

Research on Academic Schools in Dermatology of Chinese Medicine

【作者】 赵颖

【导师】 王振国;

【作者基本信息】 山东中医药大学 , 中医医史文献, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 中医学术流派是指中医学同一个学科内,因不同的师承而形成的以独特的研究旨趣、技艺、方法为基础的不同学术派别。迄今为止,在中医皮肤科学术领域尚未有学术流派的划分。本研究旨在通过对中医学术流派有关问题的梳理,试分析中医学术流派发生发展的规律,并通过对中医皮肤科领域名家及其学术传人的生平、成就与影响、治学特点、学术思想的挖掘整理等,探讨中医皮肤科学术流派是否已经形成,并揭示各学术流派的历史沿革、学术特点等,开创中医临床学术流派研究的新领域。本研究以文献学方法为主,根据拟定的“中医皮肤科学术流派标准”,对符合条件的名医及其学术传人的论文、著作、医案、医话等进行了系统挖掘、整理,并结合口述资料,首次在中医皮肤科领域以赵炳南、朱仁康、顾伯华为核心进行了学术流派的划分与流派学术特点的系统总结。研究认为,以赵炳南、朱仁康、顾伯华为核心的三大中医皮肤科学术流派已经形成,而且各流派与明清时代的外科学流派有着学术上的渊源关系。

【Abstract】 Academic schools of Chinese medicine are characterized by unique interests, skills, methods because of succession of different teachers in a same subject. So far, academic schools in Dermatology of Chinese medicine have not yet been carried out.The study aims to analyze the occurrence and development law of academic schools in Chinese medicine by collating some related topics to find out whether academic schools in Dermatology have come into being,also to summarize the evolution and academic characters of them by collating the academic life and achievements, scholarship characteristics and academic thoughts of famous dermatological doctors and their disciples . The study also hopes to create new research fields on clinical academic schools.With literature research method, combined with oral materials, for the first time academic schools in Chinese medicine Dermatology are put out by studing the academic papers, books, medical cases, medical words of Zhao Bingnan, Zhu Renkang, Gu Bohua and their disciples. Three academic schools of Chinese medicine Dermatology have formed according to the“Standard of Judgment”made for the study,and their academic ideas originate from those of the surgery academic schools in Ming and Qing Dynasties of Chinese medicine.

  • 【分类号】R249;R275
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】947

