

Study on the Evolution of Regular Script Components

【作者】 梁春胜

【导师】 张涌泉; 施谢捷;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文是從字形角度對楷書部件的演變情況進行研究。我们試圖把楷書部件放到整個漢字形體源流演變的大背景中去,力求對於楷書部件的源流演變作出更加精確的描述,同時對於楷書部件的演變途徑和演變規律進行更深入的探討,在此基礎上,總結楷書部件演變的通例,並用於疑難俗字考釋工作。全文分為七章。第一章,緒論。分為三個部分:第一節對“楷書”、“部件”、“異體”和“俗體”四個概念進行了說明。第二節對近代漢字研究作了一總體評述,指出近代漢字學界在楷書字形尤其是俗體字形研究方面取得了突出的成績,但不足之處也很明顯。第三節介紹了本文所用文字資料和研究步騾。第二章,楷書部件源流演變研究的意義。指出楷書部件源流演變研究的意義主要體現在四個方面:第一,有助於溝通古今文字之間的關係;第二,有助於構建楷書字形演變的序列;第三,有助於探明某些楷書變體的成因;第四,有助於大型字典的修訂與完善;第五,有助於提高古籍校理的質量。第三章和第四章,隸楷階段漢字部件的演變。這兩章是本論文的主體部分,文中將隸楷階段漢字部件演變的途徑分為九種:一、訛變;二、訛混;三、糅合;四、簡化;五、繁化;六、類化;七、草書楷化;八、變形音化;九、變形義化。文中對於以上各種演變情況都有舉例說明。第五章,楷書異體俗體部件探源。本章對楷書異體俗體部件的來源情況進行了探討,指出主要有四個來源:一、來源於古文字;二、來源於傳抄古文;三、來源於秦文字;四、來源於漢隸。第六章,楷書部件演變的規律。本章對楷書部件演變的規律進行了總結,主要有同步演進、雙向演變、類推演變和改造成字四種。本章分四節對這四種規律進行了舉例說明。第七章,利用楷書部件訛混通例考辨疑難字舉例。本章利用楷書部件訛混通例,對石刻、寫本和字書中的七十幾個疑難俗字進行了考辨。

【Abstract】 The regular script is the main Chinese character stylistics at present time,but weare still not much familiar with the evolution of this writing stylistics and itscomponents.So we are going to make an investigation into the graphemic changingprocess of regular script components.We make an attempt to put the regular scriptcomponents into the background of the whole graphemic evolution of the ChineseCharacters,in order to give more accurate description of the evolution of regular scriptcomponents,and make a deeper research on the path and law of the evolution ofregular script components.On the base of the work above-mentioned,We going to sumup the general rule of the evolution of regular script components,and apply it into theidentification of knotty characters. The thesis is divided into seven chapters.ChapterⅠis introduction,which divided into three parts:The first section make anexplanation of four important concepts,that is regular script,component,variant formand vulgar characters;The second section make a commentation on the study ofmodem Chinese characters;The third section present the main character material andthe approach of research of this thesis.ChapterⅡmake an analysis of the significance of the study of the evolution ofregular script components.We point out that the significance embody five aspects,thaiis to say,it is helpful for the communication of ancient and modern writings,helpfulfor the construction of the evolution list of graphic shapes of regular script,helpful forthe detection of the cause of some regular script variant form,helpful for the reviseand consummation of large dictionaries,and helpful for the improvement of thecollation of ancient documents.ChapterⅢandⅣdiscuss the the evolution of official and regular scriptcomponents.We devide the evolution process of official and regular script componentsinto nine kinds:erroneous change,erroneous confusion,mixing variant,simplification,complication,assimilation,change of cursive writing into regular script,change ofgraphic shape to display its pronunciation and meaning.ChapterⅤexplore the source of variant form in regular script writings.We pointout that the main sources include ancient writings,transcript ancient writings,Qincharacters,official script of Han dynasty.ChapterⅥsummarize the rule of the evolution of regular scriptcomponents,which include Synchronous evolution,bidirectional evolution,analogicalevolution and transform into character.ChapterⅦis the use of the rule of erroneous confusion into the identification ofknotty characters.We identify seventies characters in inscription of tombstones,manuscript copy and large dictionaries.

【关键词】 楷書俗字部件異體疑難字
【Key words】 regular scriptvulgar characterscomponentvariant formknotty characters
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 11期
  • 【分类号】J292.1
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】923

