

【作者】 后智钢

【导师】 樊树志;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国古代史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 以明清时期间外国白银内流中国问题探讨为题,目的是将明中叶至清中叶的外国白银内流问题,放在1600年至1840年中国与当时世界经济联系的视野来进行观察,并从中国社会经济结构的角度对流转于中国的外银作用作深入而全面的研究。在这一研究课题中,考察外银怎样流入国内、流入国内的白银数量固然重要,但仅仅停留于此还远远不够,关键是要看它们对国内经济的影响和在全球化中的作用。由于历史的整体多于部分的总和,每一个部分不仅受到其他部分的影响,而且还取决于在整个世界体系中发生了什么。我们无法理解和预测出当欧洲和美洲发生的一些事会在亚洲发生什么反应,反之,我们也无法想象源于某一处的事件是否会影响其它的任何地区,这就是整个世界系统的动态和结构的影响。外银的大规模输入主要有三个渠道,即以马尼拉为中心的海上丝绸之路与美洲白银的涌入;以长崎为中心的中日贸易与日本白银的入华;以澳门为中心的西洋贸易与外银的内流。那个历史时期,西班牙大帆船、中国海船、日本商船穿梭往返于太平洋、大西洋、黄海和南中国海,构成了规模宏大的丝茶白银贸易的全球商业网络。并因此有种类繁多的外国白银流入中国。明清两代,中国与日本通过直接贸易和间接贸易两种方式,从日本输入了大量的白银。日本的白银主要通过三大渠道输入的:第一条渠道,是自16世纪60年代开始的由葡萄牙人控制的澳门与中国、日本的转口贸易;其次就是自1602年成立的荷兰东印度公司与日本的贸易;第三条渠道,中国与日本的直接贸易,包括官方的朝贡贸易和明中叶以后的民间海上贸易。面对外国白银的大量涌入,朝野上下意见相左,有以王象乾、侯恂、吕维祺等为代表的抵制外银、强化中央财政的主张,认为只有通过国家的安排与调配,才能应对因此带来的社会问题;有以张溥、宋应星、顾炎武、黄宗羲、陆世仪等为代表的以外银济钱顺应商品经济的议论,他们肯定国家在经济发展中的角色与地位,同时强调民间经济力量的重要性,以银的大量应用弥补铜钱的不足,推动经济的发展;也有以蒋臣、冯梦龙、陈子龙、为代表的折中货币策略,认为国家与民间力量同样重要,两者相互为用才能解决银贵钱贱所带来的种种问题。外国白银在国内急需白银形势下的大量流入,无疑对明清时期的中国社会经济产生积极的影响,尤其对长江、珠江三角洲等商品经济程度高的地区更具有推动作用,在当时的商品流通领域中,可见到外国白银已被广泛使用,由于其重量易定、便于携带,在商贸活动中几有取代原有国产白银的趋势,并对国内机制币的出现具有重要的作用。国内对外银的旺盛需求拉动了丝茶产地商品经济的成熟、推动了海外贸易的蓬勃发展,并因此促成实力强大的海商阶层,可以说,当时中国已经深深卷入世界经济贸易圈中了,成为全球化经济中的重要成员之一。

【Abstract】 As a topic The foreign silver flows in the Chinese question discussion,The aim is to put China,late Ming Dynasty to the middle periods Qing Dynasty,to the study of the global economy andworld system between 1600 and 1840,And from the perspective of the socio-economic structurein China for the transfer of the role of foreign coin and comprehensive study,draw objectiveconclusions.I think that the study of foreign coin into the domestic how inflow domestic silverquantity is important,But just stay here is far from enough,the key is to look at them on thedomestic economy and the impact of globalization in the role.Since the whole is more than thesum of its parts,each part is not only influenced by other parts,but by what happens in the wholeworld system.There is no way we can understand and account for what happened in Chinawithout taking account of what happened in and Europe or America-and vice versa-nor whathappened anywhere without identifying the influences that emanated from everywhere,that isfrom the structure and dynamic of the whole world system itself.Foreign silver coins of large-scale importation of China has three main channels,Manila is acenter for maritime Silk Road and the influx of American silver ;Nagasaki in Japan as the centerof trade with Japan to China’s silver;Macao is the center of Western trade and the inflow offoreign silver China.That historical period,Spain large sailing,the Chinese ships,Japan merchantshuttle to and from in the Pacific,Atlantic,the Yellow Sea and South China Sea.Constitute alarge-scale raw silk,tea and silver trade global business network.And therefore,had a widevariety of foreign silver flowed into China.China and Japan Through direct trade and indirect trade two ways in Ming and Qing dynasties,And therefore from Japan imported a large amount of silver,Japan’s silver,mainly through thethree major channels of input :First of the channels since the 1660’ by the Portuguese-controlledMacao and China,Japan’s re-export trade;Secondly,since 1602 the establishment of the DutchEast India Company’s trade with Japan;The third channel,China and Japan in direct trade,including the official tributary trade and the civil maritime trade.Faced with the massive influx of silver,the government and the opposition have different opinions.Wang xiangqian,Hou xun,LU weichi,as represented by the boycott of foreign silver,andstrengthen the central government’s stand,That only through arrangements with the deployment,itshould be able to bring about social issues;Have Zhang fu,Song yingxing,Gu yanwu,HuangZongxi,Lu shiyi as the representatives of foreign silver coins to make up for inadequate commodity economy to conform to the statements.They are certainly countries in the economicdevelopment of the role and status,while stressing the non-economic forces of the importance.Have to Jiang chen,Feng menglong,Chen zilong,represented by the compromise monetarystrategy.Silver in the domestic foreign Silver urgent situation in the capital influx,China will undoubtedlyhave a positive socio-economic impact.Especially in the Yangtze River,the Pearl River Delta andother commodities high level of economic areas to promote more,In the circulation area,Foreignsilver can be seen has been used extensively,On the domestic foreign silver coins of strongerdemand fueled silk tea production in a mature commodity economy,Promoting overseas trade toflourish.And therefore contributed to the strength of sea traders class,It can be said that China hasbeen deeply involved in the world economy and trade circles,China has become globalizedeconomy of one of its members.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】F832.9;K248
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1222

