

Study on Maketization of Highway Construction in China and Government Regulation

【作者】 卫静

【导师】 周国光;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 我国现有的公路市场化理论在研究方向和内容体系上都不尽完善,尤其是缺乏科学的基础理论支撑和对中国特定市场背景的关注,未能够准确揭示出公路建设市场化发展的基本规律,不足以指导我国公路建设发展的实践,也不能满足国民经济和社会发展对公路基础设施建设的需要。鉴于此,本文试图构建完善的、具有中国特色的公路建设市场化理论体系,以探寻公路建设市场化的途径和相应政府监管体系的构建。本文以实现公路建设市场资源的优化配置作为文章的主线,采用实证分析与规范分析相结合、定性分析与定量分析相结合、一般分析与典型分析相结合、综合分析与比较分析相结合的研究方法,对公路建设市场化及其政府监管问题进行研究。通过对公路经济属性和产权属性的分析,结合公路建设市场的特点,指出公路建设市场化就是在公路建设市场中,确立企业的经济主体地位,充分发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性作用。主要包括以下三方面的问题和内容:一是建立有效竞争的市场体系;二是企业应作为市场经济活动自主经营、自负盈亏的独立主体;三是改变国家宏观微观大一统的局面,不断完善政府监管的经济职能。在对公路建设市场分析的基础上,认为应通过转变政府管理职能、培育公路建设市场主体、实现公路建设要素的市场化、进一步深化公路建设筹融资体制改革等方面来培育中国公路建设市场。在对公路建设市场化的重要途径进行分析的基础上,认为代建制作为我国公共基础设施投融资体制改革的产物,与我国工程建设项目法人制、招标投标制、合同管理制、工程监理制是互为补充的,应当将其作为公路建设市场化的切入点和重要途径,以适应完善社会主义市场经济体制的需要。并对代建制的内涵、实施范围、委托代理关系、代建制模式和完善公路建设代建制等相关问题进行了分析。在对相关监管理论分析的基础上,认为构建相应的公路建设市场政府监管体系是公路建设市场化的保障。分析认为,对公路建设市场的监管主要体现在监管主体的确立、公路建设市场准入的监管、公路建设市场行为的监管等方面。并结合现行公路基本建设程序存在的问题和薄弱环节,对基于公路基本建设程序的公路基本建设及其政府监管问题进行了具体分析。

【Abstract】 The present theory of highway marketization in China is not so good both at research direction and content system, and especially lacks in basic theory and attention of Chinese specific market background. And the theory can’t accurately explain the development rule of highway construction marketization and can’t direct the highway construction development. It can’t meet the economic and social development’s needs about highway infrastructure construction. So, in order to seek the paths of highway construction marketization and the relevant construction of government regulation system, the paper tries to construct a complete theoretical system of highway construction marketization with Chinese characteristics.To realize optimal distribution of the market resources in highway construction is the main line of this paper. Using research methods of the combination of the empirical and normative analysis, the qualitative and quantitative analysis, common and typical analysis, compositive and comparative analysis, and the paper makes study on the problems of the highway construction marketization and government regulation.After analyzing the economic attribute and property rights attribute of highway, combining the characteristics of the highway construction market, the paper points out that the highway construction marketization is to establish the economic dominant position of enterprises and fully exert the market’s basic role in allocating resources in the market of highway construction. Highway construction marketization includes three parts mainly, such as competitive market system, independent enterprise entities, and government regulation.Based on the analysis of highway construction market, the paper analyzes the ways to cultivate the highway construction market from four aspects, including the change of government functions, the cultivation of market entities, the marketization of construction elements, and the reformation of the highway financing system.Based on the analysis of the ways of highway construction marketization, the paper considers that the "construction-agent system" is the product of China investment and financing system reform of public infrastructure. The "construction-agent system" and the systems of legal person of engineering construction projects, bidding, contract management, project regulation in our country complement each other. The "construction-agent system" is an important way to China’s highway construction marketization. The paper also analyzes the meaning of the "construction-agent system", the implementary extension, the entrusted agency relationships, modes of the "construction-agent system", and the modification of the "construction-agent system".After the analysis on the related theories with the government regulation, the paper thinks that it is the guarantee of highway construction marketization that building relevant government regulation system on the highway construction market. Based on the analysis, this paper considers that the regulation on the highway construction market is mainly reflected in these aspects such as establishing the regulating main body, establishing and completing the relevant laws and regulation systems, regulating the market access of highway construction, regulating the market behavior of highway construction and so on. Combined with the problems of existing highway infrastructure program and the impact on highway infrastructure program after implementing the "construction-agent system", this paper analyzes concretely the whole construction and the government regulation of the highway infrastructure program.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 11期

