

Design and Integration of Software System for Intelligent Toward-target Sprayer

【作者】 胡天翔

【导师】 郑加强; 周宏平; 丛静华;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文通过对国内外农药使用、植保机械和软件工程应用等技术发展现状的分析研究,提出了基于构件化的智能对靶喷雾机软件系统。在研究过程中将软件体系结构、复用技术、系统集成技术应用于智能对靶喷雾机的软件控制系统中,以实现面向构件化与模块化的软件系统,使智能对靶喷雾机达到精确施药的目的。在研究过程中运用软件工程领域对智能对靶喷雾系统进行了系统整体设计,通过应用特定软件体系结构技术,以构件化的方式将软件系统按功能划分为图像采集构件、图像处理构件和控制执行构件,并设计和实现不同的构件完成整个软件系统的功能,最后将划分的构件进行系统集成,形成完整的软件系统。在图像采集模块中运用双目视觉技术对施药目标进行了深度信息的提取与测量;在图像处理模块中将图像拼接与图像分割技术进行融合,并且提高了图像处理速度;在控制执行模块中,对智能对靶喷雾机的控制方法进行了研究;最后完成系统的集成工作,使智能对靶喷雾形成一个完整的系统,且对喷雾效果进行了试验验证。本文研究的目的是要找到更合理有效的方法对软件系统进行资源的整合,使软件系统能更好地满足智能对靶喷雾机的需要,让智能对靶喷雾领域内的软件开发和维护变得简单高效。

【Abstract】 The development of pesticide, application technique, plant protection machinery and software engineering applications both at home and abroad ware analyzed. A software system for the intelligent toward-target sprayer was put forward based on components. The software system architecture, software reuse, system integration technology ware used in the control system software of the intelligent toward-target sprayer in order to realize component-oriented and modular software system, so that the intelligent toward-target sprayer can achieve the purpose of precision application.The overall system design of the intelligent toward-target spraying systems was completed through the field of software engineering. Through the application of domain-specific software architecture techniques, the functions of the software system could be divided into image acquisition components, image processing components and control implementation components according to the component-oriented approach. Then the functions of the software system could be achieved through designing and realizing the different components were integrated and complete software system was formed.In the video image acquisition module, a dual-CCD camera using in the image acquisition system was studied. In the image processing module, the threshold segmentation on the application of the image information acquisition was studied according to the characteristics of the trees. In the implementation control module, the methods of intelligent control for intelligent toward-target sprayer were studied. In the system integration process, the integration of the hardware and software systems of intelligent toward-target spraying ware researched.The purpose of this research was to find out a more reasonable and effective method to integrate the resources of software systems. So that, the software system can better satisfy the requirement of intelligent toward-target sprayer. At the same time, a short cut of adjusting modules of software system was found that made the development of software in the intelligent toward- target sprayer simple and effective.

  • 【分类号】S491
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】330

