

Theory of Green Trade-on Relationship between Trade and Environment in China

【作者】 王立和

【导师】 王国聘;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 生态学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 贸易与环境关系问题是一个重要的理论和实践问题。经济贸易迅猛发展对环境产生了多层面影响,贸易中的环境问题日益凸显,协调贸易与环境关系已成为时代面临的一项迫切任务。本论文研究的重点是贸易与环境关系问题及我国的发展绿色贸易有关对策探讨。第一章确立了绿色贸易的概念及内涵,包括贸易、环境、环境问题等的定义及相关内涵。第二章概括研究了发展绿色贸易的有关理论基础。第三章重点阐释贸易与环境关系发展的基本进程、贸易对环境的影响、环境对贸易的影响、贸易与环境的相互关系。第四章着重分析中国贸易中的环境问题,同时,以江苏省泰州市为例进行了实证研究,提出了泰州市解决贸易中环境问题的一些对策措施。第五章着重以发展绿色贸易的条件和发展绿色贸易的理论两个纬度,从发展绿色贸易的必然性、影响绿色贸易发展的主要因素等出发,提出了发展绿色贸易的基本原则。第六章着重从政府、企业、社会公众三个层面进行了针对性研究,提出了我国发展绿色贸易的相应对策。通过较深入的研究,本文主要在以下方面进行了积极探索,力求有所创新:第一,研究对象上,将国际贸易、国内贸易与环境关系置入一个整体进行考察,选择了与环境关系中一个典型区作为研究点,拓展了以往研究中主要以某一地域或国际贸易作为研究基点的界域。第二,研究内容上,比较系统地构建了贸易与环境关系问题的研究框架,系统研究了贸易与环境关系,进行了辩证分析;明确提出了发展绿色贸易的几个基本原则和相关对策。

【Abstract】 The relationship between trade and environment is an important theoretical and practical issue. The rapid development of economy and trade on the environment has a multi-dimensional impact. The environment problem in the trade becomes increasingly prominent. Coordination of the relationship between trade and environment has become an urgent task. The key points of this paper are to reveal the problem of the relationship between trade and environment and to discuss the strategies of developing Green Trade.Chapter One ascertains the definition and connotation of Green Trade, including those of trade, environment and environment issues.Chapter Two focuses on the development of Green Trade related on the theoretical basis.Chapter Three elaborates the process of the development of trade and environment, the mutual influence of them, and the connections of them.Chapter Four emphasizes the analysis of environment issues in trade in China, taking empirical research on Taizhou, Jiangsu province, and propose some strategies of solving such problems in Taizhou.Chapter Five proposes some principles of developing Green Trade and summarizes some theories of it from the aspects of the construction of Green Trade, which attaches the importance of the conditions and theories of Green Trade development, basing on the necessity, influencing factors and theory evidences of Green Trade development.Chapter Six analyses pertinently from the aspects of government, enterprises and public, and proposes the strategies of developing Green Trade in China.Through in-depth studies, the paper mainly actively explores the following aspects, and strives to be innovative:First, in regarding of object, this paper puts international trade, domestic trade, environment and their relations into a framework, has enlarged the object scope.Second, as to the content, this paper systematically constructs a research framework on the relationship between trade and environment, and proposes basic principles and countermeasures for developing green trade.

  • 【分类号】F752;X321
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1862

