

The Mechanism and Manufacturing Technics of Castor Stalk Based Board

【作者】 李晓平

【导师】 周定国;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 木材科学与技术, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 蓖麻是大戟科,蓖麻属的唯一种,多年生或一年生木质草本;蓖麻秆各个不同部位的原料特性差异明显,木质部为散孔材,纤维形态较好、长度中等;整秆的理化性能优良,pH值呈酸性,相对结晶度63.27%,SiO2含量少,可用于造纸、人造板制造等工业应用。对100个不同工艺条件下,以脲醛树脂胶为胶粘剂、蓖麻整秆为原料的刨花板的性能进行了研究,在综合考虑板材生产成本、生产效率和板材性能稳定性的基础上,最终确定出了最佳热压工艺参数为:热压温度150℃,热压时间30s/mm,施胶量12%。在该工艺参数下制造的蓖麻秆刨花板添加1.44%的石蜡乳液后,各项性能均可满足国标要求,并随板材密度的增加而增加;纤维板添加1.2%的石蜡乳液后,可满足国标要求;并可与同一工艺条件下的杨木人造板的性能相媲美。在蓖麻秆刨花中添加3%的异氰酸酯胶粘剂就可制出满足国标要求的刨花板。蓖麻秆的髓部由多面体薄壁细胞组成,对刨花板性能可产生不利影响,但该材料可用于制造保温材料和包装垫块等。针对蓖麻秆原料的季节性、区域性分布特点提出了可行的原料收集模式和3种工业化利用模式。以蓖麻秆为原料生产人造板可降低板材生产成本、增加农民收入,节约木材资源,利用我国现有蓖麻秆资源的一半就可节约森林面积150万亩/a。

【Abstract】 The Castor oil plant (Ricinus communis L.) is sole species of the spurge family. It is perennial or annual woody herbage. There are significant differences in characters of castor stalk and its different parts. The xylem of the castor stalk is diffuse-porous wood and has medium-length good configuration fibres. The physical-chemical properties of the castor stalk are well, the pH value is acidity, the relative crystal-degree is 63.27percent, and the SiO2 content is less. So the Castor stalk is a good woody material and can be used to make man-made board, paper and the like.Research on making castor stalk based particle board and comparative study of the properties of one hundred particle boards produced by corresponding different hot-press techniques. The objective of this is to choose the best techniques from the above. Considering the cost of man-made board,the properties and production efficiency of the board produced by the hot-press technique chosen, and get the hot-press temperature is 150 centigrade, the hot-press time is 30 second per millimeter and the resin added is 12 percent. Produced by it the properties of the castor stalk based particle board with 1.44 percent wax added and the castor stalk based fibre board with 1.2 percent wax added both can exceed the requirements of the PRC Standards for Particle Board and Fibre board respectively. The properties of castor stalk based board are increasing with the density increasing of the board. Besides, the results show that the properties of castor stalk based board and poplar wood based board made by the same techniques are comparable. The marrow of the castor stalk contains parenchyma cells mainly and it has disadvantage influence on the properties of the stalk based board. So it can be got rid of when the castor stalk are used in industry. But it can be used in making heat insulating material, packing pad and so on.It suggests one method for Collection of raw materials and three modes for castor stalk industrial use in China because castor stalk has regional and seasonal characteristics. Producing castor stalk based board can decrease the air pollution caused by stalk burning, increase the income of farmers in China, protect the forestry resources of China, and decrease the cost of man-made board. If the half of the castor stalk produced now will be used in industry, and the 100000ha forestry will be protect per year.

  • 【分类号】TS653.5
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】332

