

Study on the Relationship between Tubo Dynasty and Its Neighboring Ethnic Groups

【作者】 李中和

【导师】 洲塔;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 民族学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 七世纪初,藏族人民的杰出领袖松赞干布统一了西藏高原诸部落,结束了西藏高原长期纷争的混乱局面,建立了以逻些为中心的奴隶制吐蕃王朝。吐蕃王朝的建立,标志着青藏高原的历史开始进入了一个新的历史时期。吐蕃王朝崛起后,随即向其四周广大地区进行武力扩张。在其势力扩张过程中,吐蕃不仅与其北邻吐谷浑、中原的唐王朝及于阗、突厥等西域诸民族发生密切的关系,还与南亚的泥婆罗、天竺及中亚的勃律、迦湿弥罗等国进行不同程度的接触与交往,发生政治、经济、文化等各方面的联系。吐蕃王朝与其周边民族的关系发展史丰富了我国民族关系史的内容,成为我国民族关系史中的重要组成部分。本文共分七章。其中绪论部分介绍了本文的研究目的及选题意义、研究现状及研究方法,以及研究中的不足之处。第一章介绍了吐蕃王朝的建立过程,主要涉及到有关藏族族源的几种传说、藏族的远古社会、西藏高原上一些势力较强大的部落。雅隆部通过对这些部落的兼并,结束了西藏高原长期分裂割据的局面,从而建立了吐蕃王朝。第二章介绍了吐蕃对吐谷浑的兼并及吐蕃对吐谷浑的统治状况。第三章论述了吐蕃与唐朝的关系,和亲、和盟及战争构成了双方关系的重要内容。第四章介绍了唐蕃之间的经济联系与文化交流。唐蕃在经济、文化艺术、佛教、历算、医学、建筑等方面的密切联系,大大丰富和改善了汉藏两族人民的物质与文化生活,极大地促进了汉藏两族人民的兄弟情谊。第五章论述了吐蕃与其统治下的河陇地区的民族关系。第六章介绍了吐蕃、唐朝及南诏三者在我国西南地区的复杂关系。第七章介绍了吐蕃与南亚的泥婆罗、天竺及中亚诸国的关系。本文以马克思主义唯物史观为指导思想,运用历史学与民族学的研究方法,在搜集、阅读和整理大量的有关汉藏古籍文献、考古资料的基础上,结合前辈学者研究的诸多成果,多视角、多方位地考察了吐蕃与其周边民族,尤其汉藏两族之间的政治、经济、文化等方面的联系和发展过程,较为全面地反映了藏族与其周边民族关系的发展历史,论证了中国统一的多民族国家民族关系的历史演进以及藏族人民在我国统一的多民族国家形成过程中的重要作用。藏族人民与我国其他民族的密切联系与融合,为日后西藏纳入元朝中央政权直接统辖,为最终建立统一的多民族国家奠定了深厚的基础。

【Abstract】 In the early 7th century, Srongtsen Gampo,the outstanding leader of Tibetan,united all the tribes in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, and put an end to the chaos situation in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and established the slavery Tubo dynasty centered in Luoxie. The establishment of Tubo dynasty symbolized that the history of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau had opened anew era. Upon the growing up of Tubo dynasty, it sought to extend territory by arms. During the time, Tubo did not only build up the close relationship with Tuguhun,Tang dynasty and Yutian, Tujue, but also associated, to certain extent, with Nipoluo, Tianzu, Bolv and Gashimiluo in asia, which was displayed in politics, economy and culture. The Tubo dynasty’s dealing with other enthic groups enriched the contents of the nationality relations in our country and played an crucial part from within.This article is divided into 7 chapters. Among them,the part of introduction narrates the research purpose and the significance of the topic in question, and the research methods as well as the flaws. Chapter one mainly introduces the establishment procedure,with regard to the several story about the origin of Tibet group, the ancient society of Tibet, several strong tribes in Tibet area. Chapter two introduces the fact that Tibet gobbled up Tuguhun and the domination issues. Chapter three introduces the economic relation and cultural communication Tang dynasty had with Tibet in many aspects such as economy, culture, art, Buddhism,medicine, architecture and customs, which had promoted substantially the brother friendships between Han nationality and Tibet nationality Chapter five introduces the relations among ethnic groups in Gansu area(Hexi, Longyou). Chapter six introduces the complicated relations among Tubo, Tang dynasty and Nanzhao in southwest china. Chapter seven introduces the relations among Tubo, Nipoluo in south Asia, Tianzu and other countries in central Asia.This article is guided by materialist conception of history of Marxism. it uses the method in history and ethnology, coupled with the versatile productions always made, reviewing the relation between Tubo and other surrounding ethnic groups and its development, demonstrating the advancement of China as a united united multi-ethnic country and the important role Tibetan had played in the said procedure. The Tibetan close relation with and amalgamation into other ethnic groups in our country, set a profound basis for the establishment of the united multi-ethnic country, and its later direct domination under the Yuan dynasty as well.

【关键词】 吐蕃周边民族关系研究
【Key words】 Tubovicinityrelations among ethnic groupsresearch
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 11期
  • 【分类号】K28
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1427

