

【作者】 赵文

【导师】 金光耀;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国近现代史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 《生活》周刊1925年10月由中华职业教育社创办于上海。初期为该社的机关刊,后在邹韬奋主持下,逐步发展演变为都市通俗文化生活杂志。九·一八事变前,《生活》行销海内外,尤其受到城市平民阶层的欢迎。九·一八事变后,《生活》宗旨发生很大变化,以针砭时弊,宣传抗日救国、马克思主义及社会主义为主要内容,成为一份著名的新闻时政刊物。1933年12月,《生活》出至第八卷第50期时被国民党当局查封。初创时的《生活》,因人手不足,经费短缺,面临极大困难。为了生存发展,1926年邹韬奋接办《生活》后,及时调整办刊方向,积极走市场化发展道路,由此带来了刊物销量和广告的激增,造成了《生活》的兴旺发达。在此过程中,《生活》正确处理事业性与商业性的关系,努力追求“民治、民有、民享”的办刊理想。《生活》的经济自立、精神自由为其城市平民文化的营造构筑了一个自由平等、开放独立的空间与平台。20世纪二三十年代上海都市大众社会业已成形,日益增长的市民文化生活消费需求,催生了都市通俗大众传媒的繁荣与发展,通俗报刊等大众传媒普遍介入市民大众的日常生活,直接参与创制都市大众文化。《生活》编者、作者与读者彼此间形成了一种超越亲缘、地缘的对话关系与沟通网络,结成了一个声气相通的文化群落,在实现平衡/互换良性大众传播模式的同时,围绕着与城市中下职员阶层民众切身相关的各种问题,通过投稿、通信、讨论等方式,于信息传递、情感沟通、思想交流激荡中,共同营造孕育出一种雅俗共赏、务实向上、与时俱进的都市大众文化——《生活》城市平民文化。这一文化傲然超越于“权”和“钱”,是一科真正属于城市平民的都市大众文化。《生活》城市平民文化由《生活》的相关内容反映出来,具体地体现在城市平民的日常生活、求学就业、恋爱婚姻、娱乐休闲等各方面。在日常生活上,它积极提倡现代生活方式,努力倡导量入为出、合理有度、正当健康的理性消费和娱乐休闲;在求学择业上,它主张工读自修,自学成才,通过“进德修业”,依靠个人奋斗努力开辟一条学业、事业成功之路;在恋爱婚姻上,它鼓励城市平民青年大胆冲破封建旧传统、旧礼教的束缚,勇敢追求个人婚恋自由自主和小家庭的幸福生活……。《生活》城市平民文化,反映了20世纪二三十年代城市小资产阶层青年在人生过渡成长过程中思想观念、价值行为等方面由传统向现代的嬗变,折射出他们在求学就业、婚恋家庭、个人与社会关系等社会化问题上的困惑与追求。《生活》城市平民文化属于现代早期都市大众文化。从地域、源流、主体的角度来看,它具有海派都市性、民主科学性和平民青年性三个特征。它的功能具体表现在调适城市平民心理精神,导引其现代人格塑造,促使其政治觉醒三个方面。《生活》周刊及其城市平民文化追寻现代文明生活方式,关心现代人格塑造,关注社会发展进步的价值精神导向,对城市平民的生活方式、行为模式、思想价值取向乃至整个都市大众文化的积极的现代性转变都产生了巨大影响。九·一八事变后,由于时局环境的变化,以娱情消费为主要特征的上海都市大众文化逐步走向衰微,而《生活》城市平民文化则日渐转变成为左翼文化。

【Abstract】 Created initially by the professional education society of China inShanghai in October,1925,〈THE LIFE WEEKLY〉was the key publication ofthe press at the beginning and then developed into a popular magazine onculture and daily life led by Tao-fen Zou. Before“September 18th Incident”,〈THE LIFE WEEKLY〉was popular both domestically and abroad,especiallywelcomed by urban common people. However,the outburst of“September18th Incident”changed the theme of〈THE LIFE WEEKLY〉tremendously.Focusing on criticizing the present-day evils and propagandizing the thoughtsof anti-Japanese invasion and Marxism and socialism,〈THE LIFE WEEKLY〉became a famous political news reporting magazine.〈THE LIFE WEEKLY〉was closed down by currently ruling party of Kuomintang when publishing the50th journal in the 8th volume in December 1933.During the earlier stage of publication,〈THE LIFE WEEKLY〉facedextreme difficulties of insufficient employees and short funds. Taken over byTao-fen Zou in 1926,who adjusted the direction of content timely to meet themarket demands,〈THE LIFE WEEKLY〉began to flourish,with both sales andadvertisement amount soaring. During this course,〈THE LIFE WEEKLY〉dealt with the relationship between career and commerce properly,striving topursue an ideal of“magazines managed,owned and shared by commonpeople”. The economy independency and spirit freedom of〈THE LIFEWEEKLY〉builds a free,equal,open and independent space and platform forurban common people and the building of their culture.In 1920’s and 1930’s,with the formation of urban mass society inShanghai,increasing citizen cultural life demand gave birth to the prosperityand development of urban popular media. Popular mass media such asuniversal journalism etc. got involved in the daily life of the general public toparticipate directly in the creation of urban popular culture. Editors and authorsof〈THE LIFE WEEKLY〉formed dialogue relation and communicationnetwork with the readers that go beyond the kindred and distance,andorganized a mutual interactive cultural community. While realizing balancingand merit-interchanging media modes,a kind of“both refined and popular”,“practical and progressive”,“developing with time”urban popular culture——〈THE LIFE WEEKLY〉urban civilian culture was nurtured andcreated together,focusing on all the clerk-related problems of urban middleand lower class people and in the manner of contribution,communicationnetwork,discussion etc. as well as information transmission,emotionalcommunication and exchanges and conflicts of ideas. This cultural wentbeyond power and money proudly,which comes to be a kind of urban popularcultural that belongs to the urban common people in deed.The urban civilian culture of〈THE LIFE WEEKLY〉was reflected throughthe related content of its own,which was embodied in all aspects of daily life,education and employment,love affair and marriage as well as entertainmentetc. of urban common people. In the event of daily life,it advocated modernliving style positively and endeavored to propose balancing,moderate,reasonable and healthy rational consumption as well as leisure andentertainment;In term of education and occupation selection,it claimed“Learning by yourself while working”to be self-taught to strive a successfuleducation and career road through profession and moral learning throughpersonal endeavor. In that of love affair and marriage,it encouraged the youthof urban civilian to break the cuff of traditional feudal thoughts and etiquettesand in pursuit of the freedom of love affair and marriage as well as happy lifeand small-scale family bravely. The urban civilian culture of〈THE LIFEWEEKLY〉reflected the changes of concepts and value behavior from traditionto the modern of urban petty-bourgeois youth in life growth transition processin 1920’s and 1930’s,as well as whose bewildering and pursuit in the socialproblems of education and employment,love affair and marriage and therelation between individuals and the society etc.The urban civilian culture of〈THE LIFE WEEKLY〉belonged to the earlyurban popular cultural of modern society. Seen from region,sources and mainbody,it was characterized by modern traits of Shanghai,democracy andscientific and civilian youth. Whose function was embodied in the facets ofadjustment of citizen psychology,guiding the shaping of modern personalitycultivation and promoting political wakening.〈THE LIFE WEEKLY〉and it’scivilian culture traced the living manner of modern culture,cared for theshaping of modern personality,paid attention to the value-spiritual direction ofsocial development and advancement,which influenced a lot to the positive modern changes of the living style,behavioral mode,thought value orientationand even the entire urban popular culture. After“September 18th Incident”,withthe change of current political situation,the Shanghai urban popular culturethat characterized by entertainment and consumption,declined gradually,while the urban civilian culture of〈THE LIFE WEEKLY〉turned to be the“leftwing”culture day by day.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 11期
  • 【分类号】G239.29
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】799

