

Study of Treatment and Application of Solar Glass

【作者】 苗向阳

【导师】 包亦望; 石新勇;

【作者基本信息】 中国建筑材料科学研究总院 , 材料学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 世界范围的能源短缺带动了以太阳能为主的可再生可替代能源的发展。作为主要太阳能利用装置太阳能电池和平板太阳能集热器的必备材料,太阳能玻璃的生产、加工和应用日益广泛。太阳能玻璃是一个新兴的产业。我国的太阳能玻璃在短短四五年的时间已经从无到有,一跃而成为了世界上最大的太阳能玻璃生产及供应基地。快速的发展为我国太阳能玻璃行业的崛起带来了契机,同时也暴露出了在技术细节及理论研究方面的滞后。2008年8月,由蚌埠玻璃工业设计研究院、中国凯盛国际工程公司承担的以工程设计为龙头对玻璃生产的相关技术研究项目通过了专家验收,标志着在生产技术研究领域取得了阶段性成果。但在国内,太阳能玻璃加工和应用方面的研究还处于起步阶段。各企业在加工和应用中遇到许多技术问题和障碍,存在一些误区和误解,需要从理论研究角度做一些工作,来进行指导和纠正。本论文的目的即是针对太阳能玻璃加工和应用中出现的问题,进行理论分析和探讨;对一些新技术路线进行探索性研究;为生产实践提供指导性建议。本论文对压花太阳能玻璃表面织构与太阳能透射比关系进行了研究,对表面织构优化设计及光学性能测试方法提出了建议。对太阳能玻璃镀膜增透方法进行了研究。探索了适合在线工业化应用的低成本技术路线。证明采用工业硅溶胶作为介质对太阳能玻璃进行增透具有一定的可行性。通过应力的计算及有限元模拟,对光伏组件中太阳能玻璃的应力状态进行了分析。发现玻璃在典型环境条件下的应力只有1~4Mpa,不是引起玻璃炸裂的主要因素,为结构优化或材料选择提供了理论依据。对基于太阳能玻璃成份、表面结构等不同造成的传热差异进行了分析,为钢化工艺和设备的选择提供了理论指导。概括了光伏中空BIPV组件的典型结构形式,并根据光伏电池的特点对结构合理性进行了推断。通过对太阳能玻璃化学稳定性的分析,证明其在光伏中空BIPV组件中的应用是可行性的。通过上述研究,丰富了现有太阳能玻璃加工及应用方面的知识,对于企业生产活动具有很好的指导作用,为更深入的研究打下了基础。

【Abstract】 The energy shortage all over the world promotes development of the alternative energy source. As the key material in solar PV module and plat solar collector, solar glass is widely used in the recent years.Solar glass is new developing industry. Solar glass trade in China has beening developed rapidly. China is becoming the biggest solar glass producer and supplier.With the development of solar glass business, some technical problem and the absence of theory has occured. August of 2008, a project undertook by China Triumph International Engineering Co.,Ltd. about the product line design and relevent production technology has been indentificated. But the research of solar glass processing and application is still deficient. A project in this field need to be practiced.The thesis is to proceed some theoretical analysis and discuss about the problem in solar glass processing and application. Also to give some study on new technical route and to give some suggestion to the industry.The relation between solar transmittance and glass surface texture has been studied. Some suggestion on surface texture optimization and solar transmittance test method is given.The thesis has given a preliminary study on anti-refletion film on solar glass. A coating technology with lower cost by using industrial grade silica sol is developed.Stress and strain on the glass in the PV module has been modeled and FEM simulated. It is discovered that the stress due to module formation is not the main reason to the glass failure. There are some suggestion for the structure optimazation and material selection.The differnt composition and surface texyure has brought thermal transfer differnce between solar glass and ordinary float glass. So the process of tempering must be modified and the selection of furnace is very important.Tipical BIPV IGU reasonable structure has been summerized.And the result of solar glass chemical stability shows the usability in the BIPV IGU structure.The study of thesis will enrich the knowledge of solar glass processing and application. It is also a base for further study.

【关键词】 太阳能玻璃加工应用技术
【Key words】 Solar glassProcessingApplicationTechnology

