

Restore Wen Yiduo: Character Modeling and Cultural Consciousness

【作者】 王贵生

【导师】 武文;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 闻一多现象是中国近现代社会转型期的一个文化奇迹,同时也是考察现代知识群体人格体系的一种文化模本。闻一多人格质素成因中包含了“两极化”倾向:孳生于母体文化温床却以叛变母体文化为人生先机;饱吮传统文化养素却将传统视为最大障碍;积极触摸西洋文明却成为西洋文明的有力批判者;主张文化融合却总是自我迷失在融合的夹缝中。他以多向度的文化承受成为一个人格立体饱满的现代人,但他的人格结构却不求定型,而是在理智自控的张力中处于变动状态。这是一种反向合成:天性秉质上,将激越、任气、慷爽、放诞与宽和、自律、慎思、多忧组合起来;文化个性上,虽自傲、狂狷、叛逆、偏激但不自大、狂妄、逆流、偏执;创作品质上,以创新、主观和情绪化驾驭中和、规范和理性化;在学术品格上,于勤奋、谨严中出奇、自新。他将个人的社会角色置于不断调整与动态化合中,呈现出动感人生韵律:跨越个体与群体、绅士与名士、改良与革命、理性与感觉的选择之上,在中西心理、古今心态、向内向外、责任自由之间的不断裂变、调适和粘合。他将传统文化聚结为人格中心,但却辐射成难以预计的诗化人生轨迹;他站在20世纪制高点上俯瞰人生,却不能跨过国、民、人三条人格底线;他以自觉的良知完成了三重人格的转换,却没有真正完成人格的圆满。闻一多最具社会价值的人格内涵包容在他对学术的沉潜过程中:在传统律诗中寻觅中国人格,在“镣铐”理论中娱人戕己,在“幻象”意蕴中保持自由心态。同时,他也在神话中挖掘民族活力,在诗经中寻找人类本性,在楚辞中追忆历史人格,在唐诗中追溯文化辉煌境界。所以,杜甫、庄子、屈原,分别成为他自我人格的投影和宿主。闻一多最有思维价值的人格内涵体现在他对中西文化的自觉选择中:在主体精神上,他坚守着民族文化的营垒;在基本方式上,他游弋于文化人类学的宏观视野。其中最成功之处,是对利比多意识的融会、对“魔术(巫术)观念”的渗透、对图腾理念的拓展和对隐喻象征、原型理论的重解。在学术人格构建上,他创造了独特的文化精神境界:文化野性、文化历史、文化传播、文化开放和文化宇宙。闻一多的文化人格建构,是对近代以来数代知识分子的文化自觉意识的终极实践。在这一实践过程中,贯穿一个内在的逻辑关系:通过跨越中西文化的人生历程,自觉完成对本土文化的忠实承载和对异域文化的用心接纳,将自我人格模塑成通观古今中外的文化大师。在宏观视野中,反观自我人生与时代社会关系,进而不断调整、革新人格结构,不断在新起点上完善自我。这就是闻一多的文化人格结构永远处于动态之中的逻辑原理。作为一个文化个体,他的人格结构的复杂性、交叉性、变动性,是20世纪前期纷纭多变的时代特征的折射,也是这一时代知识群体的共性人格特点。因此,对闻一多文化自觉意识与其人格关系研究,在20世纪上半期乃至中国整个现代化进程中,具有普遍文化意义和思辨价值。本论文共包括六部分,这里所选印的,是全文的开头两部分:“接触现代:从中西文化理论到文化自觉”和“走进闻一多:以文化自觉实现人格的模塑”。基本内容:中国近代以来知识精英对“文化”概念的诠释,拉开了走向中西文化融合的序幕。中体西用、东方文化、全盘西化、文化本位等中西文化理论,表面上形成不同观念的对垒,但在根本上都是探求文化融合出路,所以最终均趋向“调和”。中西文化理论的提出和论辩,是梁启超等近现代文化先行者所倡导的自觉意识的理论现代化过程。文化自觉意识在整个20世纪中国意义重大,尤其对数代知识分子人格模塑不容忽视。闻一多的文化人格模塑经历,正是这种文化自觉意识的独特实践。从闻一多对理想人格的自我诠释和文化“他者”对闻一多的人格评定,可以管窥他的人格要义。在闻一多人格模塑的生态结构中,儒家文化是普适性规定,荆楚文化是特异性因素。在闻一多人格模塑过程中,内求涵摄国学是人格形成基础,外求兼容西学是人格扩张条件。在闻一多人格质素序列中,“向外走”以求尽“善”,“向内走”以求极“真”,而在内外之间的转换正是“诗化”人生对“美”的极致的不断追逐。闻一多一生没有模塑组织化人格,但也不惮使用人格面具,是在不断寻求理想人格中走向一种精神境界。

【Abstract】 Wen Yiduo phenomenon is a cultural miracle in the transition period ofChina’s modern society,but also a mode for studing of modern knowledge ofthe character group of a culture system.The causes of the quality of Wen Yiduopersonality included in the“polarization”of the tendency:breeding in hotbedsof the mother culture,but to change the mother culture as a head start inlife;full suck the traditional culture of nutrition,however,as the largesttraditional barriers;active touch of Western civilization,but become apowerful critics argue of the western civilization;advocate culturalassimilation,but always lost in the integration of self—caught in between.Heaccepted a variety of culture,into a three—dimensional and full ofpersonality today,but he does not want to shape the structure of personality,but in the rational self—control changes in a state of tension.This is asynthesis of the reverse:in nature,he was loud and strong to serve as gas,generous at the expense of cool,Laissez—faire and tolerance,self—discipline,consider the matter carefully and combine more than worried;in the cultural personality,despite his pride,Wild and Upright,treason,extreme,but not arrogant,arrogant,counter—current,paranoia;in thecreative quality of his innovation,subjective and emotional control and,norms and rational;in academic integrity,he should be in hard—working,careful and precise to achieve surprisingly,rehabilitation.He placed hisown role in society are constantly adjusted in combination with the dynamic,showing a dynamic rhythm of life:acrossing individual and groups,a gentlemanand scholar,revolutionary and improvements,rational choice and feel,inthe Central and Western psychology,ancient and modern mentality,inward andoutwort,responsibility and freedom,from the constant of fissile,adaptationand bonding.Traditional culture,he gathered into the center of personality,but difficult to predict the spread of the poem into the life of the track;he stood overlooking the commanding heights of the 20th century life,but notacross the country,the people,the bottom line were the three personality;he own conscience in order to complete the three—character conversion,butno real personality of a successful completion.Wen Yiduo of the most personal meaning of social values to be inclusive in his academic course Diving:tofind Chinese character in the traditional Poems,Finding the“shackles”theoryin the entertainment of funing others and harming himself,in the“illusion”to maintain freedom of the implication of mentality.At the same time,he foundalso the vitality of the nation in mining the myth,in the Book of Songs inthe search for human nature,in the Songs of the South in the recall the historypersonality,in the Tang Dynasty in the retrospective of the brilliant cultureof the realm.Therefore,Du Fu,Zhuang Zi,Qu Yuan,respectively,to behis own personality and host of the projection.Wen Yiduo of the most personalmeaning of the value of thinking reflected in his choice of Chinese and Westerncultures in the conscious:in the main spirit that he adhere to the culturecamps;in basic ways,he’s cruising in the cultural anthropology vision in.One of the most successful is the combined sense of libido,the“magic(witchcraft)the concept of”penetration,the expansion of the theory of thetotem,as well as the metaphorical symbol of the re—interpretation of theprototype theory.Construction of the academic personality,he created a uniqueculture of the realm of the spirit:the culture of the wild,and culturalhistory,cultural communication,cultural opening up and the cultural universe.Wen Yiduo’s construction of the cultural personality,is ultimate practicefor modern times several generations of intellectuals and culturalself—consciousness In this practice,through the inherent logic of arelationship:Chinese and Western cultures across the life course,andconscientiously to complete the faithful of the indigenous culture of exoticinheritance and accepted in good faith and culture will shape the characterof self in relation to all times and in all of Chengtong Cultural Master.Atthe macro perspective,he look back at the life and times of self—societyrelations,and constant adaptation and renewal of the structure of personality,constantly starting point in the new self—perfection.This is the structureof Wen Yiduo’ cultural personality of always in a dynamic principle of logic.As a cultural entity,and his personality structure of the complex nature ofcross—cutting,changes,and the early 20th century era of diverse and variedcharacteristics of refraction,but also the era of the knowledge of commonpersonality characteristics of groups.Therefore,Wen Yiduo consciousawareness of culture and its study on the relationship between personality,in the first half of the 20th century as well as China’s modernization process,is of universal value of cultural significance and speculative.This paper includes six parts.Printing selected here is the beginning ofthe full text,the two parts:the“modern touch:From theory to Chinese and Western cultural consciousness”and“into the Wen Yiduo:the realization ofcultural consciousness in molding character.”Basic elements:the educatedelite in modern China of“cultural”interpretation of the concept,beginningthe prelude to the integration of Chinese and Western culture.Chinese bodyby the West ways,total Westernization,culture—based theories,such asChinese and Western cultures,the surface against the formation of differentconcepts,but in a fundamental way out is to explore cultural integration,in the end,both tend to“reconcile”.Chinese and Western theory and the debateis Liang Qichao fore runner of modern cultural consciousness advocated bymodernization theory.Cultural self—consciousness in the 20th century,Chinais significant,particularly for several generations of intellectuals moldingpersonality can not be ignored.Wen Yiduo molding the cultural personality ofthe experience,it is this unique culture of the practice ofself—consciousness.Wen Yiduo from the ideal of self—interpretation ofpersonality and culture,“he”in Wen Yiduo of personality assessment,youcan View his personality to justice.Wen Yiduo molded in the ecologicalcharacter of the structure,the Confucian culture is a universal requirement,Chu culture—specific factors.Wen Yiduo in the process of molding character,inward Guoxue is absorbed to form the basis of personality,personality outwardexpansion is compatible with Western conditions.Wen Yiduo personality in thequality of the sequence“go outside”to do“good”,“go inside”to a very“truth”,and in the conversion between the inside and outside the“poetry of”Life of“the United States”,the constant pursuit of the ultimate.Wen Yiduonot molded life“organization”of personality,but also not fear the use of“Persona”in constant search of the ideal personality to a spiritual realm.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 11期
  • 【分类号】K825.6;C912.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】467
  • 攻读期成果

