

Study on Eco-industrial Development in Resource-Based City under Water Resources Constraints

【作者】 李春花

【导师】 李吉均; 陈兴鹏;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 人文地理学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放以来的中国经济持续快速增长,然而,高投入、高消耗、高排放的传统经济增长方式使我国经济增长与资源环境之间的矛盾日益凸显。如何在资源环境的硬约束下,选择一条社会、经济、生态、环境和谐发展之路,具有深刻的理论意义和现实意义。资源型城市是依托当地自然资源的开发利用而兴起或发展壮大起来的、具有特殊发展演变规律的城市。资源型城市为我国经济和社会的发展做出了重要贡献。从资源型城市特有的生命周期可以看出,资源型城市的发展面临当地资源日益枯竭的制约,同时也面临着生态环境严重破坏等难题。在未来几十年内,随着市场需求的变化、产业结构的调整以及资源的日益枯竭等,我国区域性、结构性的矛盾和困难日益加剧。其中工业将处在结构变动最为剧烈、矛盾和机遇交汇而成的重要转折时期。因此,探索资源型城市工业可持续发展的途径迫在眉睫并已经成为政府和学术界关注和研究的热点。长期以来,金昌市以矿产资源开采、选冶为主导的工业格局,导致资源消耗高、环保压力大、产业链条短、经济依存度强。因此转变经济增长方式,加快资源综合利用,促进城市可持续发展成为历史必然。同时金昌市又是全国13座水资源短缺城市之一,水资源不足严重制约着社会经济的发展。特别是以工业为主导的产业结构以及社会经济的迅速发展对水资源的需求急剧增长。如何在有限的水资源约束下大力发展生态工业,遂成笔者关注的课题。本文以生态经济学理论、资源型城市理论、水资源理论、生态工业理论为指导,系统分析研究干旱区资源型城市金昌市自然、经济和社会条件,应用生态经济学的能值理论、材料科学的相图法定量评价金昌市生态经济系统发展质量。同时在借鉴发达国家发展生态工业的经验基础之上,结合金昌市实际情况,设计了金昌市生态工业产业链条并进行工业生态系统集成及柔性研究。论文基于对国内外相关领域研究成果的回顾,从理论和实践上系统研究了水资源约束下资源型城市生态工业的发展问题。全文共分为七章:第1章绪论,阐述了选题背景、研究目的和意义,介绍了研究方法和技术路线以及本研究的创新点。第2章,是对生态经济理论、水资源理论、资源型城市理论以及生态工业理论的综述。总结了各相关概念的内涵与主要特征,回顾了各理论的产生与发展过程。第3章,定量评价金昌市生态经济系统的发展质量,指出金昌市作为资源型.城市发展生态工业的紧迫性。第4章,通过对金昌市水资源问题的梳理,研究干旱区水资源约束程度以及水资源保障体系建设问题。第5章,分析金昌市的各关键种企业生产工艺流程,并进行生态产业链设计。第6章,将生态工业园作为一个工业生态系统,研究工业生态系统集成及其柔性。第7章,全文结论与研究展望。研究结果表明,金昌市生态经济系统具备一定活力和发展潜力;经济发展很大程度上依赖外界的支持;在对外贸易中,对资源的需求量较大,能量、货币流通较快;金昌市人口压力非常大,远远超过了系统的环境承载力;按现有发展模式,生态经济系统的不可持续性增强。因此必须重视不同类型资源的利用比率,对于来自系统之外的不可更新反馈能值的利用要采取节约和保护的方法,同时要降低对系统内不可更新资源的利用比率。今后金昌市工业用水量会有较大提高,水资源利用需遵循“以供定需”的利用模式,并通过产业结构调整和改革水资源管理制度等措施缓解金昌市水资源短缺难题。在金昌市生态工业研究中,通过金川公司、金化集团、金泥集团、河西堡铁厂和永昌电厂的生产工艺以及工业代谢物综合利用分析,发现金昌市生态工业建设具备较为雄厚的发展基础,工业生态系统中工艺柔性、产业链接柔性、管理柔性、国家宏观政策柔性较强。

【Abstract】 Since reform and opening up, China has achieved sustained and rapid development. However, the high input, high consumption, high emission of the traditional mode of economic growth resulted increasingly prominent conflict between the China’s economic growth and environmental resources. How to select a road of economic growth with social, economic, ecological, environmental harmonious development under environment and resource hard constrained has a profound theoretical and practical significance.Relying on local development and utilization of natural resources, the rise of growing up of resource-based cities has a special law of the evolution of the city. Resource-based cities made important contributions to China’s economic and social development. From specific life-cycle of the resource-based city, the development of resource-based cities is facing increasing depletion of local resources constraints. At the same time, they face serious damage to the ecological environment as well. In the coming decades ,with the changes in market demand, adjust to the industrial structure, as well as the increasing depletion of resources, China’s regional, structural contradictions and difficulties are highlight during the growing. Regional industry development is on the important turning point which has the most dramatic changes in the structure and contradictions and opportunities are the convergence. As a result, sustainable development study on industry of resource-based city is very imminent and has become a concern to the government and the academic hot spots.For a long time, industrial structure of Jinchang has been exploitation of mineral resources, which lead to high consumption of resources, environmental protection pressure, short-chain industry, strong dependence on economic.Therefore, changing the mode of economic growth to speed up the comprehensive utilization of resources, a single resource-based economy become to the structure of an integrated multi-economic structure so as to promote sustainable urban development is bound to become history.At the same time, Jinchang is one of the 13 cities with shortage of water resources in China. Water shortage especially industry-oriented industrial structure and its rapid development resulted rapid growing needs to water resources is seriously restricting the social and economic development.How to develop ecological industry under limited water resources has become a concerned issue of the authors.Based on the theory of ecological economics, resource-based theory of urban, ecological industry theory and the theory of water resources, the author analyzed systematically natural, economic and social conditions of Jinchang which lies in arid zone as a resource-based city. After the quantitative evaluation of the quality of the development of eco-economic system with the application of ecological economics theory of the Emergy and the theory of ternary diagram in material science, as well as on the basis of experiment from the development of ecological industries of developed countries, combined with the actual situation of Jinchang, the author designed the eco-industrial and made industrial ecosystem research.On the basis of reviewing the relevant papers at home and abroad in the field of research results, the issue of eco-industrial development based on the theory of ecologial economy under the constraints of water resources is studied theoretically and practically. There are seven chapters in this thesis.Chapter 1 is the introduction, which puts forward the study background, research purpose and methods as well as the framework of this study.At last, the significance of research and some innovative spots are pointed out in this paper.Chapter 2 is a review of ecological economic theory, the theory of cycle of economic theory, theory of water resources, and theory of resource-based city as well as ecological industry theory. First, the relevant content and the main features of all concepts are sumed up. Then the theory of the creation and development process are reviewed.In Chapter 3, the quality of development of ecological economic system of Jinchang is quantitatively evaluated and discussed. As result, this paper points out that it is urgency for Jinchang to develop ecological industry as a resource-based city.In Chapter 4, based on analyzing constraints of water resources in Jinchang, some measures and ways to develop ecological industry and to solve the problem of water resources in arid areas are proposed.In Chapter 5, various species of the production process of all key enterprises in Jinchang are analyzed, and the industrial chain of ecological is designed.In Chapter 6, as an industrial ecosystem, the integration and flexible of the eco-industrial park is studied.In chapter 7, the conclusions and further study expectations are listed.The results show that Jinchang eco-economic system have the vitality and development potential; Economic development depends to a large extent on the outside support; In foreign trade, the greater the demand for resources, the energy, currency in circulation faster; Population pressure is far beyond the bearing capacity of environment; According to the existing mode of development, ecological sustainability of the economic system will be weakened.Therefore, Jinchang must attach importance to different types of resource utilization ratio. To take advantage of the non-renewable feedback emergy from outside, the system should use conservation and protection methods. At the same time, non-renewable resource use rate of the system should be reduced. Industrial water consumption there will be increased greatly in Jinchang in the future.Water resources use should followed the "to be set for" model . Through industrial restructuring and other strategies, water shortage problems should be alleviated. By analyzing production process of Jinchuan Company, Jinhua Group, Jinni Group ,Hexibao Iron Works and Yongchang Power Plant,the author find that Jinchang eco-industry construction is with a more solid foundation, and technology, industry links, management, the state’s macroeconomic policies are more flexible in industrial ecosystem.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期

