

The Chinese Associations and Their Leaders in Medan, Indonesia Since the 1980s

【作者】 杨宏云

【导师】 陈衍德;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 世界史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文选择印尼北苏门答腊省棉兰市的华人作为研究对象,重点在于该市的华人社团和社团领袖。本人曾前往棉兰进行田野调查,走访了一些当地华人并整理了访谈录,收集了一些当地华人社团的第一手资料,它们构成了本文论述的重要基础。20世纪80年代以来,随着苏哈托政府对华人限制政策的逐渐放松,华人社团开始缓慢复兴。1998年苏哈托政府在金融危机和社会动荡冲击下垮台,印尼开始了其民主化进程,华人社团重新获得发展机遇。那些此前即已实际存在的华人团体,为适应社会环境的变化,不仅在名称,甚至在功能上都有了较大的改变和调整。那些此前尚不存在的团体,也以和传统社团全然不同的面目出现。笔者试图探讨的是,在历经长期的文化同化和社团禁锢之后,棉兰华人为什么要重建社团?在经历一系列的反华、排华打击,华人社团的基础遭到严重削弱后,他们建立社团的目的和意义何在?这些重获生命力的社团,其结构与功能有什么变化?其领袖又具有何种特质?作为领袖的个人又有哪些类别?掩盖在纵横交错的社团网络下的领袖个人关系又是怎样的?棉兰华人社会、华人社团、社团领袖三者的关系如何?与印尼其他地方相比,棉兰华人社团及其领袖有什么特点?所有这些问题,都将在本文中得到回答。全文主要围绕社团与社团领袖两个中心,共分六章展开分析论述,然后在此基础上有所总结。第一章绪论,阐明了本文的问题意识、研究思路、采用的理论和方法以及研究的意义,并对本文所使用的概念与术语进行了界定和说明。第二章学术史回顾,对相关领域的学术史与学术动态进行了回顾,并予以简单的评论。第三章概述印尼华人与棉兰华人的历史。第一节主要是对印尼华人历史脉络的分析。第二节是对本文所要研究的棉兰华人历史的概述,指出棉兰华人作为印尼华人的一部分,它的发展演变既有共性又有个性。本节针对其个性亦即独特性进行了分析。第四章论述了棉兰华人社团自20世纪80年代至21世纪最初几年的发展演变历程,探讨了它们的结构与功能,指出了它们在结构、功能上的新特点,以此说明华人社团的与时俱进。第五章着重分析棉兰华人社团领袖的类型、所具有的历史与地域特征,以及领袖间的个人关系。本章采用“内关系”与“外关系”的概念,论述了社团领袖对一系列关系的建构与运用。第六章对棉兰华人社会、华人社团、社团领袖三者的互动进行了阐释,其时间范围涵盖了历史与现实,并对未来作了预测。在全文总结的基础上,本章还对印尼华人研究提出了一些值得深究的问题。学术界尚未对印尼棉兰华人进行系统的研究,本文试图对这一课题有所开拓和贡献。

【Abstract】 This dissertation looks at the Chinese community of Medan in the Province of North Sumatra, Indonesia, focusing on the Chinese associations and their leaderships. The author conducted field interviews in Medan and collected a number of first-hand data about the Chinese associations that constitute a very important basis for this study.With the gradual relaxation of the Suharto government’s restriction policy towards the Chinese in Indonesia since the 1980s, the Chinese associations in Indonesia started to revive slowly. In 1998, the Suharto government stepped down for its failure to deal with the financial crisis and social unrest. This accelerated the process of democratization in Indonesia. Meanwhile, the Chinese associations gained the opportunity to develop. Those old Chinese associations have changed their names and functions in order to adapt to the new social environment in Indonesia, and the new-born Chinese associations are different from the former completely. In this study, the author tries to answer the following questions: Why do the Chinese need to reorganize their associations after they experienced long-time cultural assimilation and prohibition of association, in particular, when the Chinese society has been too weakened to establish the associations after a series of anti-Chinese movements? What are the purpose and significance of reorganizing the Chinese community? What change did the new-born associations have in their structure and function? What trait do the leaders of the Chinese associations have? How are they classified? What are the leaders’ personal relationships in the networks of various associations? What are the relations between the Chinese community, the Chinese associations, and their leaders? What characteristic do Medan’s Chinese associations and their leaders have in comparison with those in other regions of Indonesia?The dissertation is divided into six chapters with a summary.Chapter One explains the reason for research, the theory and methods of research, the significance of the study, and the definition and explanation of relevant conceptions.Chapter Two gives a retrospect of previous research and makes some comments on them.Chapter Three analyses the evolution of the Chinese society in Indonesia and then in Medan. It pointes out that the Chinese in Medan, as a part of the Indonesian Chinese, developed its own special characteristic, by maintaining a common feature of the Chinese associations in Indonesia. The dissertation focuses on its uniqueness.Chapter Four discusses the development of the Chinese associations in Medan from the 1980s to the beginning of the twenty-first century, and describes the new features of their structure and function. It argues that Chinese associations are advancing with the times.Chapter Five focuses on the types of Chinese association’s leaders, their historical and geographical features, as well as their personal relationships. The "internal relations" and "external relations" are used to describe how the leaders of the associations build a series of relationships and take advantage of them.Chapter Six discourses the interaction of the Chinese community, the Chinese associations, and their leaders in Medan in the past and at present, and makes a prediction about its future. In addition, some questions worthy of exploring further are put forward.So far there is no systematical study on the Chinese community in Medan, and therefore this dissertation is to make a contribution on this subject.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 11期
  • 【分类号】D634
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】388

