gilman’s construction based on the critique of the existing social order. Chapter Two discusses Gilman’s construction of“home utopia”in three aspects, namely, clothing, architecture and environment. Chapter Three explores Gilman’s“utopia of motherhood”. To Gilman, mothers are builders of home and society, yet the institutionalized motherhood in patriarchal society constructs“mother’s mystique”in the disguise of compliments of them. Only when this mystique is revealed can mothers obtain choices and achieve triumph—materializing a utopia of motherhood through literary imagination.Based on the argument above, my conclusion is that Charlotte Perkins Gilman constructs a feminist dwelling place through critique of the social oppression of women in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century and her utopian sociological dream helps heal her personal trauma as well. Though her construction of home utopia and motherhood utopia is tainted with racial prejudices and eugenic ideas, we should recognize her contribution to the feminist utopian literature and feminist movement.

  • 【分类号】I712.074
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1594

