

Study on Tourism Planning of Forest Park in City and Its Suburb

【作者】 杨财根

【导师】 肖平;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 随着中国经济发展与社会进步,休闲已成为居民生活的重要部分,到城郊森林公园休闲旅游成为城市居民提高生活质量的主要外出休闲方式,城郊森林公园的休闲旅游发展势不可挡,随之城郊森林公园的旅游规划态势增强,然而相应的旅游规划理论却严重滞后,导致森林公园的森林生态环境频遭破坏,社会服务功能发挥不足。因此,加强城郊森林公园旅游规划研究具有理论与现实的时代紧迫性。本文以满足城市居民休闲旅游需求为研究基点,借鉴比较优势、旅游可持续发展、生态旅游等相关理论,采用旅游系统规划法等研究方法对城郊森林公园旅游规划进行了系统研究。本文剖析了城郊森林公园休闲旅游发展的驱动机制。依此推导出城郊森林公园旅游规划的区域定位与客源市场定位。结合改革开放后旅游规划导向演进与森林公园建设战略使命,确立了城郊森林公园旅游规划效益与规划导向定位。依据旅游规划定位,本文建立了适宜城郊森林公园的“三析五构”旅游规划模式,设制了一个由“三维一体”分析系统和“五位一体”构建系统组成的系统规划模式。对城郊森林公园旅游环境分析、旅游资源分析与休闲旅游市场分析“三析”系统进行了详细编制。同时构建了城郊森林公园旅游规划理念体系、旅游规划目标体系、旅游功能区划体系、休闲旅游产品体系与旅游支持体系等“五构”系统。论文以南京城郊森林公园为例进行了实证研究,实证表明该规划模式在实践运用中是基本可行的。

【Abstract】 With development of Chinese economy and society, leisure has become important in citizens’living. Leisure tourism in forest park in city and its suburb has become citizens’main leisure on weekends and holidays to chang living environment and enhance quality of living. Leisure tourism of forest park in city and its suburb develops quickly, and lots of tourism planning is coming. Now the theory of tourism planning for forest park in city and its suburb is lack,so that many forests have been destroyed, and social function of forest park is absent. Therefor study on tourism planning of forest park in city and its suburb is urgent.The dissertation bases on satisfying citizens’leisure tourism to study tourism planning of forest park in city and its suburb, using comparative advantage theory and other theories in subjects of economics and others, and with tourism system planning method and other methods.The dissertation analyses the drives of leisure tourism in forest park in city and its suburb. With this the dissertation deduces tourism area and market of forest park in city and its suburb, deduces benefits and orientations of tourism planning of forest park in city and its suburb with orientations development of tourism planning after innovation and opening and stratagem of forest park.Then the dissertation constructs a tourism planning model with three analyses and five designs for forest park in city and its suburb with tourism system planning method. The model comprises the three analyzing systems of tourism situation, tourism resources and markets of leisure tourism, and the five designing systems of concepts of tourism planning, aims of tourism planning, function regions of tourism planning, productions of leisure tourism and tourism sustains. The dissertation studies tourism planning model with three analyses and five designs with examples of Nanjng forest park in city and its suburb, and indicats the planning method is feasible.

  • 【分类号】TU986
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】3435

