

Studies on the Optimal Stir-Frying Technology of Thirteen Kinds of Traditional Chinese Medicines

【作者】 李秋红

【导师】 李廷利;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江中医药大学 , 中药学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 中药炮制是中医临床用药一大特色,是人们长期实践中总结出的宝贵财富。开展常用中药炮制工艺的规范化研究,对保证临床药品质量具有重要意义,本课题对菟丝子等十三味中药的最佳炒制工艺进行了研究。采用正交试验方法,以每味药物的标志性化学成分含量变化为指标,确定其最佳炒制工艺;采用不同的含量测定方法,研究每味药物生品与炒品化学成分含量变化;采用不同的药理学实验方法,比较了生品和炒品的药效变化;通过上述研究,以阐明菟丝子等十三味中药炒制工艺的合理性及炒制对药物化学成分、药理作用的影响。研究结果如下:1.确定了菟丝子等十三味中药最佳炒制工艺:(1)菟丝子320℃炒制2分钟;(2)槐米210℃炒制7分钟;(3)山楂235℃炒制8分钟;(4)蔓荆子220℃炒制5分钟;(5)车前子250℃炒制4分钟;(6)桑枝235℃炒制3分钟;(7)知母220℃炒制2分钟;(8)补骨脂220℃炒制3分钟;(9)芡实290℃炒制1分46秒;(10)水红花子345℃炒制1分30秒;(11)紫苏子250℃炒制2分30秒;(12)沙苑子225℃炒制5分钟;(13)决明子280℃炒制3分钟。2.菟丝子等十三味中药生品与炒品主要化学成分变化的研究:2.1菟丝子炒制佳品总黄酮和多糖含量比生品显著升高,菟丝子经清炒、盐炙后,金丝桃苷和槲皮素含量均比生品升高。2.2槐米、蔓荆子、桑枝、补骨脂、紫苏子、知母炒制佳品总黄酮和多糖含量比生品升高;决明子炒制佳品游离蒽醌和多糖含量比生品升高。2.3车前子、芡实炒制佳品比生品总黄酮含量升高,多糖含量降低;沙苑子、水红花子炒制佳品比生品总黄酮含量降低,多糖含量升高;山楂炒制佳品比生品总黄酮和多糖含量均略降低。3.菟丝子‘等十三味中药生品与炒品药效变化的研究:3.1菟丝子炒制佳品甲醇提取物(ME)对DPPH·清除率和总抗氧化能力比生品升高;菟丝子炒制佳品、盐炙品可增强果蝇性活力,延长果蝇寿命,增强小鼠炭廓清能力,还具有抗疲劳,耐缺氧作用,说明菟丝子炮制品能提高机体对有害刺激的非特异性的抵抗力。3.2槐米、车前子、知母、决明子、桑枝、紫苏子、芡实、蔓荆子炒制佳品(ME)对DPPH·清除率和总抗氧化能力比生品升高。3.3水红花子、沙苑子炒制佳品(ME)比生品DPPH·清除率略升高,总抗氧化能力略降低。3.4山楂、补骨脂炒制佳品(ME)对DPPH·清除率和总抗氧化能力比生品略降低。药物炒制发挥增效或减毒作用,炮制对药物物质基础和药效作用具有重要影响。本课题的研究结果为传统中药的炒制提供了试验依据,为进一步规范常用中药的炒制工艺奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 The science of processing Chinese medicine is the major special featureand the valuable wealth of clinical medication summed up in the long-termpracticing in China. The standardized research of the processing Chinesemedicine is of great significance to ensure the quality ofclinical drug. Theoptimal stir-frying technology of the 13 kinds of Chinese medicines has beenresearched in this thesis, such as Cuscuta australis R. Br. etc.Orthogonal experiment has been applied and the optimal stir-fryingtechnology of Chinese medicine has been obtained by multi-index.On thisbasis, We have studied the influence of processing technology to thechemical composition and pharmacological action of drugs. Alteration ofmedicine active component has been compared in the processing products;The difference of pharmacological action has been in spectedbetween crudedrugs and stir-heating drugs. The rationality of the processing parameter hasbeen verified in many ways.Results:1. The optimum stir-frying technology of the 13 kinds of Chinese medicineshas been determined:(1) Dodder Seed was fried 2 min at 320℃.(2)Sophora flower bud was fried 7 min at 210℃.(3)Hawthorn Fruit was fried 8 min at 235℃.(4) Fructus Viticis was fried 5 min at 220℃.(5) Plantain Seed was fried 4 min at 250℃.(6) Mulberry Twig was fried 3 min at 235℃.(7) Common Anemarrhena Rhizome was fried 2 min at 220℃.(8) Psoralea Fruit was fried 3 min at 220℃.(9) Gordon Euryale Seed was fried 1 min and 46s at 290℃;(10) Princes-feather Fruit was fried 1 min and 30s at 345℃.(11) Perillae seed was fried 2 min and 30s at 250℃.(12) Flatstem Milkvetch Seed was fried 5 min at 225℃.(13) Cassia seed was fried 3 min at 280℃. 2. The chemical composition of the 13 kinds of pro and post stir-friedChinese medicines:2.1 Dodder Seed:The flavonoids and polysaccharide content of the optimumstir-fried products increased than crude drugs.The content of hyperoside andquercitrin added in stir-fried and salt-processed products .2.2 The flavonoids and polysaccharide content of the optimum stir-friedproducts increased than crude drugs in some medicines ,such as Sophoraflower bud, hawthorn fruit, mulberry twig, psoralea fruit, perillae seed,Common Anemarrhena Rhizome; The free anthraquinone content of theoptimum stir-fried product increased than crude drugs in cassia seed.2.3 The flavonoids content increased and polysaccharide content decreasedin post processed products of plantain seed and gordon euryale seed. Theflavonoids content decreased and polysaccharide content increased in postprocessed products of princes-feather fruit and flatstem milkvetch seed. Theflavonoids and polysaccharide contentdecreased in post processed productsof hawthorn fruit.3. Pharmacological action of the 13 kinds of pro and post stir-fried Chinesemedicines(ME):3.1 Dodder Seed: The DPPH radical -scavenging efficiency and antioxidationof the optimum stir-fried product increased than crude drugs.Thestir-fried and salt-processed products had the positive effects on sexualvitality and life-span of drosophila, increasing the effects of the carbonclearance, prolonging the swimming time and the living time of mice underthe normal pressure and hypoxia . Above the studies illustrated that theprocessed products of Cuscuta australis R. Br. has significance effect onenhancing immunity.3.2 The DPPH radical -scavenging efficiency and antioxidation of theoptimum stir-fried product increased than crude drugs in somemedicines ,such as Sophora flower bud, plantain seed, common AnemarrhenaRhizome, cassia seed , mulberry twig, gordon euryale seed, Perillae seed. 3.3 The DPPH radical -scavenging efficiency slightly increased, antioxidationslightly decreased in post processed products of princes-feather fruitand flatstem milkvetch seed.3.4 The DPPH radical-scavenging efficiency and antioxidation slightlydecreased in post processed products of hawthorn fruit and psoralea fruit.The preparing process of TCM effects the substantial base andmechanism of increasing effectiveness and detoxication. The results of thisstudy provide the reference for traditional Chinese medicine stir-fryingtechnology and offered the foundation for the standardization research ofstir-frying technology.


