

Study on the Theories and Methods of Rural Highway Performance Evaluation

【作者】 梁国华

【导师】 马荣国;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 绩效评价已经成为对政府、行业部门或者是政府公共财政支出或预算项目进行评价的最有效和最直接的方式。在我国农村公路建设已经取得显著成果,绩效评价在我国又刚刚起步的背景下,作者通过参加交通部“交通预算项目绩效考评试点项目”——浙江省“乡村康庄工程”绩效评价工作的基础上,旨在探索出一套适合于我国农村公路工程项目绩效评价的思路与方法,以促进我国尽快建立科学和完善的交通项目绩效评价体系。本文在分析了国内外绩效评价开展与研究现状的基础上,提出了我国农村公路工程项目绩效评价存在的问题,以此为研究主线,深刻剖析了我国政府公共职能论和受托责任论,明晰了农村公路与公共财政之间的关系,揭示了农村公路工程项目绩效评价的内涵,界定了农村公路工程项目绩效评价的概念,创造性的应用马斯洛层次需求理论分析了绩效评价对象的内在关系,在此基础上,采用SWOT分析法,提出了农村公路工程项目绩效评价的需求与目标。在借鉴西方国家绩效评价组织与实施的经验基础上,应用系统论的观点,探讨了我国农村公路工程项目绩效评价实施的框架体系,重点研究了绩效评价的内容体系,提出了五个基本绩效评价领域和两个特色绩效评价领域。明确指出Values—Goals—Objectives—Criteria and Standards分析方法适合于农村公路工程项目绩效评价,按照该方法的研究思路,综述了当代社会主流价值,探讨了农村公路与主流价值的关系,提出了一套科学、合理的理论指标体系和测算指标体系,为了便于考评部门在短时间内对项目的绩效重点进行把握,基于企业运营管理的理念,提炼了一套KPI关键评价指标体系。依据农村公路工程项目绩效评价的特点,提出可以采用单项指标评价法或模糊综合评价法,并重点对模糊综合评价中的关键技术进行了研究,提出了基于集值统计和重心决策理论的定性指标无量纲化方法,探讨了基于聚类分析和集值统计理论的指标权重的确定方法,分析专家打分的特性,给出了正弦函数Fuzzy评价矩阵模型。根据试点项目的实际调查经验,设计了非常实用的一套调查表格,针对农村公路工程项目调查对象广而多的特点,重点提出了农民群体、工程项目的随机抽样与分层抽样调查样本量的计算方法,为提高调查工作的效率,细化了调查工作的实施策略,使得绩效评价的可操作性十分突出。并以浙江省“乡村康庄工程”为例,对全文所研究的理论进行了实证分析。

【Abstract】 Performance evaluation has been the most effective and direct way of estimating thegovernment, industry or the government public financial payout and budget program. Basedon the remarkable achievements gained in the rural road construction in our country and thebackground that the performance evaluation is underway, the author aimed at exploring a setof thoughts and means propitious to the rural road performance evaluation in order toaccelerate the establishment of a scientific and sound traffic program performance evaluation,with the experience of participating in the ministry of communication’s traffic budgetperformance evaluation experimental item-rural Kangzhuang engineering performanceevaluation in the Zhejiang province.The questions existing in our country’s rural road performance evaluation are raised inthe paper through the analysis to the development and the research status quo of performanceevaluation at home and abroad. According to the main research line , the paper makes aprofound analysis to our country’s government public function and accountability theory,clears the relationship between the rural road and public finance, and defines the concept ofthe rural road performance evaluation. By using Maslow method, the relationship between the objecthas been analyzed. With the SWOT analysis method, the paper still comes up with thedemand and goal of the engineering item performance evaluation.On the basis of practical experiences from the organization and implementation ofperformance appraisal in western countries, using the viewpoint of systematology, a framesystem of performance appraisal on rural highway project in our country is discussed, thecontent system of performance appraisal is mainly investigated, five basic appraisal systemsand two characteristic appraisal systems are brought forward. The Values-Goals-Objectives-Criteria and Standards analytic procedure is explicitly pointed out that it is fit forrural highway project performance appraisal. According to the research mentality of thismethod, mainstream values of contemporary society are summarized, the relation betweenrural highway project and values is discussed, a scientific and reasonable theory index systemand reckoning index system is brought forward. In order for the examination departmentmainly holds the project achievements, based on the ideas of enterprise operationmanagement, a key appraisal index system of KPI is abstracted.Based on the characteristic of performance appraisal on rural highway project, using thesingle index evaluation methodology or fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is proposed, firstly, the key technologies of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation are essentially studied; Secondly ,thestationary index zero dimension method based on collection value statistics and center ofgravity decision theory is put forward; Thirdly ,the method of how to determine the indexweight based on cluster analysis and collection value statistical theory is discussed; Fourthly,the character of expert allocation is analyzed; Finally, the sine function of Fuzzy appraisalmatrix model is given.According to practical experience, a set of tables was designed. As the characteristic ofrural road investigation objects is wide this paper gives a discussion about the method andswatch capacity of the sampling investigation about villagers and projects. In order toimprove the work efficient the material strategy of the investigation was suggested, whichmade the investigation job practical. Finally, this paper analyses the whole theory takingZhejiang Kangzhuang engineering as a example.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 11期

