

Research on Tourism Geography in West Qinling and Its Neighbor Regions

【作者】 杨凤梅

【导师】 王乃昂;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 人文地理学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 西秦岭位于甘肃东南部,不仅是甘肃的南大门,也是东出进入陕西的重要通道。同时也是省内主要的长江流域地区,气候温暖湿润。本文通过野外考察、实地调研等方法,从资源赋存和区位条件、旅游资源的类型、客源结构、旅游资源货币价值评估等方面对西秦岭地区的重点风景名胜区进行综合评价研究。首先,通过对西秦岭地区的资源赋存、区位条件、旅游资源类型的分析可知,西秦岭旅游资源类型丰富多样,品位较高,具独特性、垄断性与不可替代性。同时,潜力颇大,尤其壮美风光、秀奇山水、伏羲文化、秦祖文化、三国文化、觉乃藏族文化及红色旅游文化等不仅是甘肃省旅游发展中的重要组成部分,而且有举足轻重的作用。通过对该区重要景区客源市场的调查可知,西秦岭地区的游客目前主要是甘肃省内及周边省份的游客。主要原因是由于西秦岭地区山大沟深,交通不便,可进入性比较差。尤其是西秦岭地区的很多景区尚处于开发初期,管理和宣传还没有走上正轨,知名度不够。此外,陕西、四川等周边省份高等级的、已开发的旅游资源比较多,竞争比较激烈。其次,本文基于资产价值与旅游内在价值的区别,重新界定了内在价值的样本选取范围,并采用国际上通用的旅行费用法(TCM)和条件价值法(CVM),分别对西秦岭重点风景区的旅游价值及内在价值进行了评估。计算得出,2007年冶力关风景区国内旅游价值为40701.84万元,内在价值为1800万元;官鹅沟风景区国内旅游价值为14587.62万元,内在价值为1100万元;万象洞风景区国内旅游价值为4223.48万元,内在价值为650万元;2004年麦积山风景区国内旅游价值为40770.17万元,内在价值为10500万元;2006年贵清山-遮阳山风景区国内旅游价值为6191.14万元,内在价值为6962.44万元。利用交叉分析和卡方检验等统计学方法,分析了各景区游客的社会学属性对支付意愿(WTP值)的影响,发现年龄和职业属性与支付意愿的相关性很好,其他因素并不是主要影响因子。最后,本文建议西秦岭地区开发旅游业,首先要加强其基础设施建设,提高可进入性及服务水平;其次要挖掘产品内涵,打造特色旅游产品,形成核心竞争力;再次要加大宣传力度,改变当前“养在深闺人未识”的状况;最后,要加强区域合作,打破行政界限,进行合理规划和组合,形成联动模式,以此带动该地旅游业的发展。

【Abstract】 Located in the southeastern Gansu, West Qinling is the south gate of Gansu and an important eastpassage from Gansu to Shaanxi. The region belongs to Yangtze River valley area and has awarm-moist climate. Using behavioral data collected by face-to-face survey and questionnaireinvestigation, we evaluated the tourism resources of some important scenic spots in West Qinlingunder some aspects, including the resources hosting, the location condition, the type of tourismresources, the tourist market and the money value assessment of the tourism resource to provide thegovernments, planners, developers and managers with some good references to develop tourism ofscenic spots in West Qinling.Firstly, through the analysis of the location, type of the tourism resources in West Qinling, it showsthat the tourism resources there are unique and have high quality and cannot be replaced by otherregions. Therefore, development of tourism industry of this region has a high potentiality. Thecultures for tourism there include Fuxi, Qinzu, Sanguo, Zang etc, and scenery is so beautiful that it isworthy of entertainment. Also, the region contains many spots of Red Culture for the development oftourism. According to the investigation of tourist markets of some important scenic spots in WestQinling, tourists to West Qinling mostly came from Gansu province and its surrounding areas, whichmay be caused by the bad traffic condition. In addition, tourism industry of some scenic spots in WestQinling region are still in a low stage and not very famous. Furthermore, there is the intensecompetition because of many high-grade and developed tourism resources of the surrounding area,Shaanxi and Sichuan.Secondly, based on the differences between the assets value and the intrinsic value, the sampleselection of the intrinsic value was redefined. Using the TCM (Travel Cost Method) and the CVM(Contingent Valuation Method) method, I evaluated the tourism values and the intrinsic values. Theresults are: in 2007, the tourism value of Yeliguan is¥407,018,400, the intrinsic value¥18,000,000;the tourism value of Guanegou is¥145,876,200, the intrinsic value¥11,000,000; the tourism valueof Wanxiangdong is¥42,234,800, the intrinsic value¥6,500,000; In 2004 the tourism value ofMaijishan is¥407,701,700, the intrinsic value¥105,000,000; In 2006 the tourism value ofGuiqingshan and Zheyangshan is¥61,911,400, the intrinsic value¥69,624,400. And analysisdemonstrated that the factors effect on tourists’ WTP (Willing to Pay) by the cross analysis andchi-square test. Tourists’ ages and occupations are related with WTP, and other factors are notimportant to affect tourists’ WTP.Finally, some strategies for the tourism development of West Qinling region were provided:infrastructure and service should be improved; special tourism resources should be created to formcore competition; more funds should be put into the advertisement to increase the fame of the tourismresource of this region; regional cooperation should be strengthened to well plan and combine thetourism of this region. With these strategies, tourism industry in West Qinling would develop muchfaster than now.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 11期

