

Kumbum and the Kumbum Tsodrug

【作者】 张海云

【导师】 宗喀·漾正冈布(Yongdrol K. Tsongkha);

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 民族学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 塔尔寺被誉为是藏传佛教格鲁派六大宗主寺之一,塔尔寺六族是分布在塔尔寺周围的六大藏蒙部落,供施关系是塔尔寺与塔尔寺六族的根本关系,二者之间的关系渊源可追溯至1379年。供施关系具体体现在塔尔寺和六族之间的政教关系与经济关系上,在塔尔寺与塔尔寺六族长达四百年的供施关系发展中,二者之间的政教关系和经济关系也在发生嬗变。1958年后,塔尔寺与塔尔寺六族间传统意义上的供施关系随塔尔寺政教合一制的终结而结束,塔尔寺与六族之间的互动呈现出新的图景,六族不再承担对塔尔寺的宗教、经济义务,塔尔寺也不再享有对六族的政教、经济权力。本文从权力的角度研究塔尔寺与塔尔寺六族供施关系的演变,并在权力网络中分析塔尔寺与塔尔寺六族在政教、经济方面的权力资本的转移,分析现代情境中的六族与塔尔寺的互动情状。论文共计七章内容。第一章绪论对本研究的选题背景、缘由及其意义加以说明,对相关的研究现状进行了梳理,并对本论文的研究过程、研究方法及相关概念作了说明与界定。第二章概述了塔尔寺的特殊地理位置、塔尔寺的权力结构及现在的变化、六族在塔尔寺的职权及塔尔寺僧人的语言使用状况;概述了六族的名称、来源、地理环境、分布、人口及语言使用状况,分析了塔尔寺与六族产生供施关系的契机。第三章分析国家场域中塔尔寺与塔尔寺六族的权力网络,简述罗卜藏丹津事件前各种政治力量在塔尔寺地方的博弈,研究罗卜藏丹津事件中六族与塔尔寺的应对措施,分析清政府善后事宜对塔尔寺和六族地方社会的影响;研究1911年之后塔尔寺、六族地方社会与国家的互动情状,展现1958年之后塔尔寺与六族的发展状况。第四章研究塔尔寺与六族的政教关系演变,从僧源、赤钦、堪布、昂索、六族干巴、六族出身的僧人精英、六族活佛系统等方面分析1958年之前和之后六族在塔尔寺的政教权力,用田野资料说明六族的宗教信仰变迁和汉文化及汉族民间信仰对六族文化的影响,进而展现当代社会中塔尔寺与六族的关系。第五章研究塔尔寺与六族的经济关系演变,分析1958年之前塔尔寺寺院经济和六族传统生计方式以及六族对塔尔寺的经济义务,分析1958年之后塔尔寺经济来源和六族经济分配及用度,说明塔尔寺和六族经济关系的变迁。研究结论是六族与塔尔寺传统的供施关系是一种“礼物的赠与”,相互各取所需,传统供施关系终结后,六族不再承担对塔尔寺的经济义务。第六章用田野资料和文本资料研究塔尔寺六族末代昂索、土司及其后裔与塔尔寺的往来关系及昂索后人、土司后人的现代处境。研究结论认为现代情境中昂索不再是塔尔寺与六族之间的枢纽,祁土司与塔尔寺的渊源关系也被终止,当代社会的六族对塔尔寺文化表现出日趋失忆的状态。第七章是结语,也是本论文的研究思考,分析塔尔寺与六族供施关系变迁的轨迹,探讨供施关系变迁的动因及塔尔寺与六族社会互动的新趋势,并结合自己的研究经验和困惑探讨民族志书写和历史人类学方法的研究意义。

【Abstract】 Kumbum Monastey (sku vbum byams pa gling)is one of the greatest monasteries ofGelugpa school(dge-lugs-pa)of Tibetan Buddhism and Kumbum Tsodrug (sku vbum tsho ba drug)are the six tribes who have lived around Kumbum area in Amdo,northeastern Tibetan plateausince ancient times.The Patronage Ties (mchod-Yon)have been the basic ties between Kumbumand the six tribes,which could be traced back to as early as AD1379.For more than 400 years,the mChod-Yon ties had experienced great evolution.After 1958,the traditional mChod-Yon tieswas abruptly ended by the series of the political campaigns.The interaction between Kumbum andthe Six Tribes has taken on a new outlook since then,in which the Six tribes do not fulfill thetraditional religious and economic duties for the monastery any longer,nor has the monasterybeen able to exercise any demanding religious and economic power over the Six tribes.Thisdissertation will study the evolution of mChod-Yon ties from the viewpoint of the power net,analyze the shift of the power driven by the state,Gonpa(church)and local societies,and discussthe interaction between Kumbum and the Six Tribes at present situation.This dissertation consists of seven chapters.The first chapter introduces the background for choosing the topic and the values of thisstudy.It also involves the present research conditions,the approaches and process of research,andsome definitions on the relevant concepts.The second chapter is a brief introduction to Kumbum and the Six Tribes,which include thegeographical locations,place names,population,power structure,language and dialect use and soon.Lastly this chapter gives some analysis that how the mChod-Yon ties came into being.The third chapter discusses the power network of Kumbum and the Six tribes,brieflyoutlining the Politics games of all the past dynasties and governments in Kumbum and the SixTribes before the Lozang TanDzen (blo bzang bstan vdzin)event of 1721.This chapter alsoanalyzes the measures that Kumbum and the Six tribes took in this event,and what influences theManchu empire’s policies had brought to this area after this event.The author takes the years of1911 and 1958 as the watershed and the social changes in Kumbum and the Six Tribes after thetwo eras are studied,and then concerns interactions between the state and the local societies.The fourth chapter focuses on the evolution of the politics-religion relationship betweenKumbum and the Six Tribes and analyzes the political and religious powers of the Monks from theSix Tribes before and after 1958.The monks from this area took certain proportion at Kumbumand many of them became the“living Buddhas”(Reincarnated lamas)or took the key positionssuch as Khrichen,mkhanpo,Nangso,rganpa.With the materials from fieldwork,this chapter alsoshows the changes of the religious beliefs of the Six Tribes,and the influence from Han Chineseculture and folk beliefs.Then the relationship between the Kumbum and Six Tribes in modernsociety is revealed.The fifth chapter concentrates on the evolution of the economic relationship betweenKumbum and the Six Tribes.Firstly,the economy of Kumbum,the subsistence of the Six Tribes, and their economic duties before 1958 are introduced.Secondly,it explains the changing ofeconomic relationship between Kumbum and the Six Tribes.The conclusion is that the traditionalmChod-Yon ties are“bestowal of presents”in which each takes its needs mutually.When thetraditional relationship ended,the Six Tribes no longer fulfilled the monastery’s economic duties.Chapter Six does some research on the interaction between Kumbum and the last Nangso,Thuvu Sivm Yul dPon(local chieftains),and the current situation of their descendants with oraland printed materials.The conclusion suggests that Nangso in modem situation is no longer thekey position between the Kumbum and the Six Tribes,and the relation between Thuvu Sivm Yuldpon and Kumbum has ended too.The Six Tribes in the modern society seem to have lost thememories of all the relations with the culture of Kumbum.The seventh chapter is conclusion and reflection.The author analyzes the changes ofmChod-Yon ties and the reasons.Lastly it discusses the confusion and values about WritingEthnography and the historical anthropological approach combining the research experiences andconfusions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 11期

