

Based on Constitution Regulation of Warming Yang Approach on Prevention and Treatment of Gastric Cancer Research of Chinese Medicine Literature

【作者】 张向农

【导师】 欧阳兵;

【作者基本信息】 山东中医药大学 , 中医医史文献, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 目的:研究基于体质调理的温阳法防治胃癌的理论依据,阐述温阳法的概念与内涵,探讨胃癌治疗过程中温阳法应用的价值、意义和方法,倡导辨体与辨证论治相结合,为临床实践提供更好的辨治思路,提高中医防、治本病的疗效。方法:中医传统文献学与现代统计学相结合,系统整理古代文献中与胃癌相关的病证记载,查找温阳法治疗胃癌的理论依据;建立现代临床文献数据库,分析胃癌证型、用药规律;通过问卷进行患者体质调查,统计分析胃癌患者体质类型分布情况。结果:基于古今文献研究内容、胃癌患者的体质类型特点与胃癌治疗的关系,以及导师的临床经验和前期研究成果,总结出温阳法是与胃癌发病的体质特点相对应的基本治法。结论:气虚、阳虚是胃癌发病的重要原因,温阳法是基于胃癌患者体质特点需要的治疗方法,临床辨体与辨证相结合,可以更好的针对病因进行治疗。温阳法与益气健脾法均是胃癌治疗过程中不可忽视的基本治法。

【Abstract】 Objective: To explore the constitutional distribution rule for gastric stomach cancer patients, describe the value and purpose applied by using warming yang approach to gastric stomach cancer, obtain integration of between syndromes differentiation and distinguishing regimen and offer better ideas for syndromes differentiation in clinical practice to improve the curative effect for preventing and treating gastric cancer.Method: Integration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) bibliography and modern statistics, to systematic review the records related to stomach cancer, set up correlated database, analyze the types of syndrome and medication rule by using constitution questionnaire, aims to analyze constitution distribution for stomach cancer patients.Result: The constitution characteristic of stomach cancer was summarized with essential therapeutic rules based on comparing with literature review. The relationship between the constitution types and pathogenetic phenomenon of stomach cancer, as well as clinical experience and research outcomes early days was also summarized.Conclusion: The constitution characteristic of stomach cancer were related deficiency of vital energy and yang asthenia. Therefore essential therapeutic rules were used focusing to warming yang and nourishing qi to invigorate spleen qi, In clinical practice, the warming yang approach could be an increased significance with integration of syndromes differentiation and constitution analysis in clinical practice to treat stomach cancer with aid of analyzing etiological factor and pathogenesis of the disease.

  • 【分类号】R273
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】425

