

Empirical Study on Export Trade Structure of China’s Wood Forest Product

【作者】 顾晓燕

【导师】 聂影;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 中国木质林产品对外贸易规模不断增加,但目前面临两大挑战:第一,资源密集型木质林产品的进口过于依赖、低附加值的劳动密集型木质林产品的大量出口,资源约束将威胁木制加工业的产业安全。第二,全球金融危机冲击实体经济,国际市场萎缩的当前形势下,国际贸易保护主义加剧,木制品、木家具等劳动密集型的商品很容易遭受反倾销、技术性贸易壁垒等贸易摩擦。实证研究表明:中国木质林产品出口竞争力不强,出口商品结构、出口市场结构、出口模式结构不尽合理,优化出口贸易结构是保证出口规模,减少贸易摩擦的重要手段。要减少资源密集型木质林产品进口市场过于集中的风险,为出口商品结构优化提供资源保障;提高资本技术密集型木质林产品的出口比重,提高出口产品的附加值,避免中低档廉价产品大量出口引起连锁的反倾销;减少出口商品集中度,提高出口商品反应度,增强出口产品与国际需求的匹配性;提高劳动和资本技术密集型木质林产品的产业内贸易水平,资源密集型木质林产品继续以产业间贸易为主,使产业间贸易和产业内贸易形成良性互补;增强木质林产品的出口与进口市场的匹配性、避免出口市场过于集中、巩固传统出口市场、积极开拓新兴市场,最大限度的减少贸易摩擦。

【Abstract】 The scale of foreign trade of China’s wood forest product is expanding. However, China’s wood forest product faces two major challenges: firstly, resource-intensive wood forest products over reliance on imports, labor-intensive and low value added wood forest products export too large. Resource constraints will threat the security of wood processing industry. Seconly, the global financial crisis impacting the real economy and the international market being atrophic, international trade protectionism is increasing. Wood products, wood furniture and other labor-intensive commodities are vulnerable to encounter anti-dumping, technical trade barriers and so on.Empirical studies show that the competiveness of China’s wood forest products is not strong, the structure of export commodities ,export markets and export model is not quite reasonable.In the current situation, optimizing the export structure is an important means of ensuring export scale and reducing trade friction. We should reduce the risk of too concentrated import market of resourse-intensive wood forest products in order to provide resources support for the optimize of the export structure. We should increase the export proportion of the technology-intensive wood forest product, improve the added value of export products, avoid a large number of middle and low exports of cheap products which will lead to a chain of anti-dumping. We should reduce the concentration of export commodities, increase the responsiveness of export commodities, and enhance the match between our export and international demand. We should improve the level of intra-industry of labor-intensive, capital and technology-intensive wood forest products. Resource-intensive wood forest products continue to be mainly intra-industry trade, so that inter-industry trade and intra-industry trade will form a benign complementary. We should enhance the match between our export and import markets, avoid too much focus on export markets, consolidate the traditional export market, actively explore new markets.

  • 【分类号】F752.62
  • 【被引频次】23
  • 【下载频次】1220

