

【作者】 唐七元

【导师】 游汝杰;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 关于汉语方言同源词,目前学界还没有系统全面的研究。本文可能是第一次全面而系统地研究汉语各地方言的同源词。本文借鉴西方的历史语言比较法,将汉语南方六大方言视为不同的语言,通过建立语音对应规律和语义对应关系,来分析和整理各地的方言同源词。在此基础上,我们将研究各地方言的源流关系和接触关系,从而思考、探寻各地方言的个体演变和共同演变;通过分析、比较同源词比率的大小,来判断各地方言间的亲疏关系,进而完善和改进方言特征词的研究。总体而言,这些工作将有力地推动方言史以及汉语史的研究全文共分五章,第一章,即绪论部分,主要介绍本选题的意义、所选用的研究方法及原则、以及方言同源词的材料来源和本研究的展开布骤;第二章概述部分,将对方言同源词的概念作出界定,并进行初步分类,同时对已有的研究进行简单的回顾和小结;第三章,也即本论文的主体部分,将首先列举156条汉语方言的声韵调的语音对应,然后据此对方言同源词进行分类考证,其中重点考证了56个名词类方言同源词、99个动词类方言同源词、18个形容词及其他词类的方言同源词;第四章将对方言同源词进行综合分析,并在此基础上,对方言间的亲疏关系进行探讨,以求完善和改进方言特征词的研究;第五章是结语部分。

【Abstract】 Now,there is not a systematic study on cognate words inChinese dialects,so we want to research the thesis in thisdissertation comprehensively and systematically.We will usethe historical comparative method,which is from the Westernlinguistics.At first,we consider the six Chinese southerndialects as different languages,and then,we will analyze andorganize the cognate words from these dialects through theestablishment of the phonetic law and semantic relationship.We hope to find out the evolution of Chinese dialects throughthe study about the origin and the contact of Chinese dialects.We will judge the relationship among Chinese dialects throughthe research about the ratio of Cognate words,and hope thiswork can further the research about the feature words in Chinesedialects.In a word,the study will further the research of thehistory of Chinese and Chinese dialects.This dissertation is divided into five chapters.In chapter1,which is the preface,we will introduce the significance ofthis subject,methods and principles,resource of the materialand the steps of this research,and so on;In chapter 2,whichis the outline,we definite the concept of cognate words inChinese dialects and give a preliminary classification,andmake a brief summary about the previous studies;In chapter 3,depending on 156 phonetic correspondence laws in Chinesedialects,we classify the cognate words.At last,the analysisincludes 56“noun cognate words”,99“verb cognate words”,18“adjective cognate words”and the others;In chapter 4,we analyze the cognate words in Chinese dialectscomprehensively.Based on the work,we will research thedistance relationship among Chinese dialects.We believe thestudy will further the research of feature words in Chinesedialects;In chapter 5,which is the remarks,we make someconclusions and talk about the relative issues.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 11期
  • 【分类号】H17
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1908

