

The Study on Ying Jin in DunHuang Manuscript

【作者】 李强

【导师】 郑炳林;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 历史文献学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 敦煌写本《籯金》,是一部失传类书,共有9个卷号,英藏敦煌文献中保留有3个卷号,法藏敦煌文献中保存有6个卷号,唐李若立撰。《新唐书·艺文志》、《旧唐书·经籍志》、《宋史·艺文志》等都没有著录。根据敦煌写本《籯金》叙录得知原书分为五卷百篇,目前保留的主要有卷一第一至第二十篇,卷二第二十一至三十二篇,卷三第四十八篇和第五十三至五十八篇。罗振玉、刘师培、王重民以及王三庆等对《籯金》作过题跋叙录及粗略研究,认为李若立为唐代人,无略出字样,当为李若立原书,这部类书除了辑补佚书有所帮助之外,“则注文脱讹,几不可读。叙文亦然,均未足据依也。”其中王三庆先生对《籯金》作了释文,但是错误甚多。本文主要对P.3363、P.2537、S.4195、S.5604、P.3907、S.2053、P.3650、P.2966、S.7004、P.4873等9个卷号进行了全面的探讨,可分为李若立原作之《籯金》、阴庭诫删节之《籯金》、张景球改编之《略出籯金》和《籯金字书》。第一,李若立撰写《籯金》原本,敦煌文书中保存有P.3907、S.2053两个卷号,根据《籯金》内容研究得知,编撰《籯金》的目的是博采众长、删繁就简;编撰的时间开始于武则天统治期间,完成于唐中宗神龙年间,即神龙二年十月将中央政府迁回长安之前。第二,阴庭诫删节《籯金》,敦煌文书中有P.2966、P.3363、P.4873、S.5604.等4个卷号,阴庭诫是州学博士,大约在吐蕃占领前为教授学生对《籯金》进行删节而成新作,对《籯金》原有内容进行删节,使其变得简单实用,但是阴庭诫的改编过甚,虽然保留了五卷百篇的规模,分卷基本上相同,但是他对其中语对事例附注作了大量的改动,很多部分解释出现偏差。第三,晚唐敦煌名士张球改编之《籯金》,敦煌文书中保留P.2537、P.3650等2个卷号,张球改编而成《略出籯金》,不仅仅是简单的删节改编和规模压缩,从格式到内容作全面的修订和改编,有些部分进行重新撰写。《略出籯金》,有其优点,内容条目简略精炼,但也存在很多不足,很多篇有叙文无事例附注,失去了《籯金》原貌。

【Abstract】 The DunHuang manuscript Ying Jin is a lost book.There are total 9 volumes.And 3 volumes were reserved in England and 6 volumes were reserved in France,which were written by Li Ruoli in Tang dynasty.This manuscript is not mentioned in XinTangShuJingYiWenZhi, JiuTangShuJingJiZhi and SongShiYiWenZhi,etc.According to the DunHuang manuscripts,Ying Jin,the original book is divided into five parts which involves one hundred volumes.Now the main reserved volumes is from No.1 to No.20 in part one,from No.21 to No.32 in part two,from No.53 to No.58 and No.48 in part three,and so on.This manuscript is roughly studied by Luo Zhenyu,Liu Shipei,Wang Zhongmin,and Wang Sanqing.They though that Li Ruoli is people in Tang dynasty.The manuscript,without Brief words,should be written by Li Ruoli.The manuscript is helpful for other lost books,and“is not complete and have several mistakes,etc”.Mr.Wang Sanqing had made explanations,But made many mistakes.This paper mainly makes a comprehensive discussion on P.3363、P.2537、S.4195、S.5604、P.3907、S.2053、P.3650、P.2966、S.7004、P.4873,etc.In detail,this paper involving the original manuscript is written by Li Ruoli,the deleted manuscript written by Yin Tingjie,the brief manuscript written by ZhangJingQiu,and the dictionary of the manuscript.First,the original manuscript written by Li Ruoli is reserved two volumes:P.3907、S.2053.According to the study, the purpose of the original manuscript is abridged from many books,The writing time is from Wu Zetian period to ZhongZong in Tang dynasty,which is on October 2 in 705 A.D.Second,the adapte?nuscript written by Yin Tingjie is reserved four volumes:P.2966,P.3363,P.4873,S. 5604,etc.Yin Tingjie is a scholar of Jingxue in DunHuang state.Before Tibet occupation,he had rewritten the manuscript for students.And he made it simple and practical,But the manuscript rewritten by Yin Tingjie is over-depriving.Although one hundred volumes were reserved in scale, basically the same division was remained as before.But he made a lot of changes on examples and notes.Many parts of the explanation had deviation.Thirdly,the brief manuscript rewrited by ZhangJingQiu in later Tang dynasty involves two volumes:P.2537、P.3650.Not only had he made the simple adaptation and scale compression,but also he revised it for the overall format and adaptation.Some parts were rewritten.The brief manuscript has many advantages which items were briefly refined.At the same time,there are also many insufficiency which many articles have narratives without cases and notes.It lost the intact of the DunHuang manuscript YingJin.

【关键词】 敦煌文献类书籝金李若立阴庭诫张球
【Key words】 Dunhuang manuscriptYing JinLi RuoliYin TingjieZhang Jingqiu
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期
  • 【分类号】K870.6;G256
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】250

