

A Study of the South China Policy of Taiwan Government-General

【作者】 黄庆法

【导师】 戴一峰;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 中国近现代史, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 中日甲午战争以后,日本占领我国领土台湾及澎湖列岛。在长达五十年的殖民统治期间,日本始终以台湾为跳板,向我国华南地区进行势力扩张。本文以台湾总督府“对岸经营”为研究对象,着重论述十九世纪末至二十世纪上半叶(1895—1937)日本通过学校教育在福建省进行势力扩张问题。本文在整体结构上共分六章。第一章,绪论。本章简要介绍本文选题的缘由、该选题的研究意义、国内外研究动态、基本史料和研究框架。第二章,台湾总督府“对岸经营”的发端及概观。本章旨在考察甲午战争前后日本觊觎我国福建省的历史发展轨迹,分析甲午战后日本殖民统治机构台湾总督府着手制定并实施“对岸经营”,并对各个时期的“对岸经营”进行概述。第三章,福州东文学堂与“对岸经营”。本章以福州东文学堂为个案,主要探讨在该校办学过程中日本东亚同文会、台湾总督府通过提供资金援助等手段介入学校的经营,企图扶植日本势力。第四章,闽南的日语学校与“对岸经营”。本章以厦门东亚书院为个案,分析台湾总督府通过与厦门当地士绅合作创办经营日语学校厦门东亚书院,企图以此在厦门收揽民心。并探讨台湾总督府透过东、西本愿寺等宗教势力以所谓传教之名向福建省进行势力渗透。第五章,台湾籍民子弟学校与“对岸经营”。本章以福州东瀛学校和厦门旭瀛书院为个案,着重探讨台湾总督府利用台湾籍民在福建省进行势力扩张问题。台湾总督府在福州厦门两地创办经营台湾籍民子弟学校,并借“日中亲善”之名招收中国学生,企图在福建省培植日本势力。第六章,结论。本章旨在总结近代日本通过学校教育在福建省进行势力扩张的特点,并剖析其所产生的影响。

【Abstract】 Since the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895,Japan occupied Taiwan and thePenghu Islands.During its fifty-year colonization,Japan had been in an overspreadinto South China via Taiwan.This dissertation,with the South China Policy of TaiwanGovernment-General as its subject,concentrates on the issue of Japan’s overspreadinto Fujian Province through the schooling from 1890s to 1930s (1895-1937).Thisdissertation is divided into 6 chapters.Chapter 1,Introduction.The reasons to choose the South China Policy of TaiwanGovernment-General as the subject of this dissertation,the significance of this subjecttogether with its research trends home and abroad,the basic historical data as well asthe research frame work of this subject are briefly introduced in this chapter.Chapter 2,The Inchoation and the Survey of the South China Policy of TaiwanGovernment-General This chapter aims to review the historic development ofJapan’s coveting of Fujian Province around the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895,analyze the policy making of the South China Policy and its implementation after theSino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 by Taiwan Government-General,Japan’s colonizinginstitution,and summarize the South China Policy in different stages.Chapter 3,Foochow Japanese School (福州东文学堂) & the South ChinaPolicy.With Foochow Japanese School as a case study,this chapter mainly tries todisclose the fact that T(?)a D(?)bun Kai (东亚同文会) and Taiwan Government-Generalmanaged to expand the influence of Japan by financing Foochow Japanese School.Chapter 4,Japanese Schools in Minnan & the South China Policy.With AmoyEast Asian College (厦门东亚书院) as a case study,this chapter discloses the factthat Taiwan Government-General managed to nurse people in Amoy by collaboratingwith the local esquires in Amoy in the establishment and management of the Japaneseschool,Amoy East Asian College.That Taiwan Government-General managed toexpand Japanese influence in Fujian Province in the name of missionizing the localvia the Higashi Honganji (东本愿寺) and Nishi Honganji (西本愿寺) is alsodiscussed in this chapter.Chapter 5,Schools for Children with Taiwanese of Japanese Nationality& the South China Policy.With Foochow DongYing School (福州东瀛学校) and AmoyXuYing College (厦门旭瀛书院) as case study,this chapter concentrates on theissue of Taiwan Government-General’s overspread of Japanese influence in FujianProvince via people with Taiwanese of Japanese Nationality.Taiwan Government-General managed to strengthen Japanese influence in Fujian Province by establishingschools for children with Taiwanese of Japanese Nationality in Foochow and Amoyand admitting Chinese students into those schools in the name of“Amicable RelationsBetween Japan and China”.Chapter 6,Conclusion.This chapter aims to summarize the characteristicss ofJapan’s overspread in Fujian Province via schooling in modem times and analyze itsimpact as well.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 11期
  • 【分类号】G529;K25
  • 【下载频次】249

