

【作者】 郑纳新

【导师】 陈思和;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文研究新时期中国最重要的文学杂志《人民文学》及其与“人民文学”的关系,进而揭发新时期文学发展变化的一般轨迹与内在脉络,阐述新时期文学与国家文艺政策、与文学传媒的内在关联。研究新时期的《人民文学》必须追溯“人民文学”的形成发展历史与范型特征,从而分析《人民文学》创刊的背景与角色定位。中国现代知识分子的现代性追求、中国共产党人的革命探索和苏俄经验,是“人民文学”的观念来源。毛泽东的文艺思想规范性地建构了“人民文学”的理论体系,并通过革命根据地及后来的解放区大众文学实践,形成了“人民文学”的基本范型。十七年期间《人民文学》与“人民文学”的互动历程,促进了国家对文学的全面掌握与改造,也留下经验教训。透视“文革”后期《人民文学》的复刊,以观察当时的权力摩擦和文学、期刊的境遇,进而比较六七十年代两次文艺政策调整之不同,认为1975年文艺政策调整只是最高领袖对文艺界状况的直接干预,并不是理论、观念、制度层面的全面调整,没有涉及较大的范围,也没有产生任何新的有价值的文学成果。复刊第一年的《人民文学》亦未复现文学的生机。“文革”结束,张光年接管《人民文学》之后,《人民文学》获得新生,并以卓越的努力实现了当代文学传统的恢复与发展,为新时期中国社会改革与进步提供了积极的思想资源和巨大的舆论支持。本文主要通过对新时期《人民文学》发表的作品和这些作品如何发表、发表之后对文学产生何种作用、对社会产生何种影响等层面来分析新时期《人民文学》对文学,特别是作为新时期文学主潮的“人民文学”的重要意义。本文分析了伤痕-反思文学、改革文学在《人民文学》上的发端和推进,分析乡土市井文学、探索文学在《人民文学》上的发展,总结了新时期《人民文学》在发起和推动“人民文学”主潮方面的创造性建树,并深入文学潮流内部衡估这些建树对于当代中国文学纵深发展拓展与丰富的重要意义。本文认为在文学主体性勃兴的八十年代中期,中国文学进入了一个多元发展的阶段。《人民文学》以积极主动的姿态迎接文学新潮,特别是在寻根文学、先锋文学兴起之初,积极推动,蔚成潮流,继续保持了引领时潮的位置。本文以《人民文学》发表的同类作品考察了寻根文学与先锋文学的视角与艺术倾向的转变,从而形成文学的新元。“人民文学”在新潮的冲击下从主流变为多元中的一元。这之间的转换得失对于《人民文学》来说如同双刃剑。《人民文学》推动新潮之际,中国的社会结构发生了极大的改变,社会意识也产生了转折性的嬗变,这些因素连同文学内部的裂变形成合力,导致了“人民文学”的淡化。在此期间意识形态不断强化,期刊出版业管理加强,文艺工作市场化转型,国民文化消费出现新的变化,文学期刊竞争局面全面形成。这一切使得《人民文学》失去了主导地位。本文最后一章对新时期《人民文学》的文学组织活动、文学批评活动展开了分析,这也是新时期《人民文学》在推动文学和文艺思潮发展方面富有成效的两个方面,它们确立了新时期文学的自主性格局,对于中国文学未来的发展有着极为深远的影响,特别是《人民文学》开创的文学评奖制度对新时期以来中国文学的发展起到了很大的促进作用,建立了良好的评奖范式和传统。本文同时对新时期《人民文学》乃至整个新时期文学的核心人物张光年进行了专门的研究,对其思想的发展、对当代文学的建树和文学期刊管理思想进行了观察分析,认为张光年这样目光坚定、胸怀开阔且有惜春情怀的文艺元老是新时期文学得到健康发展的重要保证之一。

【Abstract】 The thesis intends to study the relationship between People’s Literature,the mostimportant literature magazine in China,and“people’s literature”(as a literary term) soas to make an intensive research of the development of the Chinese New Era literature,and also to reveal its inner relationship with the national literature and art policy aswell as the literary media in the same period.The thesis argues that the research of People’s Literature in the New Era must betraced all the way back to the history,the characteristic patterns of the“people’sliterature”so as to check its background information of putting out the first issue andits role positioning.The modem efforts made by the contemporary Chineseintellectuals and the revolutionary explorations by Chinese Communist Party alongwith the Russian experience form the ideology sources of“people’s literature.”Itscharacteristic patterns were made through the literary practice done in therevolutionary base and liberated areas.The 17 years of interactivities betweenPeople’s Literature and“people’s literature”not only promoted the governmentcontrol over and reconstruction of the literature,but also left some experience andlessons.Only by looking closely into the publication-resuming of People’s Literatureat the end of the“Cultural Revolution”,the power struggle and the situation ofliterature and periodicals at the time can it be possible to tell the differences of the twoadjustments of literature and art policy made respectively in the 60s and 70s.Ipersonally assume the policy adjustment made in 1975 was nothing but the directinterference from the top leader in the literary and art circles rather than a completereconstruction of the theory,ideology and system.Hence it neither involved everydomain nor brought about any valuable and important works.Thepublication-resuming of People’s Literature was just a minor part in the big picture ofthe changes made in the national policies.The first year after its publication wasbeing restarted,it did not bring Chinese literature back to revival as was expected.Itwas only when the“Cultural Revolution”came to an end and Zhang Guangnian wasmade the editor-in-chief that the magazine got the second chance and was like to bereborn.The tradition of Chinese contemporary literature was resumed and further developed.Besides,it also demonstrated great influence over and offered a lot ofprogressive ideas and public support for the Chinese reform and opening-up in theNew Era.The thesis intends to make a detailed study of the significance of People’sLiterature to the development of Chinese literature,especially the“people’sliterature”,the mainstream of the New Era literature by examining the workspublished by the New Era People’s Literature,namely how they were published,whatimpact they may have on and in what way did they influence the society.The thesistraces the line of the development of scar literature,introspection literature and reformliterature as well as the growth of native literature,townspeople literature andexploration literature in the magazine.The thesis also summarizes the achievementthe magazine has made in launching and fostering“people’s literature”and whatimportant impact it may have had on the further development of Chinese literature.The thesis holds the view that Chinese literature entered multi-development stagein the middle of 80s of the last century when the idea of subject-orientation in literaryworks was prevailing.People’s Literature responded actively and embraced the newliterary trend wholeheartedly.It made great efforts,especially at the beginning of thedevelopment of the roots literature and avant-garde literature,to launch and then leadthe new trend.Based on the works of these two genres published by the magazine,thethesis carries out a research of the changes that took place in their perspective andliterary tendency,and how these two new genres thus came into being and becamestronger.“People’s literature,”under the impact of this new trend,gradually changedinto a single element rather than the main stream it used to be.This transformationwas like a double-edge sword for the magazine.While People’s Literature was launching a new literary trend,Chinese socialstructure at the time was undergoing great changes and people’s ideology was alsoexperiencing a subversive transformation.These elements,along with the divisionthat took place within the contemporary literature,form a resultant force,which led to“people’s literature”being less influential and condescending.Besides,not only astronger control over literature and art,especially the management over periodicalswas beefed up at the time,but literature and art towards a market-oriented transitionwas promoted,which resulted in the new changes that took place in people’sexpenditure on cultural products and the fierce competition among a variety ofliterature periodicals.All these combined made the already traumatized magazine no longer being in a leading position.The last chapter of the thesis deals with the literature-related activities organizedby the magazine in the New Era,which proved to be very effective in advancing thedevelopment of literary and art trend at the time.It’s justifiable to say that,by helpingestablish the self-directed framework for the New Era literature,they hold significantimportance for the further development of future Chinese literature.The award-givingsystem,created by People’s Literature,greatly promoted the growth of contemporaryChinese literature,and set up long-lasting models and outstanding tradition for theup-coming contest of literary works.The thesis also makes a detailed study of ZhangGuangnian,a key figure to the magazine as well as the literature in the New Era.Itresearches into the development of his thoughts,the contributions he made to Chineseliterature and his ideas over the management of literature periodicals.It eventuallycomes to the conclusion that such determined and broad-minded senior writers asZhang Guangnian proved to be one of the most important guarantees for the sounddevelopment of the New Era literature.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】I206.7
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1049

