

Long-term Desertification of the Ordos Plateau, Northern China

【作者】 黄银洲

【导师】 王乃昂;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 人文地理学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 鄂尔多斯高原近两千年的沙漠化过程及原因一直是学术界研究的热点,来自不同领域的专家学者对此进行了激烈的讨论。然而,至今为止,无论过程还是导致沙漠化发生、发展的原因,都存在很大的争论。参与讨论该问题的学者来自许多学科,包括自然科学、社会科学等,而多学科综合研究明显不够,这就导致不同学者对过去两干多年沙漠化认识的差异,因此需要深入研究。本研究在长期野外工作的基础上,结合地层沉积剖面、考古发现、遥感解译、历史文献分析,对此问题进行了深入研究。主要研究内容及研究结果包括:(1)两个历史时期沉积剖面的研究。对位于毛乌素沙地西南的二道川剖面和东南的保宁堡剖面,采用粒度分析进行了沙漠化过程的沉积学研究。结果表明过去两千余年鄂尔多斯高原上发生了两次严重的沙漠化过程,时间分别对应唐中后期和明后期,结合文献的分析可以确证这两次严重沙漠化过程。唐中后期的沙漠化尽管严重,但持续时间并不长,之后宋元时期鄂尔多斯高原的环境有所恢复,但明末发生的沙漠化一直持续至今。(2)古城址环境考古研究。从不同时空尺度对古城建城环境进行了分析,包括古城不同时期的分布模式、遥感反映的古城环境背景、实地观测的古城环境、夯层砂所指示的古城建城环境,结果表明古城修建之时鄂尔多斯高原上已经存在沙漠,古城的设置不能指代“水草丰美”的景观。相反,一些汉代的古城也设置在沙漠之中,因此“人造沙漠”的观点是不成立的。(3)不同时期地表景观恢复。通过前面两点的研究,结合历史文献记载考证,对鄂尔多斯高原历史时期不同阶段的地表景观进行了定性、半定量复原。(4)沙漠化成因分析。结合历史文献中人类活动的记载、目前对过去两千多年的气候变化研究结果,分析了研究区两次严重沙漠化发生的原因,结果表明唐中后期的沙漠化主要是气候变冷的结果,而明代至今的严重沙漠化,尽管其开始与明清小冰期的冷气候有关,但持续时间与气候不对应,清末至今该区的开发是导致该区沙漠化持续发展的又一重要因素。

【Abstract】 Much attention has been paid on historical desertification of the Ordos Plateau, northernChina. Researchers from varies disciplines, including physical science, social science,historical science and so on, have studied independedly this problem in terms of their ownunderstandings of it during the last several decades. However, whether the processes or thedynamics, the problem has so far not been well solved. Therefore, there is a need ofmultidisciplinary study. During the last five years, extensive field work was conducted torestudy this problem, numerous of ancient cities and Neolithic sites have been surveyed andtwo sediment profles related to human activieties were found. Then, together with historicaltexts, archaeological discoveries, historical desertification of Ordos Plateau was reinterpred inthis dissertation. Main achievements are as follows:(1) Study of two sedimentary profiles, namely Erdaochuan (EDC) profile in thesouthwest margin of Mu Us desert and Baoningbu profile in the southeast margin of Mu Usdesert. The results demonstrate that two phases of serious desertification occurred during lasttwo millennia, at the mid-to-late Tang dynasty and late Ming dynasty, respectively. The firstphase last relative short time and environment soon rehabilitated during Song-Yuan period,but the second kept developing until the late 1980s.(2) Interpretation of the environmental significance of ancient cities. Through theinterpretation of distribution pattern within varies historic periods, analysis of remostesensing images, and, most importantly, understanding of eolian sands in ancient city wall,environment of ancient cities at the time they were built were studied. The results present thatsome of ancient cities were built in ever-existing desert, thus the existence of them can not betreated as the signal of lush vegetation environment. On the contrast, desert had been there onthe Ordos Plateau before Qin-Han period.(3) Landscape construction. Based on the results mentioned above, landscape of eachhistorical period was qualitatively constructed.(4) Dynamics of desertification. Together with the studies of climate change, historicalrecords, the reason for the occurring of the two phases of desertification was studied. Theresults show that the desertification occurred at the mid-to-late Tang dynasty is consistentwith climate change, but the second phase, which started at late-Ming dynasty and stopped at late 1980s, is not coincident with climate process; therefore, human activities should haveplayed key role in accelerating this phase of desertification.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 11期

