

Probe into Regional Cluster and Competitive Advantage of Taiwanese Enterprises in Chinese Mainland

【作者】 陈晓东

【导师】 李非;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 区域经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,海峡两岸经贸合作日益密切,经济依存度不断深化,大陆地区业已成为台商投资最为青睐和密集的地区。经过20多年的交流与合作,台商在大陆地区的投资不仅实现了量的突破,而且实现了质的飞跃。毋庸置疑,它为大陆地区经济实现持续、快速、健康发展做出了不可忽视的重大贡献,也为两岸经济合作实现互利共赢奠定了坚实的基础。本文综合运用区域经济学、竞争优势理论、西方经济学、制度经济学、统计学和计量经济学等经济学理论,在前人的研究基础上,厘清并界定了区域集群的内涵及其对竞争优势的作用机理。为评价和分析台资在大陆地区的区域集群和竞争优势,本文建立了区域投资吸引力指标评价体系,对大陆地区31个省、市(区)的投资吸引力进行了细致的评估和比较。同时,运用计量分析方法,比较和分析了全国各主要区域(以厦门市为典型案例)的区域集群程度和竞争优势状况,进而提出当前形势下提升区域集群竞争优势的战略措施。本文创新之处在于:弥补了发展中国家以及台资区域集群个案研究的匮乏,通过实地调研,获得了比较详实的资料;建立了结构较为完整,涵盖较为全面的区域投资吸引力综合指标评价体系,利用该指标评价体系,结合大量详实数据,对大陆地区各区域的投资吸引力进行了系统评价比较,并试图找到区域间发展差异,以及各区域投资吸引力优劣势的互补关系。本文通过研究得出如下主要结论:1.利用区域投资吸引力指标评价体系,对大陆地区31个省、市(区)的投资吸引力进行比较分析的结果,与台商在大陆地区的区域选择排位结果非常接近,显示出投资吸引力与区域集群存在较大的关联性。2.从大陆台资企业的区域集群看:台商投资大陆主要集中在珠江三角洲和长江三角洲,呈现出强烈的集聚特征。其集聚既受国家政策、经济、投资环境和人文环境的影响,又受厂商特性的影响。其中,关联产业是否配套是台商集聚的重要因素之一。3.从台商投资大陆的产业类型与区位选择的关系来看:无论传统产业还是高技术产业,在市场因素、劳动力因素、基础设施、集聚因素等方面既有共同特征,又有不同偏好。高技术产业的未来布局受集聚经济的影响很大,其扩散效应将不明显;而传统产业受劳动力和当地市场的吸引,将逐步青睐中西部配套环境较好的地区。4.台商对大陆地区的投资,从过去以华南沿海地区为“主战场”转向华东沿海地区,并将进一步向环渤海湾经济圈北移扩展。台商对珠三角洲和闽南的投资步伐已明显放缓,投资重点转向以上海为中心,苏南、浙北为两翼的长江三角洲,包括苏州、无锡、常州、杭州、宁波等地。5.产业结构的优化调整与转型升级已经势在必然。台商投资的领域经历了由传统的制造业为主向目前以高科技产业为主的投资形态转变。这些高科技产业的进入对大陆高科技产业的发展起到了一定的拉动作用,有利于加速大陆的产业结构优势升级。6.通过计量分析,全国六大主要区域的区域集群竞争优势排名为:(1)华东地区;(2)中南地区;(3)华北地区;(4)西南地区;(5)东北地区;(6)西北地区。而且,大陆长三角、珠三角等台资企业投资密集的区域,在经历一轮高速成长之后,均进入到产业结构升级和经济转型的重要时期,这已经反映在国家有关政策及资源倾斜的变化上。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and opening-up in China were launched, the cooperation of economy and trade between Chinese mainland and Taiwan is closer, and Chinese mainland has become the most favored and concentrated investment area for Taiwan province. Today, after more than 20 years of economic exchanges and cooperation, the investments in Chinese mainland from Taiwan province have not only realized the breakthrough in amount, but also achieved a qualitative leap. Undoubtedly, it’s one of major contributions to the realization of economic growth at a sustained, fast and sound manner, also established solid basis to achieve mutual benefits between Chinese mainland and Taiwan. The current study, drawing on theoretical methodologies in regional economics, competitive advantage theory, western economics, institutional economics, statistics and econometrics, determines the meaning of regional cluster and the affection to competitive advantage on the basis the foregone researches. To evaluate and analyze the regional cluster and competitive advantage of Taiwan’s investment in the mainland, the current study compares carefully the 31 provinces’ own invested attraction in mainland by establishing index system of invested attraction, analyzes respectively the level of regional cluster and competitive advantage of main districts (take Xia Men City as classic documentation), thus puts forward the corresponding strategic means to promote the competitive advantage of regional cluster. The current study demonstrates its originality in two ways: First, it makes the defects in regional cluster of developing countries complete and obtains quantities of full and accurate data. Second, it establishes the all-around index system of invested attraction.The current study has drawn the following six main conclusions:1. A comparative study of invested attraction of 31 provinces in mainland shows that the result is close to the order of cast very much in region selected by Taiwanese investment, which indicates the obvious relevance between invested attraction and regional cluster.2. The regional cluster of Taiwanese enterprise in mainland shows the investment from Taiwan province mainly concentrate on the Delta of the Pearl Rival and the Yangtze River, which not only is affected by the policy, economy, investment environment and humanity ones, but also influenced by the characteristic property of enterprises. Among them, correlative industry is one of the key factors.3. Judging from the connection between industrial type and region selected of Taiwanese investment in mainland: both the conventional industries and high-tech ones have similar characteristics and different preference in the respects of marketplace factor, labor force factor, infrastructure construction, concentration factor etc. Usually, the future layout of high-tech industries will be affected easily by regional cluster, whose diffuse effect is not obvious. Differently, attracted by the labor force and local market, the conventional industries will favor those Middle West areas with more complete supporting facilities.4. The districts of Taiwanese investment in mainland gradually migrate from South China to East China, thus toward Bohai Rim Economic Circle further in the past 20 years. At present, the investment in Delta of the Pearl Rival and southern Fujian from Taiwan province has already slowed down obviously. Its priority now mainly takes Shanghai as centre, southern Jiangsu , northern Zhejiang including fields such as Suzhou , Wuxi, Chang Zhou City , Hangzhou , Ningbo as the both wings.5. At present, the tendency in optimization and adjustment of industrial structure is certain. As we all known, the field of Taiwanese investment has experienced the pattern change from traditional manufacturing to present high-tech industries. To a certain extent, the joint of the latter has pulled the development of high-tech industries in mainland, and is serves as an important role in accelerating the mainland’s optimization and adjustment of industrial structure.6. The order of competitive advantage of the six main original clusters in mainland are eastern China, south central area; North China, Southwest area, Northeast China, Northwest Territories. Such concentrated areas of investment from Taiwan province as the Delta of the Pearl Rival and the Yangtze River have faced the optimization of industrial structure and transform of economic development after a wheel high speed grow-up, which also reflects the change in related policy and incline to resource in mainland.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 11期
  • 【分类号】F270;F279.2;F224
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】844

