

The Study of Urban Tourism and Ecological Development of City

【作者】 孙萍

【导师】 温作民;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 在相关理论阐述和概念辨识的基础上,从城市旅游与城市生态建设相互关联研究入手,本着学科交叉性的角度以及宏观的视野,提出了城市旅游的生态观,力图通过理论联系实际对城市生态旅游系统及其空间整合有一个比较完整的认识,并进而提出解决问题的整合框架。在分析城市生态系统、城市旅游演进机制以及城市旅游生态观的基础上,初步构建城市生态旅游系统开发框架。提出城市生态旅游空间复合网络的理想整合模式。城市生态旅游系统结构是在经济、文化、生态和管理四大机制共同作用下进行的,本文初步构建了包含有5个一级评价指标、16个二级评价指标和58个三级评价指标的城市生态旅游系统评价指标体系,并以扬州凤凰岛生态旅游区为例进行实证分析。本文以生态宜居型旅游文化名城——扬州为例进行实证研究。在解读扬州城市性质、城市生态建设及城市旅游发展情境的基础上,从资源整合、空间优化、产品转型、政策举措以及规划战略等角度构建了绿色旅游城市创建的综合体系。在阐述水系环境的综合整治及滨水旅游空间开发的基础上,构建扬州城市水旅游系统框架图,剖析“一内核五组团四轴多点”的水旅游空间格局以及滨水旅游空间品质提升方案,构建扬州环城水上旅游网络系统,以期对扬州率先建设国家城市生态旅游示范地有所裨益。

【Abstract】 On the basis of relevant theories and concepts, the dissertation starts with an inter-related research of urban tourism and municipal eco-construction, and it puts forward, from an interdisciplinary and a macroscopical perspective, the concept of ecological urban tourism. The dissertation, by integrating theory with practice, attempts to give a full picture and then an integration framework of the eco-tourism system in a city and its spatial integration. The dissertation analyzes the eco-system and the evolution system of a city, expounds the concept of urban eco-tourism, and establishes, for this concept, a preliminary development framework, on which the dissertation goes deep into the product system, the policy system and the interest balance among related subjects of urban eco-tourism. The paper thus brings forward an ideal integration model of compound network. Since the construction of urban eco-tourism system goes under the joint influence of economic, cultural, ecological and management mechanism, the dissertation sets up an evaluation index framework of urban eco-tourism which consists 3 of first grade indexes, 16 of second grade indexes, and 58 of third grade indexes.The dissertation takes Yangzhou Phoenix Island Ecological Tourist Zone as an example, conducts an empirical analysis of the evaluation of urban eco-tourism system, and proposes concrete strategies to develop tourism on the Phoenix Island.The dissertation makes a case study on Yangzhou—a tourist cultural city and a livable eco-city. The paper interprets the nature of Yangzhou, illustrates the eco-construction of the city, and makes an thorough analysis of its tourism. It then explores the resource integration of Yangzhou, its spatial optimization, its product transformation, its policies and moves, and its planning strategies, and finally sets up a comprehensive framework for Yangzhou to establish an eco-tourist city.The dissertation also sets forth a comprehensive framework for Yangzhou’s water tourism, including a renovation program of waterfront sight, an interpretation of the city’s water tourism pattern, a plan to promote the quality of typical waterfront tourist zone, and a network system of water tourism around the city. The dissertation is expected to be of help for Yangzhou to take the lead in building a national eco-tourism model.


