

A Study of Yunnan-Guizhou Regional Market (1889-1945)

【作者】 肖良武

【导师】 戴一峰;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 中国近现代史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 区域市场是全国统一市场的有机组成部分。我国在“十一五”规划中,将区域规划的编制放在重要位置。以大区域进行统一规划的构想,已经成为中国经济发展的重要思路。处于经济现代化时期的今天,研究区域市场问题可以说是一项具有重大理论意义的课题。本文将云贵作为一个区域来研究,既符合我国区域规划发展的要求,也符合打破省级行政区划、进行跨省区统一规划的战略构想。本文主要运用历史学、经济学、地理学及数学等相关学科的理论,探讨近代云贵区域市场随着区域开放,市场格局渐渐地发生变化,实现由多中心平行性型向“双中心”平行性型转化,直到“双中心”区域市场格局最终形成的历程。文章试图从多角度深入分析市场的空间结构变化、市场体系类型,分析云贵区域市场与国内其它区域市场的互动及与国际市场的博弈,构建中国传统区域市场的第二种模式——山地高原型市场发育的基本模式。全文共分七章、三大部分。第一章就是第一部分即绪论部分,第二章至第六章为第二部分即主体部分,第七章为第三大部分即结论部分。每一章所论述的主体内容概括如下:第一章绪论部分对相关的一些概念进行厘定,在此基础上对现有的研究成果进行总体评述,论及本文选题及研究所具有的学术价值,最后提出研究的基本思路与创新之处。第二章分析蒙自开关以前,由于受到地理环境因素的制约、区域经济发展的不平衡及商贸业发展的路径依赖的影响,云贵区域市场形成多中心的市场等级分布体系:若干个中心地方市场、次中心地方市场、边缘地方市场。第三章分析由于受到制度变迁的影响、现代交通信息技术的运用及商品经济、长距离贸易的发展而导致区域市场突破壁垒,加之区域经济的不平衡发展及区域内中心地市场层次的升级,使得云贵区域市场格局发生变迁:形成了以昆明、贵阳为中心的“双中心”区域市场格局。第四章以云贵区域市场的空间结构变化作为分析的着眼点,深入分析农村市场与城镇市场结构都发生了相应的变化,并形成了城乡市场网络。通过对这种变化的分析,进一步论证区域市场的变迁过程。第五章以云贵区域市场体系类型作为分析的着眼点,分析商品市场与要素市场的发育及其变化过程。通过对市场发育及其变化过程的分析,进一步论证区域市场的变迁过程。第六章将云贵区域市场的变迁置于全国市场及国际市场变迁的大背景中,分析云贵区域市场与区际市场之间的互动关系、与国际市场之间的博弈关系。第七章根据对近代云贵区域市场发育历程的研究,得出近代中国传统市场中的山地高原型市场发育过程中所具有的基本特征、影响区域市场变迁的根本因素及区域市场变迁的逻辑进程的结论。

【Abstract】 Regional market is an organic part of the national market. In China’s 11th Five-year Plan regional planning is placed in an important position. In fact, it has become a guide for China’s economic development. In contemporary times the study of regional markets is significant both theoretically and practically. This dissertation chooses Yunnan and Guizhou as a regional market in a bid to cater to the strategic planning across provincial administrations.Based on the theories concerned in history, economics, geography and math, this dissertation explores the variations of the Yunnan-Guizhou regional market. It argues that this market has changed from multi-center parallel to double-center parallel in type. The current study analyzes the interactions between the Yunnan-Guizhou regional market and the other domestic regional markets as well as the games between the Yunnan-Guizhou regional market and international markets. As a result, another model for China’s traditional regional markets is formulated, namely, the model of the plateau market cultivation.This dissertation includes seven chapters organized in three sections. Chapter 1 is the introduction, serving as the first section. Chapters 2-6 constitute the second section and the body of the dissertation. Chapter 7 is the conclusion as well as the third section.Chapter 1 covers some basic concepts, and illustrates the Yunnan-Guizhou regional market. Then, a review is made about the existing research involved, and the significance of the present study is indicated. Finally, the originality and guideline of the dissertation are pointed out.Chapter 2 analyzes how the multi-center hierarchical market system came into being as a result of geographical constraints, imbalance in regional economic development and reliance of trading on certain routes prior to the Pass Opening of Mengzi. The multi-center hierarchical market system includes such elements as center regional market, sub-center regional market, and marginal regional market.Chapter 3 analyzes how the Yunnan-Guizhou regional market changed as a result of institutional transformations, applications of modern transportation and information technologies in trading and commodity economy, barriers-breaking stemming from the development of long-distance trading, imbalance in the development of regional economy, and upgrading of central markets within regions. The change led to the formation of the double-center regional market based in Kunming and Guiyang.Chapter 4 analyzes the corresponding variations in rural and urban market structure and the formation of the urban and rural market network from the angle of the change in the spatial structure of the Yunnan-Guizhou regional market. The analysis further illustrates the transformations of the regional market.Chapter 5 analyzes the cultivation and transformations of commodity markets (including the production material markets and the consumption material markets) and component markets from the angle of the system type that the Yunnan-Guizhou regional market belongs to. The analysis further illustrates the transformations of the regional market.Chapter 6 analyzes the interactions between the Yunnan-Guizhou regional market and the inter-regional markets as well as the games between the Yunnan-Guizhou regional market and the international markets.Chapter 7 sums up the whole dissertation, and makes a conclusion about three fundamental factors affecting the transformations of regional market, the temporal progress in relation to the transformations of regional market, and the basic features that the plateau market as a derivation from China’s traditional market of modern times possesses.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 03期
  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】393

