

On the History of Ancient Taoism Shangqing Scriptures

【作者】 李静

【导师】 陈尚君;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 上清經是道教三洞經書之一洞真部的主要經典。而古上清經指的則是六朝時期出世的上清經。本文將考察的對象限定在東晉中期至劉宋年間的古上清經,對劉宋陸修靜之前古上清經的状况及其傳授的源流作了一個考辨。内容上則從三個方面展開:一、關於“獨立寶經三十一卷”。在第二章裏,指出道經史上存在兩種“三十一卷”的經群概念,而其中第二種“三十一卷”的概念尚未引起重視。該經群的核心經目爲《太真玉帝四極明科經》卷三經目,文中對該經目産生的時間、背景,最有可能的作者進行了探究,並結合對王靈期造經的重新審查,認為這一經群系統即為王靈期所建立和提出,其時間則在405年至435年之間。然後在第三章通過對《太真玉帝四極明科經》卷三經目中經典的考察,進一步指出其中幾部經典亦很可能爲王靈期造經二、關於陸修靜與上清經的傳承。在第四章裏,首先對《雲笈七籖》保存的《上清源統經目注序》的内容和作者重新進行了考證,確定其作者爲陸修靜,而且《上清源統經目》的内容則爲前述“獨立寶經三十一卷”(《太真玉帝四極明科經》卷三)的系統。這樣陸修靜就成為王靈期“獨立寶經三十一卷”系統傳承過程中的一個關鍵的人物。另一方面由於《上清大洞真經目》前三十四卷經典與《太真玉帝四極明科經》卷三經目只有兩部經典的差異,從而筆者認為《上清大洞真經目》的前身其實就是“獨立寶經三十一卷”的系統,而陸修靜從“獨立寶經”到《上清大洞真經目》的上清經的傳承過程中則發揮了重要作用。接下来筆者進一步對陸修靜與上清經的關係進行了考察,並對陸修靜《靈寶經目》中所謂“未出”的含義進行了討論。筆者認爲,這一經目中所謂的“未出”經典,其實並不是學術界一向認為的“未撰出”的經典,而是判定爲不可信的人造的偽經(對應於道教所認為的“天授神書”)。三、關於楊許真經的考辨。在最後的第五章裏,我們以東晉中期楊許降真時期所撰出上清經的問題爲核心,首先對東晉中期楊羲、許謐、許翽等人實際造經的情况作了一番考察,列出了一個確定當時有實際成經的目錄;然後對照該目錄,對《道藏》中存在的相關道經進行了考辨,分析了其中尚存的楊許經的文本,得出了一個比较可信的現存楊許真經的文本目錄。

【Abstract】 This paper tries to explore the source and evolvement of the ancientShangqing Scriptures from the East Jin Dynasty to the Song in the SixDynasty,and includes the following three parts:The first part deals with the Thirty-one Volumes of ExtraordinaryShangqing Scriptures (独立宝经三十一卷).The second chapter distincts two different Thirty-one Volumes ofShangqing Scriptures (上清经三十一卷) in the history.ExtraordinaryShangqing Scriptures,as the second one,has not gain enough academicattention it deserves.Taizhen Yudi Siji Mingke Jing (《太真玉帝四极明科经》),which can be regarded as the core of this scriptures,is carefullystudied to figure out the time and environment when it appeared,and theperson who most possibly made it.Moreover,with a reconsideration on theprocess during which Wang Lingqi (王灵期) created the scriptures,aconclusion can be drawn is that it is Wang who made the whole scripturessystem,and the time period can be predicted as 30 years from 405 A.D.to 435 A.D..The third chapter support this point by investigation on theclassics of Taizhen Yudi Siji Mingke Jing.The second part of this paper discusses Lu Xiujing’s (陆修静)workand the lineage of the Shangqing Scriptures.The fourth chapter does a textual research on the Shangqing YuantongJingmu Zhuxu(《上清源统经目注序》),which is recorded in Yunji Qiqian(《云笈七籖》),and determines that Lu Xiujing is the author and ShangqingYuantong Jingmu (《上清源统经目》) belongs to the system of theExtraordinary Shangqing Scriptures.Therefore,Lu can be considered asa key role in the lineage of Shangqing Scriptures.On the other hand,theonly two-scripture discrepancy between the Shangqing Dadong Zhenjing mu(《上清大洞真经目》) and the Shangqing Yuantong Jingmu (《上清源统经目》)leads to a conclusion that the precursor of Shangqing Dadong Zhenjing muis exactly the same as the system of the Thirty one Volume Sciptures.Furthermore,the paper studies the relationship between Lu Xiujing andShangqing Sciptures,as well as Lu’s Lingbao Scriptures’ List (灵宝经目》),and concludes that the so called“unreleased”scriptures are actually not what the scholars always believe-say,haven’t beencomposed-but untrustworthy artificial pseudograph.The third part is a survey on the Yang and Xus’ Scriptures.The fifthchapter focuses on the scriptures written by Yang Xi(杨义),Xu Mi(许谧)andXu Hui(许翽)in the mid-Jin Dynasty,makes a list of scriptures thatactually existed at that time,and verifies the relevant scriptures inthe Taoist Canon to seek out the real texts at the hands of Yang and Xuaccording to this list.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】B958
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】471

