

The Study of Corporate Art Sponsorship

【作者】 邱慧君

【导师】 王文章;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 艺术学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 企业赞助艺术在欧美早已成为传统,而今这一传统正在面临着本质性的转变——从企业对艺术的单方面慈善性资助,转向企业与艺术的双方面互动性合作。目前中国的企业赞助艺术尚处在新生阶段,并未脱离这一世界性的本质转变的大趋势。本文就是从策略性合作角度为切入,来分析这一趋势中的诸多现象,并以此来研究企业对艺术赞助行为的本质与应当遵循的规律。本文包含绪论及结论一共六个章节。本文开篇为企业赞助艺术下定义,并定位艺术管理为企业赞助艺术的中间平台角色。第一章中依据管理学、经济学、社会学的理论以及结合实际调研的经验,笔者在第三章中总结出企业赞助艺术的策略性合作模式,以及在第四章中强调其目的是提出关于企业与艺术在合作过程中如何达成平等地位以保有艺术的自主性的方式,并通过艺术营销及艺术品牌来提升艺术竞争力。企业赞助艺术的策略性合作模式,首先由艺术管理者对于赞助的观念性转变,以创造新价值。而策略性的合作规划,是先从分析企业与艺术双方的优势与劣势著手,以取长补短的方式来创造新价值,使双方都在市场中获得竞争优势;在艺术与企业在合作过程中,艺术管理者本着双方利益的需求,在平等、互利互惠为原则的基础下,协助双方的合作以价值交换的方式进行,并通过高效的获利模式,获取各取所需的利益,最终使得企业与艺术的合作达到良性循环。本文为企业与艺术合作模式的可持续性,总结出一个简单的公式:依据双方需求的策略性规划:价值交换模式+获利合理分分配=可持续发展的合作模式。在快速发展的今天,中国的企业赞助艺术,已经顺应国情地发展出独具中国特色的企业与艺术合作模式。通过艺术管理作为艺术与企业的媒介,建立起完美的创新组合,讲究策略地发展多赢的合作,以达到全面发展的目的。

【Abstract】 The Corporate arts sponsorship is growing up from unilateral subsidize, which has been a tradition in Europe and America, to interactive cooperation of both corporate and art. It’s the universal trend that Chinese was engulfed involuntarily, even enterprisers and artists in China just realized the potential value of each other. Through the professional sensitivity of an art manager, the author bring into focus the strategic corporate act of enterprisers and artists and analyzes the typical phenomenon in order to explore the essence of corporate arts sponsorship and expose its following regulations.Including the introduction and conclusion, this thesis embodies totally six chapters. The first chapters are for defining the art sponsorship and art management. According to theories of Management, economics, sociology and experiences of investigation, the author uses chapters III to conclude the strategic cooperation model of corporate arts sponsorship, and chapters IV to demonstrate the main goal of art sponsorship that is to achieve an equal status in the mutual cooperation, keep the independence of art and promote its competitive strength through art marketing.Conducted by the art managers, the strategic cooperation model begins with strategic cooperative plan and analyzes advantages roundly of both sides so that artists and enterprisers can learn from other’s strong points to offset their own weakness then produce new value; Meanwhile, during the cooperation process, art and companies have been exchanging the value according as the principle of equality and reciprocity so as to make it a virtuous circle of the cooperation finally.The conclusion of this thesis can be simplified into a formula as follow:Based on the mutual need strategic planning: exchange for value model + appropriate profit distribution =Sustainable cooperation modelWith the rapid development of present society, corporate arts sponsorship in China has been developing a characteristic, just as suited to China’s particular conditions and the cooperation model between corporate and art. Through the medium of art management, an innovative cooperative entity shall be built and a win-win strategic cooperation shall be carried out in order to make the goal of fully development.


