

Study on the Effects of Artery Elasticity of Spontaneous Hypertension Rats with the Treatment of Tonifying the Kidney Qi

【作者】 涂晓龙

【导师】 郭伟星;

【作者基本信息】 山东中医药大学 , 中医内科学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 目的:探讨补益肾气法对高血压血管弹性和高血压进程的影响,并揭示其可能的作用机制。方法:在“补益肾气法治疗老年人高血压的研究”课题前期研究基础上,从理论研究、文献评述、实验研究(血压、主动脉胶原分布、含量的变化,NO、ET-1)三个方面探讨补益肾气法的作用机制。以自发性高血压大鼠为模型,采用随机分组法分为阴性对照组(模型组)、益肾降压合剂高、低剂量组、阳性对照组(拉西地平)。给予相应药物(益肾降压合剂、拉西地平)连续灌胃共8周。测定给药前及给药后收缩压和心率动态变化,硝酸还原酶法测定NO、放射性免疫法测定ET-1。取自发性高血压大鼠胸主动脉,采用Masson氏三色法染动脉胶原和sirius red苦味酸染色法行胶原特殊染色,用德国leica公司Qwin V3图像分析软件系统软件进行图像分析,计算胶原面积与统计场总面积比值。Ⅰ型胶原(ColⅠ)和Ⅲ型胶原(ColⅢ)采用免疫组织化学染色方法(SP法) ,图像分析经标准灰度校正后,计算胶原面积与统计场总面积比值。结果:益肾降压合剂可明显地降低自发性高血压大鼠的收缩压及心率;调节血管活性物质,升高NO含量、降低ET水平;使主动脉胶原含量降低,Ⅰ型、Ⅲ型胶原表达减少。结论:补益肾气法能平稳地控制血压,治疗延缓了SHR血压发展进程,能够改善自发性高血压大鼠动脉弹性及血管的异常舒缩功能,是防治高血压病及其并发症的可靠方法。

【Abstract】 Objective: Discuss the effects on artery elasticity (pachynsis, funciton of blood vessles) and process of hypertension with the treatment of tonifying the kidney qi, and reveal the possible mechanism of its function.Method: Base on the initial study of the research project of“Study on treating hypertension of the aged with the treatment of tonifying the kidney qi”, discuss the functional mechanism of the treatment of tonifying the kidney qi from 3 aspects, such as study on theory, documental commentation and experimentation. Choose spontaneous hypertension rats as models, seperate them randomly into 4 groups by stratification-group procedure, such as negative control group (model group), group of taking Yishenjiangya Mixture with high or low dose and positive control group (lacidipine group). Give them relevant medicines (Yishenjiangya Mixture or lacidipine) by intragastric administration for 8 weeks. Detect the systolic pressure and heart rate before and after administration, detect NO by Nitrate reductase method, detect ET by radioimmunoassay. Observe the alleosis of aorta thoracalis, stain the collagens of the Aortic by masson trichrome coloration and Sirius red staining method, stain ColⅠand ColⅢby immunohistochemical staining method (SP method ), calculate the contents of the collagens.Results: Yishenjiangya Mixture can obviously decrease the systolic pressure and heart rate of the spontaneous hypertension rats, adjust vasoactive substance, heighten the contents of NO, lower ET level; lower the contents of collagen in arteries, decrease the positive express; lower the contents of CollagenⅠandⅢ, decrease the possitive express.Conclusion: The treatment of tonifying the kidney qi can control the blood pressure placidly, treat and defer the developmental process of SHR blood pressure. It can heighten the contents of NO, lower ET level, so that can lower the contents of collagens in arteries, improve the artery elasticity and abnormal diastolic- contractive function. Taking tonify-the-kidney-qi as the treatmental principle for hypertension of the aged is an effective therapy to accord the pathogenesis.

  • 【分类号】R259
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】187

