

Research on Performance Evaluation Methodology and Indicator of Regional Disease Control and Prevention System

【作者】 蔡正茂

【导师】 郝模; 王颖;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 一、研究目的和意义(一)绩效评估是政府职能转变的必然要求随着政府角色和职能的重新界定,政府与公众关系的基本定位也随之发生变化,由治理者与被治理者的关系变成了公共服务的提供者与消费者(顾客)之间的关系。政府部门行使公共权力的目的是为了有效提供公共服务以及主动为公众谋福利,实现公共利益。为此,根据公众的需要提供公共服务与公共产品,根据公众对公共服务的满足程度来评估政府管理绩效,政府管理对公众负责等构成了政府绩效考核的宗旨。履行公共服务职能成为现代政府的显著特征,提高工作绩效亦是现代政府管理的核心问题。在我国宏观经济改革取得成效的同时,政府的经济职能和承担的角色也在逐步做出重大调整。坚持科学发展观,全面履行“经济调节、市场监管、社会管理、公共服务”的职能,是新时期党和人民对我国各级政府的要求,党的十七届二中全会审议通过的《关于深化行政管理体制改革的意见》中明确指出“要全面正确履行政府职能”;要“注重公共服务,着力促进教育、卫生、文化等社会事业健康发展,建立健全公平公正、惠及全民、水平适度、可持续发展的公共服务体系,推进基本公共服务均等化”;“推行政府绩效管理和行政问责制度,建立科学合理的政府绩效考核指标体系和评估机制”,以促进建立“定位准确、组织科学、行为规范、责任明晰的服务型政府”。要实现这一目标,必须建立适应市场经济体制的政府绩效评估体制,促进政府职能的转变。(二)绩效评估是加强疾病预防控制体系建设的必然要求政府绩效不单纯是一个政绩层面的概念,还包括政府成本、政府效率、政治稳定、社会进步、发展预期的含义。概括起来主要有以下三个方面:经济绩效、社会绩效、政治绩效。公共卫生作为政府的一个极为重要的职能,为整个社会群体提供公共产品,其服务的对象是社会公众,承担的职能是公共服务,提供的是纯公共服务或准公共服务,也应体现在政府绩效评估的范围之中,是政府绩效评估的重要内容。2003年突如其来的传染性非典型肺炎(SARS)疫情侵袭我国,严重威胁了我国人民健康和生命安全,也影响了我国经济发展、社会稳定和对外交往,暴露出我国疾病预防控制公共职能缺位、工作效率低下的问题。为有效履行疾病预防控制公共职能,切实提高工作绩效,温家宝总理在2003年7月召开的“全国防治非典工作会议”上提出争取用3年左右的时间,建立健全突发公共卫生事件应急机制、疾病预防控制体系和卫生执法监督体系;党的十七大提出要“强化政府责任和投入,完善国民健康政策,鼓励社会参与,建设覆盖城乡居民的公共卫生服务体系、医疗服务体系、医疗保障体系、药品供应保障体系,为群众提供安全、有效、方便、价廉的医疗卫生服务”。其中,对公共卫生体系而言,“完善重大疾病防控体系,提高突发公共卫生事件应急处置能力”则是工作的重中之重。在这样的背景下,加强对疾病预防控制工作的绩效评估,科学评价疾病预防控制公共职能的落实成效,以及其提供的公共产品服务社会反响如何,必然成为政府和社会广泛关注的焦点。(三)绩效评估是疾病预防控制体系建设研究的延续为指导疾病预防控制体系建设工作,2003年,疾病预防控制政策研究专家、政策制定专家和政策实施者三方的达成一致,进行我国疾病预防控制体系建设战略研究,认为:疾病预防控制体系建设是一项系统工程,有着长远的发展目标,必须按照计划,分阶段稳步推进。其中,关键在于系统回答“疾病预防控制体系应该做什么?如何做?做这些需要什么条件?做得如何?以及总体的建设效果如何?”等一系列问题。主要表现为以下三个研究阶段:第一阶段的重点是疾病预防控制体系的内外部环境建设,清晰界定疾病预防控制体系的公共职能,明确国家、省、设区的市、县各级疾病预防控制中心和基层卫生防保组织的功能定位,明确疾病预防控制机构的人员、经费、设施、设备配置标准和政府对疾病预防控制工作的投入,建立稳定、适宜的投入机制,提高疾病预防控制机构的运作效率,规范疾病预防控制机构的技术服务。解决“做什么?”、需要什么?”。第二阶段的重点是规范服务和能力建设。重点研究如何整合资源,提高工作效率和服务能力,更好地将疾病预防控制的各项公共职能落实到位,解决“怎么做”问题。即明确各级别疾病预防控制机构实验室检验能力标准,改善实验检验装备,加强疾病预防控制机构的现场应急处置能力,拟定并推行重点疾病预防控制工作技术规范和管理规范,促进疾病预防控制工作的规范化和管理的科学化。第三阶段的重点则是绩效评估。即如何客观评估疾病预防控制机构乃至体系的工作绩效,建立工作绩效与投入之间的量化联系,全面推进疾病预防控制工作的科学管理。重点回答“做得怎么样”的问题。本研究从疾病预防控制体系的基本公共职能入手,从社会环境、工作基础、工作过程、系统结果和健康结果等维度入手,构建疾病预防控制绩效评估的框架,在此基础上通过指标收集、筛选、界定,指标权重设立等过程建立绩效评估指标体系,最终利用构建的指标体系实现对整个疾病预防控制工作绩效的综合评估,建立科学评估疾病预防控制工作的评估标准及评估办法,以便更具针对性地提高疾病预防控制体系的工作能力和效率,向公众和社会提供优质高效的公共卫生服务。二、材料与方法本研究以卫生系统宏观模型和系统论为指导,运用层次分析结构理论、定性定量多重论证、层次分析法和模糊综合评价等方法,经过“系统构建绩效评估框架—评估框架层次化、条理化—指标系统收集—指标筛选—指标界定与论证—指标权重确定—综合评价疾病预防控制绩效”等步骤,构建了疾病预防控制绩效评估的研究思路,并依据该思路确立了区域绩效评估指标体系;通过选取11个样本地区进行预试验,明确评估方法、基本步骤和流程等方面的可操作性,并通过对预试验结果的系统分析,明确了影响区域工作的薄弱环节,以及进一步提高绩效的切入口。主要的资料收集方法包括文献归纳分析、专家咨询论证、焦点问题访谈、头脑风暴法,以及预试验等。参与咨询论证的专家包括卫生部疾病预防控制局相关专业处室专家、全国范围内的30个省(自治区、直辖市)的省级卫生厅(局)及新疆生产建设兵团卫生局疾病控制处负责人、包括中国疾病预防控制中心和30个省(自治区、直辖市)省级疾病预防控制中心的主任、分管主任、办公室主任和业务负责人等;参与区域预试验的包括北京、河北、山西、辽宁、吉林、江苏、山东、广西、四川、云南、青海等11个省(自治区、直辖市)为样本省,主要获取了省级区域疾病预防控制工作的现实数据进行预评估。三、主要研究结果本研究从研究思路的形成到研究方法的设计,从研究结果的论证到小样本的预试验,从较大范围的实践到最终完成本研究报告,形成了“思路符合逻辑、方法得到公认、过程可以操作、结果容易考核”的两方面研究成果:一是疾病预防控制绩效评估研究的思路、步骤和方法学;二是区域疾病预防控制绩效评估指标体系。本研究的重点还在于如何确保这套研究结果的系统性、科学性和可操作性。(一)科学系统地构建了疾病预防控制绩效评估的思路和流程本研究经过以下方面的努力,解决了科学、系统地反映疾病预防控制工作绩效的难题,研制了一套疾病预防控制绩效评估研究的方法学,包括操作思路、步骤和具体方法。1、系统掌握疾病预防控制绩效评估的研究和实践基础以“绩效”、“绩效评估”等关键词,检索1998-2007年的中国学术期刊全文数据库和Pubmed数据库,尽可能系统地收集了国内外涉及各个领域有关有关绩效评估的2100多篇相关的期刊论文、研究报告、书籍、政府文件以及政府网站情况等的基础上,系统掌握绩效、绩效评估、疾病预防控制绩效评估的研究和实践基础;明确了绩效评估在国内外政府和公共部门,尤其是卫生领域包括疾病预防控制的起源、应用、发展和存在的不足。在此基础上,力求对研究的基础和走向形成准确的判断:绩效评估的作用和意义毋庸置疑,绩效评估被公认是提高政府管理公共事务、提供公共服务的效率与活力、改善政府与公众的关系、加强公众对政府信任的有效措施。绩效评估势在必行,对此我国政府既有清醒的认识也有具体的部署。疾病预防控制工作作为政府公共服务的重要组成部分,无一例外。2、全面、系统地界定了疾病预防控制绩效的定义在明确了绩效和绩效评估的内涵基础上,研究首次客观、全面、系统地界定了疾病预防控制绩效的定义:即在现有条件下,从事疾病预防控制工作的机构和组织履行职能的过程及工作的成绩和效果。包括四个方面的含义:(1)疾病预防控制工作的目标或承担的职能;(2)实现目标或履行职能的过程和行为;(3)实现目标或履行职能的结果,即工作的成绩和效果;(4)提供的条件,尤其是在特定条件下的工作结果,即胜任力。而所谓的疾病预防控制绩效评估,则是指建立并运用科学的评估指标体系和方法,通过科学的、合理的、可度量的指标,将疾病预防控制绩效的四方面内涵量化表达的过程,以客观表达职能履行状况。3、形成疾病预防控制绩效评估研究的思路、步骤和具体方法学运用科学、公认的方法,系统设计研究的全流程,形成了“思路符合逻辑、方法得到公认、过程可以操作、结果容易考核”的疾病预防控制绩效评估研究的思路、步骤和具体方法学。成功解决了疾病预防控制绩效评估研究中的几个关键技术难题:(1)选择系统论、卫生系统宏观模型和层次分析结构理论等方法,实现了疾病预防控制绩效的系统表达,包括社会环境、工作基础、工作过程、系统结果、健康结果五个方面,首次形成了系统表达疾病预防控制绩效的操作思路、步骤和方法。(2)在疾病预防控制体系绩效评估框架模块化、层次化和条理化的基础上,采用一系列公认的理论与方法,经过指标系统收集—指标筛选—指标界定—指标权重确定定等四个步骤完成指标体系的建立,解决了如何选择评估指标、选择哪些指标、为什么选择这些指标、选择的指标是否具有代表性和是否能够系统表达绩效,以及如何科学合理地确定绩效评估指标的组合权重等一系列关键技术问题。1)指标收集:运用文献归纳分析和专家咨询相结合的方法,围绕既定的评估框架、评估类别和项目,遵循既定原则,全面、系统收集指标,罗列了1000余评估指标,计13.8万字,为区域疾病预防控制绩效评估提供了系统的指标范畴,也为今后必须开展的科室、岗位、人员和项目的绩效评估奠定了坚实的基础。2)指标筛选:依据“易于理解、精练准确、有代表性、便于监管,并符合科学性、均衡性、导向性、可操作性、可比性”等原则,经过5轮共445人次的专家咨询,综合运用论证、试点、预试验等方法,完成指标的筛选。3)指标界定:综合运用文献归纳分析与专家咨询法,围绕评价指标的解释、定义、计算公式、应提供资料与查阅内容、基本情况登记、指标数据获取途径和核查方式,以及指标的标准值等内容进行界定。同时,通过预试验,从实践角度完善指标的界定。4)指标权重确定:以层次分析法为指导,通过全国30个省(自治区、直辖市)及新疆生产建设兵团卫生厅(局)512名疾病预防控制处处长、省级疾病预防控制中心的主任、副主任和科室负责人的咨询与论证,在通过一致性检验的基础上确定了评估指标的组合权重。(3)利用专家咨询与论证确定指标体系中每一评价指标的评分标准;在此基础上,进行样本区域调查的实践,在获取评估指标原始数据基础上,利用模糊综合评价法构建综合评价模型,通过统计软件模拟,在计算绩效综合得分之余,实现了对区域绩效的评估和分析。实践模拟并论证了运用方法学思路构建指标体系的科学性和系统性,并验证了可操作性。(二)依据方法学支撑,研制了评估区域疾病预防控制绩效评估的指标体系遵循研制形成的的疾病预防控制绩效评估研究思路、步骤和方法,从社会环境、工作基础、工作过程、系统结果、健康结果等五个方面,经过反复论证和分析,研制并确立了:疾病预防控制区域绩效评估的指标体系,以评估特定区域的疾病预防控制工作的总体效果,共包括传染病预防控制、慢性非传染性疾病预防控制、突发公共卫生事件处置、健康危害因素监测评价与干预、健康教育和健康促进、运行保障等6个类别17项指标;应用区域疾控绩效评估的指标体系,能够满足工作中政府对卫生、上级对下级、自我评价等三方面的需求:(1)能够使得各级政府客观评估本地区疾病预防控制工作的能力和工作状况,寻找出社会环境、工作条件、工作过程、系统结果和健康结果各方面的优势和不足;(2)能够使得卫生行政和业务部门,对下级区域的指导更具有针对性;(3)也能够使得特定地区的政府和疾病预防控制部门客观地了解自己,改进工作。(三)着力把握疾病预防控制绩效评估研究结果的可操作性本次研究为应用性政策研究,研究结果可不可以操作、能不能应用是研究的重中之重。否则,研究对疾病预防控制的工作和实践、对疾病预防控制体系的建设和完善就失却了指导意义。为此,研究着重从以下角度把握疾病预防控制绩效评估研究结果的可操作性。一是从指导思想方面强调研究的应用性,也就是说,确保研究结果的可操作和能够应用是本次研究的灵魂。为此,组成了由三类人员构成的专家组:一是长期工作在第一线的疾病预防控制工作专业人员,二是有着丰富疾病预防控制专业知识,尤其是管理经验的行政人员,三是长期在预防医学从事专业和管理研究的人员。二是依据这一指导思想,结合疾病预防控制体系建设的迫切需要、疾病预防控制工作中的薄弱环节,确立了将区域绩效评估指标体系作为本次研究的重点目标,以评估特定区域疾病预防控制工作的总体效果的工作能力和水平。为了实现研究目标,在研究内容、方法、技术路线等设计方面,强调在方法科学、公认前提下,重点把握思路符合逻辑、过程可以操作、结果容易考核,确保了研究过程的可操作。三是把握了指标体系运用的可操作性。在指标体系设计时,强调原始数据收集的可操作性,在指标的收集、筛选和确立中,均经过理论—实践—理论等多次重复;从两方面保证指标体系综合评分的可操作性:思路、步骤和方法明确,部分综合复杂的计算过程程序化;定性定量多重论证指标体系及其可行性:数十轮的各种论证与验证(对区域绩效评估指标的认可率均在80%以上)、全国各省征求意见(共提出近300条修改意见)、小样本的预试验和1 1省的具体实践。所有这些均表明本次研究所研制的指标体系及其办法是可行的。四、研究中的主要探索和创新1、构建形成了一整套适合我国国情、科学可行的疾病预防控制绩效评估研究的思路、步骤和方法学,为疾病预防控制绩效评估的开展和推广提供科学基础和技术支撑:首先,运用公认的研究方法和分析方法,构建能够系统表达疾病预防控制绩效的方法学思路,遵循这些可操作的逻辑思路,构建综合反映疾病预防控制绩效的评估框架,并将评估框架条理化和层次化,演化成具有代表性的、可进行量化评估的指标体系;继而,运用科学的分析方法,将可量化的评估指标,逐层分析综合表达其代表的上一层评估指标,直至最终实现疾病预防控制绩效的综合评估。其次,形成了符合我国疾病预防控制工作实情的绩效评估尤其是指标体系构建的研究流程;明确疾病预防控制绩效评估研究的思路、原则、步骤,构建绩效评估框架、维度、指标、指标标准、指标权重、绩效综合评估等的具体方法。2、运用该思路、步骤和方法,本研究对某一地区疾病预防控制工作绩效评估进行了实践探索,实现了从政府社会建设的目标要求出发,研制一整套以行政区域为单位的疾病预防控制绩效的评估办法和标准。

【Abstract】 1.Objective and significance(1)To meet the need of government function transformationWith the redefinition of roles and functions of the Government,the relationship betweenthe Government and the public has changed,from the relationship of the governor and thegoverned to that of a public service provider and consumers.The purpose of the Government’sexercise of public power is for the effective delivery of public services,as well as the publicbenefit to achieve the public interest.Hence,the Government’s performance is evaluatedwhether the provision of public services and public goods is according to the needs of thepublic,the assessment of government’s performance in accordance with the public’s satisfactionon public services,etc.A significant feature of modern government is to perform its publicservice functions,while the core of modern government management issues is to improve thework performanceThe government’s economic function and its role assumed have gradually made majoradjustment with the success of Chinese Macro-economic reform.It is required that theGovernment’s in all levels by our party and the people in the new ear should adhere to thescientific development,the full implementation of“economic regulation,market supervision,social management and public service”.The“suggestions on further developing the reform ofthe administrative system”issued by the 2nd Plenary Session of 17th Central Committee of theCommunist Party of China clearly attached the importance to“fully carry out the functions ofthe government”;to“pay attention to public service and strive to promote the healthydevelopment of social undertakings such as education,health,culture,as well as to establishand improve a fair,equitable,sustainable public service system that is beneficial to all and withmoderate development to promote the equalization of basic public services”;to“develop theGovernment’s performance management and administrative accountability system and toestablish a scientific and rational assessment indicator system and assessment mechanism ofgovernment performance”to promote the establishment of a service-oriented government with“accurate positioning,scientific organization,standardized behaviors and clear responsibility.”To achieve this goal,it is necessary that to establish a government performance evaluationsystem adapted to the market economic system to promote the transformation of the Government’s functions.(2)To meet the need of construction and development of disease control and preventionsystemThe Government’s performance is not a simple conception referring to barely achievementin one’s post,it also includes government cost,government efficiency,political stability,socialprogress and development expectation.Generally,it covers the following three aspects:economic performance,social performance and political performance.Public health,as a veryimportant government function,that provides public goods and pure public service orquasi-public services to the public,should also be included in the Government performanceevaluation system.Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS),broke out suddenly in China at 2003,not onlyhad throated peoples’ health,but also had impacted China’s economic development,socialstability and foreign relations.It also revealed the problems in china’s Disease Control andPrevention system (DCPS) such as its inefficiency,etc.In order to effectively carry out publicfunctions for Disease Control and Prevention and to improve its performance,Premier WenJiabao claimed in“National Conference on SARS prevention and control”conference in July2003 to establish a sound public health mechanisms to treat emergencies,disease control andprevention system and the law enforcement supervision system in about 3 years;17th CentralCommittee of the Communist Party of China proposed to“strengthen the governmentresponsibility and input,to improve the national health policies,to encourage societyparticipation and to develop a public health service system,health care service system,medicalinsure system and drug supply security system that covered both urban and rural residents toprovide a safe,effective,convenient and inexpensive medical and health services to the masses.”Among them,for the public health system,the most important task was to“perfect majordiseases prevention and control system to improve public health emergency contingencydisposal capacity”.In this context,it was inevitably the focus of government and society tostrengthen the performance evaluation of disease control and prevention,to scientificallyevaluate its effectiveness on implementation of public functions,as well as its communityresponse for public goods.(3) To continue the research of Chinese disease control and prevention systemWith a prudent analysis of the internal and external environments of DPCS and constraints,the disease control and prevention system Research Group put forward the system constructionideas and strategies in 2003,which were based on a wide range of researches and feasibilitystudies for Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) at all levels.The construction of DCPS was a systematic project and a long-term development goal.It might be in accordancewith the plan and steady progress in stages.The key lied in answering these questionssystematically“What DCPS should do? How to do? What are the conditions? What is theoverall effect?”,as well as a series of other issues.It could be divided into three stages:During the first phase,the research group focused on the internal and external environmentanalysis and construction of DCPS.They had clearly defined public functions of DCPS,hadcalculated the staff,finance,facilities,equipment standards and the input which theGovernments in all levels should invest in DPCS.A stable and appropriate input mechanismshould be established to enhance the operational efficiency of CDC.These had answered thequestion of“What DPCS should do and what are the conditions”.During the second phase,the research group focused on standardizing services andcapacity-construction.They emphasized on how to integrate resources and raise efficiency andservice capabilities,and how to make the public function of DCPS in place.That was to solvethe problem“how to do”.During the third phase,the research group focused on the performance assessment.How toassess the performance of DCPS and form the relations between performance and input werethe most important job in this stage.In the basis of the public functions and taking account into social environments,workingconditions,working processes,system results and health outcomes,the study made theframework and indicators of the performance assessment of CDC system,which was used togenerally evaluate the work capacity and efficiency.By the means of the performanceassessment tools,the DCPS should supply more qualified services on public health.2.Research methods and Data SourcesWith the guidance of systematic theory and the“structure-process-result”idea,this studydeveloped the research approach on performance evaluation of DCPS,and to establishperformance evaluation indicator system of regional disease control and prevention system,byusing hierarchical structure analytic theory,qualitative-quantitative multiple demonstration,analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation,through the steps of“build the evaluation framework-systematizing and hierarchizing the framework-collectingindicators-screening indicators-defining indicators-determining the indicator weight-comprehensive evaluation on the performance of regional disease control and preventionsystem”.And then,this study chose eleven provinces as simple to conduct the pre-pilot to make sure the evaluation methods,basic steps and procedures operable.At last,the research analyzedthe pre-pilot results to explicate the weak factors in order to improve the performance.Data-collecting methods included literature induction and analysis,experts’ consultation,focus group discussion,brainstorm and pre-pilot.The experts includes those from DiseaseControl and Prevention Bureau of Ministry of Health,the provincial health department (bureau)officer in charge from 30 provinces (autonomous regions and municipality city) of and theXinjiang Production and Construction Corps,responsible persons and operational director ofthe office from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and 30 provincialcenters for disease control and prevention.The sample for pre-pilot included Beijing Hebei,Shanxi,Liaoning,Jilin,Jiangsu,Shandong,Guangxi,Sichuan,Yunnan and Qinghai.3.Main ResultsThis research has formed two results as“logical thoughts,acknowledged methodology,operable procedures and accessible results”:one was the research approach,procedure andmethodology on the performance evaluation of DCPS,the other was the performanceevaluation indicator system of the regional disease control and prevention system (RDCPS).The research focused on domanstrating the results systemtic,scientific and operable.(1) Develop a scientific research approach on the performance evaluation of DCPSThis research had resolved the obstacles of scientifically and systematically reflecting theperformance of DCPS,and developed a methodology on the performance evaluation of DCPS,including approaches,procedures and methods.A) Master the conceptions on the performance evaluation of DCPS throughresearches and practicesBy using“performance”,“Performance Evaluation”and others as key words to search theChina Academic Journal Full-text Database and Pub med Database from 1998-2007,thisresearch had systematically collected more than 2100 journal papers,research reports,books,government documents,as well as government web sites at home and abroad in various fieldsrelated to performance evaluation.On the base,this research had mastered the conceptions onperformance,performance evaluation,and performance evaluation of DCPS through researchesand practices,clearly assessed the originals,applications,developments and shortcomings onthe performance evaluation of the governments and public sectors,especially on the field ofhealth sectors and DCPS.At last,this research had recognized the role and significance ofperformance evaluation:It had been recognized as an effective measure for the government toimprove the management of public affairs,to provide public services more efficiently and to strengthen the relationship between the Government and the public.DCPS was of no exceptionas an important component of the government public sectors.B) Define the conception of performance evaluation of DCPS comprehensively andsystematicallyThis research had defined the conception of performance evaluation of DCPSas follows:theperformance in this paper was the working process the agency had engaged in and theachievement agency had gained under the current conditions.It included four meanings:1) theobjectives or functions of disease control and prevention;2) behaviors and processes to achieveobjectives or to carry out their functions;3) the achievements and results achieved duringcarrying out their functions;4) conditions provided under certain conditions,namely,competence.The performance evaluation of DCPS was to establish evaluation indicator systemand use scientific methods to express the functions the agency had carried out.C) Develop the research approach,procedure and methodology on the performanceevaluation of DCPSBy using scientific and accepted methods,this research had developed the researchapproach,procedure and methodology on the performance evaluation of DCPS as“logicalthoughts,acknowledged methodology,operable procedures and accessible results”.It hadresolved several key technical challenges of the performance evaluation of DCPS.1) With the guidance of systematic theory,the“structure-process-result”idea and thehierarchical structure analytic theory,this research had comprehensively expressed theperformance of DCPS as the following aspects:social environments,working conditions,working processes,system results and health outcomes.2) On the basis of the systematized and hierarchized evaluation framework,through foursteps of“collecting indicators-screening indicators-defining indicators-determining theindicator weight”,this research had resolved several key technical challenges as follows:howto select indicators,how to choose indicators,whether these selected indicators representative,how to scientifically determine the indicator weight.a) Indicator collecting.Using the methods of literature analysis and expertsconsultation,focusing on the established evaluation framework,this research hadcomprehensively,systematically collected and identified more than 1,000 indicators,about138,000 words.b) Indicator screening:According to the principle of“easy-to-understand,concise andaccurate,representative,scientific,balanced and oriented,operable,comparable”,this researchhad completed the selection of indicators,by the methods of expert consultation (5 rounds & 445 persons),feasibility studies,and pilots.c) Indicator defining:This research had defined the conception of the indicators fromthe following aspects:interpretation,definitions,calculation formula,the information and theinspection data which should be provided,the basic situation,ways to collect data,as well asindicator standards.At the same time,this research had improved the definition of indicatorsthrough the pre-pilot from a practical view.d) Determining indicator weight:With the guidance of the Analytic HierarchyProcess (AHP),this research had confirmed the combination weights of the indicators based onthe consistency test,by consulting 512 experts from the provincial health department (bureau)officers in charge from 30 provinces (autonomous regions and municipality city) of and theXinjiang Production and Construction Corps,the directors,deputy directors,responsiblepersons and operational director of the office from 30 provincial centers for disease control andprevention.3) Using expert consultation,this research had identified the evaluation criteria of eachindicator.And then,by conducting a sample survey to obtain the indicator data,this researchhad used the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to build a comprehensive evaluation model tocalculate the performance scores.(2) Establish a performance evaluation indicator system of RDCPSFollowed the research approach,procedure and methodology on the performanceevaluation of DCPS,this research had established a performance evaluation indicator system ofregional disease control and prevention (RDCP),including 6 categories and 17 indicators toevaluate the performance on the prevention and control of communicable diseases,theprevention and control of chronic non-communicable disease,the disposal of public healthemergencies,monitoring and evaluation of health hazards,health education and healthpromotion,operation guarantee.With the application of the indicator system,it can meet the needs of three areas includinggovernment’s evaluation of health sectors,superior to subordinate,and self-evaluation:1) tohelp governments from all levels make an objective assessment of the region’s working abilityand situation of disease control and prevention,and to find out the advantages anddisadvantages of the social environments,working conditions,working processes,systemresults and health outcomes;2) to help health administration and business sectors guide thelower level regions more definitely;3) to make the governments and sectors of disease controland prevention of specific areas more easily understand themselves and improve the work.(3) Strive to grasp the operability of the result of the performance evaluation on DCPS The research was an applied policy research.The operable and applicable of the resultswas the most important of the study.Otherwise,the research would lose its meaning of guidingthe construction and improving of DCPS.Therefore,the research had focused on the followingaspects to grasp the operability of the result of the performance evaluation on the diseasecontrol and prevention system.Firstly,this research had emphasized on the applicable of the study.The experts wereconsisted of three groups:the first were professionals working through the disease control andprevention for long periods;the second were administrative staffs rich of disease control andprevention expertise,especially management experience;the third were professionals andmanagerial personnel long-term engaged in the preventive medicine.Secondly,combined with the urgent needs of the construction of DCPS and the weakness ofthe work of disease control and prevention,the research made the indicator system ofperformance evaluation for RDCP as the emphasis of this study objective,to assess the overallworking ability of specific areas of disease control and prevention.To achieve research goals,the research focused on logical thinking,the process that can be operated,results easy to assessto ensure that the course of the study can be operational.Thirdly,the operability of the performance evaluation indicator system was grasped.Theresearch ensured the operable of the evaluation indicator system from the following aspects:The approaches,procedures and methods were clear,some complex computing processes areformulated;many times of the demonstration and validation (the identified rates of regionalperformance evaluation indicator system were all over 80%);taking advice from every provincein the whole nation (getting about 300 advices);small sample pre-pilot and 11 provincesconcrete practice and so on.All the above indicated that the evaluation indicator system andmethods used in this study are feasible.4.Main exploration and innovation in the research(1) This research had developed a scientific research approach on the performanceevaluation of disease control and prevention system which is feasible and adapted to thesituation of our country.It provided the scientific foundation and the technical support for thedevelopment and application of performance evaluation of the disease control and preventionsystem.Through the steps of“build the evaluation framework-systematizing and hierarchizing theframework-collecting indicators-screening indicators-defining indicators-determining theindicator weight-comprehensive evaluation of the performance of RDCPS”,this research had developed the research approach on performance evaluation of DCPS.And this research hadformed a process of evaluating the performance of DCPS in China,and formed the methods forframework building,indicator weight determining,evaluation criteria identifying,andperformance comprehensive evaluating.(2) With this thought,procedure and method,the research has explored the performanceevaluation on disease control and prevention in a certain region,and established a performanceevaluation indicator system and the criteria.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期

