

【作者】 黄雄

【导师】 李维森(韦森);

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 西方经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 米塞斯(Ludwig von Mises,1881-1973)作为现代奥地利经济学派的先驱和精神领袖,他的思想一直没有引起国内学界足够的重视,几乎形成奥地利学派思想研究领域中的空白地带。导致这种局面产生的原因可能来自两方面:一是由于意识形态的禁锢,二是经济学者过分追逐西方主流经济学的形式化趋势。米塞斯的经济思想研究不仅可以弥补国内研究奥地利学派文献中的这一重大空白,而且还能针锋相对地挑战这一空白背后的两大诱因。一方面,米塞斯的思想往往被人们视为极端自由主义的代表,他以“社会主义(计划经济)的经济计算不可能”的命题闻名于世,认为在社会主义公有制的计划经济体制下,不存在以货币为基础的理性经济计算。这一论断被世界范围内半个多世纪的社会主义实践所证实,但是他所倡导的以私有财产和劳动分工为基础的经济秩序的自由理念并没有完全获得人们的支持。另一方面,米塞斯以不同于主流学派(数理模型)的另一种形式化方法(人类行为学的先验论),将经济学理论追溯为人的行为的因果性解释。米塞斯意义上的人的行为是指个人能够自由地选择或安排自己的手段以追求自己的目标的行为。他主张基于时间的过程分析,强调未来的不确定性,重视企业家精神,这种市场过程的理论分析不仅深化了我们对于市场运行机制的认识,而且有可能为我们提供理解转型经济和发展经济学的重要线索。本文的结构十分简单。全文分为三个部分:第一部分是前两章,介绍本文的研究背景及相关的国内外文献综述;第二部分是研究的主体,即第三章至第六章,分别阐释米塞斯的方法论、货币理论与经济计算、商业周期理论、企业家与市场过程理论等方面的经济思想;第三部分即为末章的结论。前两章首先介绍本文的研究背景及选题意义,并综述国内外相关的文献资料,在梳理奥地利学派经济思想的演进历程的基础上,试图归纳米塞斯在该学派发展过程中的思想贡献。第三章讨论米塞斯的经济学方法论,这是本研究最艰难而又最重要的内容。在这一章中,本文从米塞斯关于方法论著作的文本出发,梳理他来自三方面的思想渊源:门格尔的方法论传统、韦伯的社会科学方法论以及康德的先验论,揭示出他与这三者之间的紧密联系和显著区别,并试图勾画出米塞斯基于这三位巨人的思想对方法论发展的脉络图。第四章介绍米塞斯的货币理论与经济计算问题。本文认为米塞斯关于“社会主义的经济计算不可能”的命题直接来源于第一本著作《货币与信用原理》关于货币价值的分析,所以将经济计算问题作为货币理论的一个拓展置于第四章中讨论,并指出经济计算问题在现阶段中国的“准市场”实践中的现实意义。第五章阐释受众人关注的商业周期理论。在近期爆发金融危机的大背景下,这一理论的回顾和研究格外具有现实意义。这一章详细梳理米塞斯及其学派对商业周期的经典解释,同时针对凯恩斯主义与货币主义应对金融危机的政策主张进行必要的反思,最后试图以奥地利学派的商业周期理论对近期世界金融危机产生的原因进行解读,并提出现阶段中国应对金融危机的政策主张。第六章研究现代奥地利学派的企业家与市场过程理论。该章首先阐释米塞斯对于时间、不确定性、竞争、企业家精神、市场过程等核心概念的理解,然后简要介绍熊彼特、哈耶克、科兹纳与拉赫曼等关于企业家和市场过程的重要观点,最后作出简要评论,并试图阐明现代奥地利学派市场过程理论的发展仍然离不开广义的均衡概念。最后一章是结论部分,试图在点明目前奥地利学派发展困境的同时,指出奥地利学派将来的可能发展方向。

【Abstract】 To most of domestic readers, their knowledge about Austrian school ofeconomics rests on a very general level which is all most misleading because of theconfine of ideology and the trend of mathematic formalization in mainstreameconomics. Thus the interpretations about the original literatures are very few,especially for Mises’s contributions. Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973) was seen as thepioneer and spiritual leader of Modern Austrian Economics, but until quite recently,his thoughts attracted relatively little attention from domestic scholars, which almostbecomes a blank of relevant research. This research of Mises’s economic thoughtstries to not only fill the blank in domestic literatures of Austrian Economics, but alsodirectly challenge the dominated ideology and methodology in mainstream.On the one hand, Mises’s idea is usually regarded as a representative of radicallibertarianism. He was well known for putting forward the proposition about theimpossibility of Economic Calculation in the Socialism Commonwealth (1920). Thisargument was proved by the failure of the socialism practice for more than half acentury, but his idea of free economic order with private property and division oflabor is not completely accepted by the public. On the other hand, Mises advocatedanother methodology different from that in mainstream. As a neo-Kantian, he deniedthe possibility of arriving at laws by induction and defended the possibility of a purelya priori system of economic theory which he labeled "praxeology." In doing so hemeant to free economics from a reliance on "psychological" considerations in oldAustrian Economics and from the inappropriate mathematical methods of physics inmainstream, then sought only logical sanction for economic laws.The structure of this article is very simple. The whole article is divided into 3parts. The first part, that is the first two chapters, tries to give a brief introduction ofthis research background and the relevant literatures summary, also to review thehistory of Austrian School of Economics. Then the second part, also the main part ofthis article, focuses on Mises’s main four contributions to economic thoughts. And thelast part, also the last chapter, give the conclusion of the whole articles, and point outthe possible further research fields about Austrian school of economics. In the second part, Mises’s main contributions are concluded into 4 points whichrespectively consists in the following 4 chapters (3-6th chapter): (1) Methodology ofpraxeology, (2) Monetary theory and Economic Calculation problem, (3) BusinessCycle theory, (4) Entrepreneur and market process. By and large, every chapter in thispart makes a study like this: firstly reviews Mises’s thoughts in the relavant field, andthen discusses the relevant ideas from others including modern Austrian Economicsand other mainstream economics, and finally draws a conclusion or point out therealistic significance about this review and discussion.Let’s take the 5th chapter titled with Business Cycle Theory as an example.Applying with the business cycle theory of Austrian Economic School, this chaptertries to interpret the origin of the crisis and how to tackle with it. The 5th chapter isdivided into 3 parts, the first part is a brief introduction of the business cycle theory ofAustrian School and a discussion related to the theories of Keynesianism to show thatsuch theories only pay attention to the superficial and neglect the essentials. Then thesecond part particularly illustrates the root cause of the crisis, and puts forward thepolicies held by Austrian Economic School as the settlements. And the last part focuson present finance environment and renovation problems in China, points out that thereform of the free market direction should be insisted. The structure of other chaptersfrom the 3rd to 6th is similar with that above.All in all, the whole research intends to arouse more attention to the thoughts ofAustrian Economics, and attemps to give some distinctive ideas to the mainstreameconomics.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 11期

