

Research on the History of Chinese Ancient Tuina and Massage

【作者】 王先滨

【导师】 程伟;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江中医药大学 , 中医医史文献, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 中医学历史悠久,从纯粹医药经验的积累,经过理论总结形成体系。中医按摩推拿是中医学的特色疗法之一,其发展规律和历程与中国古代中医学发展并不同步,在相同历史阶段表现出了不同的发展趋势和特点。本文通过对历史文献的梳理,以朝代更替为参照系,整理记述了历代类书、方书和专著中的推拿按摩相关文献。探讨了中国古代由手法医学到按摩最终出现推拿这一名词作为学科代名词的发展历程,并提出中国古代推拿按摩术没有出现独立完整的理论体系的论断。本文从中国古代推拿按摩发展的内在规律出发,将中国古代推拿按摩的发展分为五个阶段:一是从远古至春秋为推拿按摩启源阶段,由于历史久远,实物与文献所承载的信息较为模糊,我们很难知道古人的原意。只能从社会文化综合因素考虑,来揭示其内涵。二是从战国至三国时期,中医学术体系已经建立,但中国古代手法医学尚处于经验积累阶段。三是从西晋至五代,这是中国古代推拿按摩史上的第一个高峰期,按摩成为中医手法学科的法定名称。四是宋金元时期,中医学理论及实践日益丰富,按摩术的发展却出现了停滞。五是明清时期,中国古代推拿按摩术发展出现了巨大的变革。

【Abstract】 Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a long history.There is along-term process from simple accumulation of the valuable medicalexperience to summarization the theory become a comprehensive theorysystem.Although Tuina is a kind of a specialty therapy in Chinesemedicine,but the development course of Tuina and Chinese medicine isasynchronous,and it is shown that they have different developmenttendency and distinctive features at the same historical phase.In this doctoral thesis,Massage-related literatures in all theChinese medical books and scholarly treatises have been collated andrecord.It is discussed the development course of the subject’s name isfrom Chinese ancient manipulation medicine to Massage then finallybecome to Tuina,and disputed the conclusion that Tuina manipulation inancient has no independent and complete systems of theory.Through analyze the inherent law of Chinese ancient Tuinadevelopment;this thesis divides history of Tuina into five phases:thefirst is“embryonic”stage.In this stage it is hard to know the originalmeaning of the ancients because the information in the literatures ofgreat age is fuzzy,so we have to reveal the connotation throughanalyzing social and cultural factors;The second is the stage fromWarring States period to Three Kingdoms Period.In this period,thesystem of TCM scholarly standards has been setup,but the ancientmanipulation medicine was still in the experiential accumulation stage;The third is the stage from the West Jin Dynasty to the Five Dynastiesperiod,this is the first peak in the Chinese Tuina history,in this stageMassage became a legal name;The forth stage is the Song,Jin,YuanDynasties.The theory and practice of TCM were getting richer and morevaried;on the contrary,the development of Massage remained at astandstill;The last one is the Ming,Qing Dynasties.There were significant changes in Chinese ancient Tuina therapy at this period.

【关键词】 推拿按摩理论体系
【Key words】 TuinaMassageSystems of Theory
  • 【分类号】R244.1
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1618

