

Theoretical Research on the Rationality Evaluation for Highway Construction Land in Perspective of Humanistic Economy

【作者】 韩晓宇

【导师】 吴群琪;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 公路运输是最基础、也是最主要的运输方式;而公路,是公路运输方式必不可少的基础设施。修建公路就必须占用土地,在很多情况下还不得不占用耕地。然而,土地是关系国计民生的重要战略资源,耕地则更是广大农民赖以生存的基础。从总体上来看,加快公路基础设施建设成为我国社会经济发展越来越迫切的需求,但与此同时土地资源对我国的公路建设用地形成越来越严格的约束,似乎成为一对无法破解的矛盾。此外不合理的征地补偿给被征地农民的生产生活带来重重负面效应,为我国“三农”问题的解决增加了一定的难度。在这个背景之下,基于人本经济的视角,研究公路建设用地合理性的评价已成为当务之急,可以为我国公路建设项目的立项论证以及公路建设事业的可持续发展提供理论依据和发展思路。本文内容划分为三部分,即人本经济视角下公路建设用地合理性评价的基本理论框架的构建、对理论框架下属的主要评价内容的研究以及人本经济视角下公路建设用地合理性评价总体框架设计。在第一部分,首先介绍了合理性评价的相关理论,确定了公路建设用地合理性评价的对象,构建公路建设用地的合理性评价的基础理论平台。在此基础上,从人本学经济理论对于公路建设用地合理性的启示出发,探讨了公路建设用地合理性评价的评价标准、评价原则、评价维度与内容,从而构建了人本经济视角下的公路建设用地合理性评价的基本理论框架。基本理论框架强调评价的终极价值标准为是否符合人类整体的、长期的快乐满足的需要;主要的评价维度为人与自然、人与人的关系两个维度;评价的主要内容包括公路建设用地代价、效果以及征地补偿的合理性。在第二部分,分别对上述三块评价内容做了深入分析研究。首先是界定了公路建设用地代价的内涵,认为主要包括不得不放弃的价值、需要投入的价值、客观负面价值与主观负面价值等四方面,并结合生命成本理论,提出了公路建设用地代价合理性的基本评价依据为是否遵循在有限生命成本约束条件下的人类整体的、长期的快乐最大化的规律,而具体判定标准为代价付出的必要性、操作的可行性、效应的有利性、分配的公平性,分析结果表明,对于农民来说,公路建设用地代价在不同用地主体间的分配具有不公平性;其次,本文选定公路建设用地代价的主要承担者——农民作为用地效果合理性分析的主体,而农民生产生活的主要区域——农村则为评价的空间维度,对公路建设针对占地区域用地效果合理性进行了比较全面的定性分析和定量评价,认为虽然公路建设用地会对农民产生一定的负面效应,但综合效果是合理的;最后,本文在分析我国征地补偿标准的不合理性的基础上,基于人本主义与公平原则提出了合理征地补偿标准的补偿内容应该包括对失地农民生存需要、安全需要、生活环境需要与发展需要的补偿,促进用地代价合理性的实现。在最后部分,基于公路建设用地中使人的生命成本最小化和快乐满足最大化的合理性原则,构建了公路建设用地合理性评价的总体框架,即以提高用地效率为宗旨的公路建设集约用地评价的理论框架。

【Abstract】 Highway transportation is the most fundamental and dominating transportation. Highway, therefore, becomes an imperative infrastructure. Highway construction must occupy land, and in many cases the occupation of farmland is inevitable. However, not only are the land resources the important strategic resources to national economy and people’s livelihood, farmland lays a solid foundation for numerous peasants’ living too. As a whole, speeding up the construction of highway infrastructure has become more and more pressing for the social and economic development of our country. But at the same time the land resources of our country have been restricting highway construction land, causing this contradiction unlikely to be resolved. While the unreasonable compensation for highway land expropriation does bring a series of negative effects on the peasants’ fanning and living, resulting in a more difficult solution for ’Issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area’. Under such circumstances, it has become most urgent to research the rationality evaluation for highway construction land from the perspective of the humanistic economy which can offer theoretical basis and developing approaches for approval and initiation of the highway construction projects and for sustainable development of highway construction.This article is divided into three parts: namely, the construction of basic theoretical framework for rationality evaluation for highway construction land from the humanistic economy’s perspective, the research on major evaluation contents of the theoretical framework, and last but not the least, the designing of the overall framework. In the first part, relevant theories on rationality evaluation are introduced, evaluation objects and the basic theoretical platform for rationality evaluation for highway construction land are determined and built. On this basis, from the point of the enlightenments resulting from rationality for highway construction land in perspective of the humanistic economy theory, this paper discusses the evaluation criteria, evaluation principles, evaluation dimensions and contents, building the basic theoretical framework for rationality evaluation of highway construction land from the perspective of humanistic economy, in which the ultimate value criterion has been emphasized - whether it meets human’s overall and long-term requirements for happiness; and the major evaluation dimensions are the relationship between man and nature and the one among human beings; the main contents of evaluation include the rationality of the costs, effects and the compensations of the expropriation of highway construction land.In the second part, the paper makes a thorough analysis on those three evaluation contents mentioned above respectively. First of all, it defines the connotation of the cost for highway construction land, which includes the value that has to be given up, the necessary investment and the negative values on objective and subjective aspects. Combined with the life cost theory, it proposes that the basic evaluation criterion for the rationality of the cost of highway construction land should be whether it follows the principle for human’s overall and long-term maximization of happiness at limited life costs. Specific criteria include the necessity of the cost, the operation feasibility, the beneficial effects and the fair distribution of the cost. The analyses’ result indicates that for peasants, there are some inequities in distributing the highway construction land costs among different subjects. Moreover, this paper selects peasants - the main bearer of the cost of highway construction land - as the subject in the analyses of the effects rationality evaluation while the rural areas in which peasants live and farm are chosen as the spatial dimension of evaluation, resulting in quite a comprehensively qualitative analysis and quantitative evaluation on the rationality of effects on the occupied area in highway construction. The result of the analysis shows that although negative effects would be brought out by highway construction land, the comprehensive effects are justified for peasants. Finally, based on the analyses of the irrationality of compensational standards for land expropriation and for the principle of humanism and equality, the paper proposes that the reasonable compensations for land expropriation should include compensations for the requirements of subsistence, security, habitation and development of those influenced peasants, which would accelerate the realization of cost rationality of the highway construction land.In the final part, based on the rationality principle of the maximization of human beings’ happiness and the minimality of life costs, this paper builds the overall framework of the rationality evaluation for highway construction land, namely, the theoretical evaluation framework of land intensive use for highway construction for the efficiency of land utilization.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 11期

