

Intellectual Women in Shanghai and the Mass Media under the Republic of China

【作者】 李晓红

【导师】 郑振满;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 中国近现代史, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 本文主要依据民国时期的报刊杂志,从社会文化变迁的角度,研究清末至民国时期上海的知识女性与大众传媒之间的互动关系,探索现代知识女性成长的过程。全文共六章,约19万字。在中国的现代化进程中,城市居于举足轻重的地位,大众传媒更是扮演着重要角色。伴随着城市的现代化,都市的女性生活也发生着重大变化,报刊、杂志是女性生活变迁的重要记录者,对女性解放也起着重要作用;知识女性逐渐成为一些报刊、杂志的掌控者,借助于大众传媒推动着社会的进步。以往对女性的研究多取思想史、文化史、生活史的角度,忽视知识女性与大众传媒之间的互动关系,不足以充分揭示知识女性从传统向现代转变的历程。因此,在中国近代史研究中,深入探讨知识女性与大众传媒、社会变迁之间的互动过程,具有重要的学术价值和理论意义。清末民初,中国面临的最大问题是如何在强国环伺的困境中突围,当时与女性有关的报刊主要聚焦于助力国家强盛下的妇女解放运动。五四时期,女性作为“人”的价值被突出出来。《妇女杂志》和《新女性》等女性报刊的创办在一定程度上推动了妇女问题的研究,为妇女解放开辟了道路,为近代中国女性的觉醒提供了理论和实际的支持。但当时妇女解放的思路,多半由男性知识分子传递给女性,女性还未挣脱被男性启蒙的角色。由于知识女性的缺席,由男性知识分子提出的妇女解放口号和发起的妇女解放运动,在很大程度上取决于当时爱国知识分子“保国保种”的忧患意识,使妇女解放被纳入到建立现代民族国家的话语结构中。尽管妇女解放运动开展得轰轰烈烈,但女性基本还是处在喑哑状态,女性话语缺乏独立性。三十年代的上海,由于其开放的姿态以及租界的特殊政治设置,中国的各种政治力量、政治派别都向上海集结,代表着不同阶级、党派、团体的报刊杂志急遽增加,彼此竞争,力图在上海文化场攫取更多的控制权,以消费为诉求的通俗期刊也在争夺市民读者,都市与大众传媒“合谋”将女性变成消费的对象。尽管此时上海已经诞生了由知识女性主编的期刊,但它们或者如《北斗》被党派团体控制,成为某些社团的发言阵地,或者如《女子月刊》虽有众多的女性编者,但仍然是在男性主编者控制之下,或者如《妇人画报》将女性视为消费对象。女性话语交织在政治、阶级、商品中,不能完全呈现女性自己的声音。抗日战争爆发后,上海从“孤岛”到沦陷,政治文化背景更形复杂。特别是在沦陷时期,由于日伪政治势力对上海的完全控制,政治成为禁区,国家、民族这些被男性热衷的话题不能展开。在男性知识分子集体处于失语状态时,知识女性才真正能够掌控文化资源。知识女性主导下的《女声》以“女性之声”为追求目标,站在女性立场公开批判男权社会对女性的压迫,建立起让社会各阶层女性发声的平台;《天地》则大胆讨论女性从传统向现代转变过程中所面临的问题:生育、欲望、衣食等,使大众传媒的话题从民族、国家、政治、战争等主题中拓展到人类基本的问题,充分反映出女性自我意识的建立。在现代思想史上,男性知识分子扮演着对女性启蒙的角色,而女性的声音却只有在男性失语之时才能发出,这实在是一个吊诡的现象。本文以张爱玲为个案,通过考察张爱玲与上海沦陷时期《杂志》等期刊以及1947年的上海电影的关系,具体分析大众传媒如何创造“传奇”张爱玲,探讨现代大众传媒对知识女性从传统到现代转变中所起的重要作用。张爱玲借助大众传媒从末代贵族成长为现代知识分子,她对五四知识分子的启蒙话语、庙堂意识和精英姿态的反思,表现出一个现代知识分子的独立精神。本文的研究成果表明,由于晚清到民国时期社会环境的不断变化,知识女性与大众传媒之间的关系也具有时代性的特征。大众传媒是现代社会的产物,它所建立的公共空间对社会的发展起着重要的作用,这其中包括对女性解放的推动。随着社会的发展,越来越多的知识女性不仅成为大众传媒的参与者,还逐渐成为大众传媒的掌控者,女性话语逐渐从国家、阶级、政治等男性话语中剥离出来。知识女性也借助大众传媒对社会发生着一定的影响,她们从女性立场对中国男权历史文化的批判,显示着现代大众传媒主题的深化以及知识女性的成长。她们在这个过程中体会到自己的人生价值,个人思想因此逐渐建立,成为真正具有独立思想的现代知识分子。离开大众传媒的视阈,就难以清晰地看到中国知识女性从传统到现代蜕变的历史过程。

【Abstract】 This dissertation, mainly based on newspapers and magazines published during the period of the Republic of China, studies through a perspective of socio-cultural change the relationship between the intellectual women in Shanghai under the Republic and mass media with a view to revealing the characteristics of that times and researching the growing process of intellectual women in Shanghai. The entire dissertation consists of eight chapters with a total of 190,000 words.During the modernization process of China, both the city and the mass media play very important roles. Along with the modernization of city, the life of the city women changes a lot. Such changes have been recorded in newspapers and magazines published at that time, making a notable impact on women’s liberation in the meantime. Gradually, intellectual women began to control some periodicals, and made use of the mass media to promote social progress. Most studies of women at that time were made from a perspective of history of thoughts, culture and life, however, the interactive relationship between intellectual women and mass media has been neglected. Such studies can not adequately elaborate the transition of intellectual women from tradition status to modern. Therefore, a thorough analysis of the process of interaction between the intellectual women and the mass media, and the transformation of society in the studies of Chinese modern history has an important academic and theoretical significance.During the period from late Qing Dynasty to the Republic, the main problem confronting us was how to break the siege of the Great Powers. Therefore, the women’s publications at that time mainly focused on women’s liberation movement. However, the women’s liberation slogan was put forward and the women’s liberation movement was initiated by intellectual men because of the absence of intellectual women. At that time, the women’s publications were themed on arousing the consciousness of protecting and founding a nation. Therefore, Women’s Liberation discourse was brought into the discourses of founding a modern nation. Although Women’s Lib movement was like a raging fire at that time, women still took on a dim and dumb appearance on the whole. The female discourses therefore lack independence.In the 1930’s, various political powers and factions were gathered in Shanghai because its openness and special political policy- "concession". Various newspapers and magazines, on behalf of various classes、parties and factions emerged quickly. They competed with each other for the control of cultural resources in Shanghai. Popular periodicals also competed for more readers while the city combined with mass media made women the object of consumption. Therefore, the periodicals edited chiefly by educated men had already come up. Some of them were controlled by factions and served as a platform for the factions, such as Triones; some had already many women editors, but were still under the control of the men editors, such as Women Monthly; or some regarded women as the object of consumption, such as The Women’s Pictorial. The women’s discourses were interlaced with politics, class and merchandise, which couldn’t give voice to women’s thoughts completely.After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese war, Shanghai experienced from an isolated island ("Gudao" 1937-1941 ) to an enemy-occupied area, and the political and cultural backdrop became more complicated. During the period of Japanese occupation in particular, the politics became a forbidden field. Such topics as nation, state which men favor were forbidden. Only after the intellectual men lost their discourses collectively, could women dominate the cultural resources. Women’s Voice, which were mainly edited by women editors, pursued the goal of "women’s voice". It criticized publicly the oppression that men-dominating society brought to bear on women, and therefore made itself a platform for women of all ranks. Tian Di discussed problems that women would face in the transition from a traditional to a modern society. As a result, the periodicals could finally speak out the word standing for women. In the history of modern thoughts, the intellectual men acted as the torchbearer. Women could speak out only when the intellectual men lost their discourses. This phenomena was really odd.Taking Zhang Ailing as a case study, this dissertation describes the process that the periodical in Shanghai "created star" during the period of Japanese-occupation, analyzes the problem that how mass media created a "legend" Zhang Ailing. The paper also talks about the role the modem media has played in the growth of intellectual women and how women could make use of mass media to express themselves. What interests us most is how women became modern intellectuals who have their own and independent thoughts. This case study would help explain the interactive relationship between the intellectual women and the mass media, reveal the growing process of intellectual women and complement the description of history mentioned above.This dissertation shows that because of the continued change of circumstances, the relationship between the intellectual women and the mass media had its own characteristics different from any other times. Mass media is a product of modern society. The public room built up by mass media plays an important role in the development of society, and in the promotion of women’s liberation.Under the women’s liberation movement, more and more intellectual women were not only involved in but also became controllers of mass media gradually. The women’s discourses were separated from the men’s discourses step by step, until the women spoke out their own voices. Intellectual women made use of the mass media to influence the society greatly, which also changed the attitudes towards them. In this process, women came to realize the value of their lives. As a result, their personal thoughts came into being gradually, and finally women became modern intellectuals who have their independent thoughts. Without the view of the mass media, it would be impossible to comprehend the process that how intellectual women changed from traditional to modern status.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 02期
  • 【分类号】G206;K258
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1772

