

Assessment of Forested Catchment Ecosystem Health in the Hilly and Mountain Region of Southern Jiangsu Province, China

【作者】 陶宝先

【导师】 张金池;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 生态学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文根据小流域土地利用类型,将流域牛态系统分解成不同的子系统,然后建立评价指标体系,评价流域生态系统健康状态,并以苏南丘陵区森林小流域为例进行了实证研究。研究区可以分解为森林和地表水两个子牛态系统。通过野外调查与室内实验分析,探讨了生态系统健康诸因子的特征,提出了牛态系统健康评价模型,确定了各指标的评价参数及权重的确定方法。主要结果如下:(1)森林生态系统活力总体处于轻度病态。4种林分土壤磷元素缺乏;除栎林外,其它3种林分的生产力明显低于主产区。(2)森林生态系统服务功能总体处于健康状态。但是,毛竹林的涵养水源功能相对较差;毛竹、杉木、马尾松林吸收、累积土壤重金属元素的功能明显低于栎林。(3)森林生态系统结构总体处于轻度病态。4种林分斑块的形状较为规则,受人为干扰程度较大;4种林分均为纯林,除栎林外,其它3种林分均未能形成良好的复层林结构,且其林分密度均低于主产区。(4)森林生态系统处于轻度病态;地表水生态系统处于很健康状态;整个流域仍处于轻度病态。(5)小流域生态系统健康优势:小流域的土壤、地表水环境质量清洁:各林分的生态系统服务功能较好。

【Abstract】 The paper advances the method for the assessment of catchment ecosystem health according to the land use types, the procedures of the method are: first, investigating the land use types and their areas, ascertaining the main land use type; second, decompounding the catchment ecosystem into various sub-ecosystems according to the land use types, such as forest, surface water, et al.; third, choosing suitable indices aimed at various sub-ecosystems, then assessing the health status of catchment ecosystem. Tongshan catchment in Southern Jiangsu Province of China is taken as a case study. The studied catchment ecosystem can decompounds into 2 sub-ecosystems, which is forest and surface ecosystem, and their area scale are 86.49% and 8.07%. The assessment indices of forest ecosystem health are the vigor, ecosystem services and structure, and the assessment indices of surface ecosystem are surface water quality and the ecological risk of its sediment. Based on the outdoor and indoor experiments, the properties of the indices are measured, and put forwards the model and its parameters, and the weights of indices for the assessment, the results as follows:(1) The assessment result of forest vigor is mild disease, which the Cunninghamia lanceolata is medium disease, and the other 3 forest stands are mild disease. The soil fertility for 4 forest stands are much worse, because of the absence of soil phosphorus. Besides of the Quercus acutissima, the productivity of the other 3 forest stands are under the average level of the major producing areas’, and the annual increasing of DBH of Cunninghamia lanceolata, Pinus massoniana are also under the average level of the major producing areas’.(2) The assessment result of forest ecological services is sub-health, which Quercus acutissima is health, and the other 3 forest stands are sub-health. But the function of storage water for Phyllostachys pubescens is inferior, and the function of absorbing heavy metals in soil for Cunninghamia lanceolata, Pinus massoniana and Phyllostachys pubescens are under the average level of Quercus acutissima.(3) The assessment result of forest structure is mild disease, which Pinus massoniana is medium disease, and the other 3 forest stands are mild disease. The shape of forest patches are much regular, which indicates they were disturbed by artificial action more severely. The 4 forest stands are all pure forest. Besides of Quercus acutissima, the other 3 forest stands don’t form compound storied forest, and their stand density is under the average level of major producing areas’.(4) The forest ecosystem in research region is mild disease, which Quercus acutissima is sub-health, and the other 3 forest stands are mild disease. The surface water ecosystem is health. Because the area scale of forest is much bigger the others’, its health status has decisive affection on catchment ecosystem, so the catchment ecosystem is mild disease.(5) The advantages of catchment ecosystem are clean soil and surface water environment, bigger environmental capacity, and better forest ecological services.

  • 【分类号】S718.5
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】445

